Practical psychology

Prevention Of Suicide In Children And Adolescents

Prevention Of Suicide In Children And Adolescents

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

When we were in school, the word SUICID did not even sound within the school walls, and new reports of child suicide did not appear in the news bulletins every day. Today, Russian teachers are obliged to prescribe so-called suicide prevention in the educational plan for working with students. It includes class hours, parenting meetings on this topic

Childfree. Freedom From A Child - Freedom From What?

Childfree. Freedom From A Child - Freedom From What?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Why aren't childfree ready to continue in space and time?

Children's Aggression In The Network. An Avatar Executioner And A Bloody Blog. Here I Am Real

Children's Aggression In The Network. An Avatar Executioner And A Bloody Blog. Here I Am Real

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The Internet is generally the only place where you can be yourself. Really, without looking at the tons of far-fetched restrictions on ordinary life - culture, morality, morality, decency, laws

Mom, Give Birth To Me Back! Effective Relief From Postpartum Depression

Mom, Give Birth To Me Back! Effective Relief From Postpartum Depression

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

I was waiting for this baby so much, I wanted so much, I just dreamed of him, presenting pleasant chores and the joy of communicating with my beloved child. Being pregnant, I stroked my stomach and talked to him, turned on classical music, read, did gymnastics and followed all the recommendations of the doctors

Psychology And Pedagogy - Systems Understanding

Psychology And Pedagogy - Systems Understanding

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Few sciences, both in the past and today, are subject to such widespread public condemnation and accusations of pseudoscience like pedagogy and psychology. This is despite the fact that interest in these disciplines is steadily increasing. The need for solving psychological and pedagogical problems is becoming urgent and in many respects determining the future of mankind

Makarenko Technique

Makarenko Technique

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

My most vivid recollection from the course on pedagogy is a lecture on the methodology of Anton Semyonovich Makarenko. I remember that it struck me how, in a short time, one teacher was able to bring up worthy citizens of the Soviet state from the street children who had been written down by society as trash

Raising Children In A Family: A Stranger Among Friends

Raising Children In A Family: A Stranger Among Friends

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

No matter how much they talk about the crisis of the family, family education of children is still preferred among other types of human education. It is in the family that the child receives the first experience of socialization, begins to understand the roles of people in society, tries to find his place in the human flock. In a family environment, a person learns cooperation and empathy, gets the first idea of the interdependence of each and every one

Cecile Lupan Early Development Methodology

Cecile Lupan Early Development Methodology

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Sooner or later, a book by French actress Cecile Lupan "Believe in your child" falls into the hands of parents interested in methods of early child development

Methodology Of Maria Montesorri. Methodology For The Early Development Of Maria Montessori. Montessori Development - What Is It?

Methodology Of Maria Montesorri. Methodology For The Early Development Of Maria Montessori. Montessori Development - What Is It?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Maria Montessori's early development method Today Montessori pedagogy is actively used both in preschool educational institutions and by parents at home. At the same time, disputes around the method developed at the beginning of the 20th century by an Italian teacher, doctor of medicine Maria Montessori, still do not subside

Child Psychology About Adolescent Behavior: NOT Adaptable To The Parent's Head

Child Psychology About Adolescent Behavior: NOT Adaptable To The Parent's Head

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Uncontrollable child running from home; a juvenile thief - a frequenter of the children's room of the police; an addicted teenager alienated from the real world; a sadistic child who enthusiastically kills animals; A 15-year-old prostitute with experience … Psychologists are unable to somehow influence uncontrollable teenage behavior. What to say - even just to understand the "problem" child, all knowledge of child and adolescent psychology taken together does not help. What to do?

The Child Is Behind The Fence. Generation Of Not Our Children

The Child Is Behind The Fence. Generation Of Not Our Children

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Ours is a stranger Our children … And who are not ours? - Neighborhood? Orphanages? From a juvenile colony? Or are they simply not ours - are they those who were not born in our families? Do they play any role in our life? Yes, sorry for them, sad fate, but what exactly do they mean for us? Is it important for us how the child of the parents fighting behind the wall will grow up?

Mommy's Kids. By The Handle With My Son

Mommy's Kids. By The Handle With My Son

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Mom knows better! Modern mothers … the smartest, most caring and loving, well-read and literate. They always know what is necessary, useful and good for children, and what is unnecessary, harmful or bad. From the first days of the baby's life, they vigilantly watch so that they do not fall, do not bump, do not choke, do not freeze, do not get hungry, do not get lost, do not get in touch with a bad company, do not enter an unpromising university, do not marry this impostor

Republic Of ShKiD - An Orphanage Of Our Time

Republic Of ShKiD - An Orphanage Of Our Time

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

At present, the number of orphans in our country is several times higher than after the Great Patriotic War. Moreover, if in the post-war period social welfare institutions for children dealt with orphans, now social shelters and orphanages are replenished mainly by children whose parents are alive and well. In most cases, they preferred the "sweet" life to raising children. Alcohol, drugs, life scenario "stole - drank - in prison" every year increase the number

