Are the intelligentsia the bearers of the highest ideals or the shame of the nation?
These people had different professions, could belong to any political party or not, but they were united in their rejection of the existing order in relation to the common people, they understood that this should not continue. All people should have equal rights and opportunities.
The intelligentsia is a special Russian phenomenon that arose under the influence of our mentality. There is no such thing anywhere in the world! And it cannot be, because it could arise only in people for whom the general is more important than the personal. This priority is characteristic only of the Russian mentality. Why this is so and what is the role of the intelligentsia in the life of the Russian World, the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help us to understand.
About the Russian mentality
Mentality is a common system of values and priorities for the people, formed under the influence of climate and other natural conditions. Our Russian urethral-muscular mentality was formed on the vast expanses of steppes and impenetrable forests, in conditions not suitable for life.
This explains the low population density of the territories. The people were surrounded by uninhabited, unexplored land, terra incognita, in contrast to the densely populated Europe. There was where to turn around, but it was only possible to survive together, helping each other and even sacrificing themselves in the name of saving the rest.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals to us all the features of the urethral vector, including the nature of his desire to develop new territories. The urethral chief always wants to expand the living space for his pack. Each desire is given properties for its implementation, and a person with an urethral vector is given unrestrained courage, overflowing vital energy, the ability to lead people.
All members of the pack unite around the leader, feeling safety and security. He ensures everyone receives according to shortages, that is, not equally, but justly, and he himself becomes the embodiment of justice. The main characteristic of the urethral vector is its natural altruism. Hence the breadth of nature of a person with a Russian mentality, who is ready to give up everything, literally taking off his last shirt.
But to live in such difficult conditions, you need unlimited patience and endurance, the ability to endure hardships and stand up for your own people, which include all members of the pack. All these are properties of the muscle vector.
This is how our urethral-muscular mentality was formed - with our ineradicable collectivism, willingness to give back, with courage, courage, as well as resilience in the face of adversity, endless patience and mutual assistance.
The intelligentsia is a Russian phenomenon
With the emergence of capitalism in Russia, a need arose for a variety of specialists. This led to the expansion of education, made it more accessible not only for members of the nobility, but also for commoners.
Thus, in the 19th century, people from different social strata, with different upbringing, with different material capabilities began to engage in mental labor. They were all united by a high level of culture, which determines the understanding of not just the preservation of life, but the creation of human conditions for every human being.
As a result, under the influence of education and the Russian mentality, a similar attitude arose, based on spirituality and morality.

Naturally, people with the ability to learn received a special education, that is, applying the knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, we understand that these were people with upper vectors - visual and sound, based on the lower ones - anal and skin, in certain “male "and" female "combinations (more on the training).
The visual vector makes an intellectual out of a person and endows its owner with the ability to sympathy and empathy. The anal vector has an excellent memory and a desire to accumulate knowledge. The sound vector generates ideas about social transformations and, in combination with the skin vector, seeks to translate them into reality.
Such is the combination! It led to the emergence of social activity in this intellectual environment.
Visual sympathy and anal patriotism did not allow them to stay in aloof joy from the consciousness of their own successes, their own well-being. Conscience and high moral sense did not allow them to limit themselves to charity: gave a pretty penny to a beggar and sleep well!
Not! They could not be indifferent to the fate of their unfortunate compatriots, peasants and workers, whom the upper strata of society called cattle. They saw their hard life and sought to change it for the better, so that they did not need anyone's handouts and could lead a life worthy of a human being.
In a country where the concept of justice is based on the mental level, this justice did not exist for the overwhelming majority of the population. The most conscientious and compassionate part of the nation, possessing anal and visual vectors, could not indifferently put up with this state of affairs.
These people had different professions, could belong to any political party or not, but they were united in their rejection of the existing order in relation to the common people, they understood that this should not continue. All people should have equal rights and opportunities.