Pornography As A Cause Of Failure Of Pair Relationships

Pornography As A Cause Of Failure Of Pair Relationships

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Oil painting: a grown man in his 30s is single, sits at home in the evenings and watches porn. No wonder, because finding an erotic video on the Internet is easier than ordering pizza at home. You can find anyone, even for the most demanding taste. The Internet offers a wide variety of shapes, skin color, number of participants. You can find porn with any plot, porn that will meet any sexual fantasy

Puberty: Puberty Is Not As Bad As Its Consequences

Puberty: Puberty Is Not As Bad As Its Consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"Mother! My period has started! "

It's Hard To Be A Mother. From Fear And Helplessness To The Joy Of Motherhood

It's Hard To Be A Mother. From Fear And Helplessness To The Joy Of Motherhood

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Advise me something, I'm just all exhausted! He is constantly crying, he needs something endlessly, and I can't get away from him a single step! What? You say take it with you in a sling? Well, you understand

Boy-not-Kibalchish. How To Avoid Becoming A Victim

Boy-not-Kibalchish. How To Avoid Becoming A Victim

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Since childhood, he was an open, sociable boy, he made contact with everyone, strove to be friends and was always so happy with new friends. But instead of friendly relations, he was mocked, teased, bullied. Weak, with a slender build, he had no addiction to sports and was often ill. He was afraid of his offenders, did not know how to stand up for himself and began to come home with bruises. From an open and sociable boy, he turned into a twitchy and fearful animal. Afraid to go to school

Showdown In The Sandbox, Or What If The Child Fights?

Showdown In The Sandbox, Or What If The Child Fights?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The child beats other children

Showdown In The Sandbox. Part 3. From Superhero To Broken Nose

Showdown In The Sandbox. Part 3. From Superhero To Broken Nose

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The availability of information, entertainment of any kind, including violent computer games, films with fights, shootouts, bloodshed, comics, anime, videos, cartoons, TV shows, etc., leads to the fact that children begin to behave in the same way in real life. life. Feeling dislike, they immediately hit, as virtual heroes do. It seems to children that giving it in the eye is cool. They try to imitate their favorite hero. And if you interact with peers in a different way, except to feel dislike

Showdown In The Sandbox. Part 2. Why Do Children Fight?

Showdown In The Sandbox. Part 2. Why Do Children Fight?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1 If we have more or less figured out the reasons for the aggressive reactions of babies who have not yet learned to express their desires in a different way, then the question naturally arises - why do older children fight?

The Hardships Of Motherhood. Why Do I Feel Like An Incomplete Mommy?

The Hardships Of Motherhood. Why Do I Feel Like An Incomplete Mommy?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

As a child, like many children, I was often asked: "What will you be when you grow up?" And I, without hesitation, answered: "The teacher

"And Why Did I Give Birth To You, A Freak ?!" Why Parents Say Nasty Things To Their Children

"And Why Did I Give Birth To You, A Freak ?!" Why Parents Say Nasty Things To Their Children

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

“What kind of idiot are you ?! Can't do anything normally! Where do you get your hands from, you stupid one? " - I hear the screams of a young mother screaming at the entrance to her six-year-old child. The heart begins to pound madly, tears appear in the eyes. “You will never succeed! Who needs you like that ?! …”It's scary to look at a child. He just froze in hopelessness. It feels like his whole world is crumbling inside him now. That is how it is

Early Childhood Autism: Causes, Signs, Types And Treatment Of Children With ASD

Early Childhood Autism: Causes, Signs, Types And Treatment Of Children With ASD

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The number of unusual, special children being diagnosed with early childhood autism or autism spectrum disorder is growing every year. In 2000, it was estimated that 5 to 26 people in every 10,000 children suffer from early childhood autism. Already in 2008, the World Autism Organization published much more significant figures: 1 child with early childhood autism for every 150 children. In 2014, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 1 in 68 children in

Mommy, Why? "I Will Never Come Back Here" By Rolan Bykov

Mommy, Why? "I Will Never Come Back Here" By Rolan Bykov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

There will come a terrible time when mothers will not care about their children. When from the first days of life children learn what it means "the strongest survives." When the helpless little body will itself try to cling to its little awkward little hands for the life that is eluding it. Look around, maybe this time has come long ago?

Domestic Violence Against Children - How To Protect Our Children From Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Against Children - How To Protect Our Children From Domestic Violence

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Domestic violence against children: the sword of Damocles over the fate of humanity What is the cause of domestic violence in the family? Where does the problem of cruel treatment, physical and psychological abuse of children and women come from among quite worthy, at first glance, people?