These ideas were just in the air. Representatives of the intelligentsia were ready to give up their own estate privileges for the sake of the common good. Educated young ladies "went to the people" to teach peasants to read and write, to educate them. Now, about a hundred years later, it is already difficult to imagine a peasant life, practically powerless, without medical assistance, in huts with an earthen floor, often together with cattle.
Some sound experts believed that it was possible to change life for the better by eliminating the king and his dignitaries in power. Skin sound specialists, fanatically devoted to this lofty idea, sacrificed their lives, arranging assassination attempts on the king and other high-ranking officials of the state. The revolutionary movement gradually embraced the entire country, and the educated part of society supported and approved of its spread.
This is how an exclusively Russian moral and ethical phenomenon developed. It is based on educated people who confirm high spirituality and morality with their lives - the intelligentsia.
Soviet intelligentsia
The Soviet Union was a country of workers and peasants, but its leaders understood the importance of culture for such a state, and therefore special conditions were created for the intelligentsia.
Actors, writers, poets, musicians, and other artists were held in high esteem. They were considered almost the upper class. They were awarded orders, honorary titles, and prizes for their works.
All conditions have been created in the country for the development of talents. There were a variety of free clubs, music and art schools. It was possible to continue education in schools and higher educational institutions. Their graduates were sent to work as teachers in the same music and art schools, in urban and rural palaces of culture.

However, many of them considered themselves worthy to be soloists of large orchestras or prima of opera houses. There were not enough theaters and orchestras for everyone, and that is why many sufficiently talented people felt unvalued, unfulfilled and, therefore, dissatisfied. The trouble at that time was the lack of officials capable of solving the problem of the realization of creative personalities.
The censorship contributed to this discontent. She selected for us all the best that appeared abroad in culture and art. We watched the best films, read only the best authors and believed that everything was at this level. Assessing what was happening then through the prism of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, it is quite easy to understand that as a result, censorship brought up admiration for the West in Soviet people - no matter how paradoxical it may sound.
Our cultural figures looked behind the Iron Curtain with envy and imagined themselves limited by the censorship, which prevents them from fully expressing their talent. They had no idea what it was like to live and create in conditions of free competition!
Many felt themselves to be unrecognized geniuses and therefore considered themselves entitled to "bite the hand that fed them." By all available means, representatives of art and culture expressed hostility to the Soviet regime. Their opinion was authoritative for most of the population and therefore had a destructive effect.
If it were not for such a mood of the intelligentsia, perhaps the Soviet Union could have been saved and thus saved millions of people from great suffering. But they were overshadowed by the fees of foreign stars, and they contributed as best they could to the disintegration of the country.
Democratic change
However, hopes for worldwide recognition did not materialize. Those cultural figures who were banned in Soviet times, after perestroika turned out to be of no use to anyone either in the West or in the new Russia. Of course, they got the opportunity to throw out all sorts of nasty things on the screens and pages of books. But this did not bring them any fame or money. Their hopes were buried under the rubble of the old government!
In research institutes, salaries were not paid, theaters were closed, films were not shot, books were printed in scanty print runs. Many formerly famous and well-paid intellectuals have learned the taste of poverty. They were offended by the authorities, by life, they considered others to be guilty, not feeling their guilt for everything that happened to the country.
Of course, it was bitter to realize that they were so educated, good, smart, talented did not get anything, while others who did not possess their dignity were shoveling money.
In those theaters that survived the time of troubles, a completely different audience appeared, not distinguished by delicate taste. Alla Demidova once said that the actors were reduced to the level of waiters. And this is after the exaltation of their role in Soviet times! It's a shame!
However, in one way or another there are many offended in the country. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that they, like other people, have tendencies towards unification. Here a lot depends on their level of development and the presence of other vectors. This is how some offended owners of the anal vector unite into groups of nationalists. The anal-visual ones also want to complain to each other, share their common feelings, hatred for the authorities, for the country - there are many of them among the so-called "opposition".
They are so stuck in their hatred that they do not see the positive changes taking place in the country in recent years. They do not notice how life is changing - people are gradually emerging from poverty, store shelves are filling, housing is being built, industry is being restored, and the army is growing stronger. Many members of the intelligentsia are contributing to these transformations, but, unfortunately, not all.

The part of the intelligentsia calling itself the opposition looks more like traitors to their homeland. They live on grants from foreign foundations, not wanting to see that Western handouts are purposefully paying for undermining the foundations of our country from within. They are bribed not only with money, but also with rewards from overseas, since anal-visual people are too greedy for praise. Unfortunately, our country had an extremely painful experience when one of these came to power. It's about the collapse of the USSR.
Who are they?
The opposition for the most part is now represented by people unfulfilled, offended, frustrated, driven not by the interests of society, but by their little truth. They advocate values that are not characteristic of our people, and attempts to reshape us according to the Western model are destructive, we are different in terms of our worldview. They rewrite history and defame the glorious past of our country, however, for them the Motherland has long become "this country".
Having once embarked on the path of dissidence, they were stuck in that state - as in the joke about the partisans who continue to derail trains, not knowing that the war was over long ago.
Stuck in the past, by the way, is another characteristic of the anal vector. People with this vector are generally big fans of looking back - both in a bad and in a good way.
Good is when the most important and valuable information from the past is washed up like golden dust and passed on to future generations. Man as a species knows how to accumulate previous experience, this is our fundamental difference from animals.
In the bad - when endlessly digging into the past, people do not notice the present, they slow down the movement forward into the future. And, of course, such a state is destructive both for society in general and for the person himself in particular.
When a person with an anal vector does not see any positive in the present, when he is overwhelmed with negative emotions, is not realized, experiences a growing pressure from within - these are very difficult sensations that cannot be kept inside oneself. He spills out all the negative. In what form depends on the combination of vectors and the degree of their development; the portal's library has many articles on this topic.
Lost moral guidelines, offended and frustrated anal-visual "ordinary scoundrel" under the guise of criticism, is engaged in blaming everything and everyone. Sometimes this criticism looks quite intelligent, pseudo-scientific, convincing and justified - in form. But in fact - dirt and a desire to harm.
The systemic view gives us the opportunity behind any words and slogans, no matter how plausible and convincing they sound, no matter how philanthropic or pseudo-democratic ideas they hide behind, to recognize the deep essence of what is happening.
The main task of the intelligentsia
Fortunately, among our scientific and creative intelligentsia there is a huge number of people of high moral standards. It was they who continued to shoot highly artistic films in the absence of funding, continued to work in scientific institutes without a salary, without any hope of remuneration, even moral. These people refused to sell their inventions abroad for huge money, did not leave their country in difficult years.

Thanks to them, it was possible to preserve the space industry, now the defense power of our state is being restored by their labor. There is still a lot to be corrected after some absurd transformations carried out with the approval of the same "best" part of society.
It is especially important to remove the "devastation" in the heads - this is the main task of the intelligentsia in our country! This requires a well-organized education, as well as the psychological improvement of society.
Psychological recovery is getting rid of serious conditions, such as depression and related drug addiction, alcoholism, heavy grievances that deprive a person of a normal life. Any bad states go away when their cause is recognized through recognition of the deep mechanisms of the human psyche.
Mental health makes it possible to realize one's abilities, including creative ones, which, firstly, will lead to a feeling of stability in society and material prosperity, and secondly, it will bring satisfaction from one's activities, relieve dissatisfaction with oneself and life.
Such psychological recovery, as a result of understanding one's own unconscious and the unconscious of others, is provided by the study of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
Already, thousands of people, after completing the training, have not only restored their mental health, established relationships with loved ones, but also managed to become more effective in their professions. Therefore, they now bring more benefits to the whole society: they teach better, heal better, write better, manage better and better understand the processes taking place in society. They live meaningfully and cannot be manipulated.
You can register for the free training sessions "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan here.