How To Cope With The Death Of A Child: Advice From A Psychologist To Parents

How To Cope With The Death Of A Child: Advice From A Psychologist To Parents

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Question from Irina, St. Petersburg: When will the lectures be? How to learn to live again if children have died and you don't want to live? Tatiana Sosnovskaya, teacher, psychologist answers: There is probably nothing worse in this world than when parents have to bury their own children. There is something wrong, unnatural in this. The world turns upside down and turns from white to black. How to survive the death of children when their whole life was devoted to them?

Child Development In An Orphanage - Raising Happy Good Children

Child Development In An Orphanage - Raising Happy Good Children

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Question from Nadezhda, Moscow: “Yuri, how then does a child develop in an orphanage? After all, children from the orphanage do not have a sense of security and safety !!! Is there really nothing you can do? " Victoria Vinnikova, mathematics teacher answers: Nadezhda, thank you for bringing up a difficult and painful topic for many. Your question about how a child develops in an orphanage worries teachers, psychologists, physicians, and just caring people

When The Parents Split Up. Mom, Dad, It's Not My Fault

When The Parents Split Up. Mom, Dad, It's Not My Fault

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

“I remember the time when mom and dad were together. And then dad left, and immediately it became so lonely! There is no one to play football with on the street. There is no one to discuss cars with. Life seemed to slow down. And only mom walks with a tear-stained face and repeats: “Dad is a goat! Why did I just get involved in a relationship with him? Why did I marry this freak? After all, it was clear from the very beginning that nothing good would come of it! "

While We Sleep, They Teach Our Children How To Commit Suicide

While We Sleep, They Teach Our Children How To Commit Suicide

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Every parent wants their child to be happy. Therefore, he tries to educate him with all his might: to give knowledge, to teach good, to protect him from bad. But in the modern world, good from bad is not so easy to distinguish. Our parents were afraid of the negative impact of the street on their child. There were bullies and other negative personalities who could harm the child or teach him bad

I Beat My Daughter! I'm Ashamed And Scared

I Beat My Daughter! I'm Ashamed And Scared

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The voice on the telephone was muffled. The woman could be heard taking a puff and exhaling cigarette smoke: “Something is wrong with me. I can’t take it anymore.” Then for a few more minutes I listened to curses mixed with sobs and sobs. Then desperate: “I beat her like a dog! Shames me in front of people! And I myself am suffering now: I love her, she is my only child, I live for her! After all, I plow like a horse without days off and holidays! What is happening to me?"

Not A Mother, Not A Father, Or A Thief From An Honest Family

Not A Mother, Not A Father, Or A Thief From An Honest Family

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Tears run down my cheeks in an uncontrollable stream, not bringing relief. This is the last memorial service for the dissolute life of my stupid sister. I no longer want and cannot communicate with this monster, for which there is nothing sacred

For Mom, For Dad, For Grandmother Or An Attitude To Food Is An Attitude To Life

For Mom, For Dad, For Grandmother Or An Attitude To Food Is An Attitude To Life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Many of us were forced to eat in childhood. Someone was persuaded: "Mom cooked, tried not to throw it out!" "Give for mom, for dad, for grandmother, for a pussycat!" "Open your mouth, the airplane is flying!" Someone using threats and intimidation:

The Crisis Of Three Years: The Formation Of The Child's Self-awareness. Part 1

The Crisis Of Three Years: The Formation Of The Child's Self-awareness. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Briefly - about age crises Age crises refer to the normative changes necessary for normal progressive mental development. In general, age crises that a person consistently goes through throughout life are accompanied by cardinal restructuring of the psyche in connection with the transition from one stage of development to another and a change in the social situation of development (L. S. Vygotsky), as well as leading activity (D. B. Elkonin)

Child 1 Year: How To Develop A Child At 1 Year Old And What To Play

Child 1 Year: How To Develop A Child At 1 Year Old And What To Play

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The first year of your baby's life has passed. Behind were the diapers and undershirts, the first lures and other worries of an early age. Now the little researcher stands on his own legs. Getting ready to master the big world. And parents have new questions: how to develop a child at 1 year old? What skills should he have at this age?

I Hate My Child What To Do?

I Hate My Child What To Do?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

If you type a similar request in a search engine, then a huge number of sites drop out from which you can literally hear the groan of parental souls, exhausted and asking for help

Adaptation Of A Child In Kindergarten: Red Pyramids And Green Balls

Adaptation Of A Child In Kindergarten: Red Pyramids And Green Balls

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

At the time when you and I were children, there was an opinion that a child who does not attend kindergarten will certainly face big problems at school: he will not be able to find a common language with teachers and peers, and will also receive a strong blow to immunity. Today this opinion has become less categorical. But in vain

Education Methods. Does A Child Need A Psychologist?

Education Methods. Does A Child Need A Psychologist?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Parents often have to plunge into the jungle of pedagogy when they want to find answers to burning questions related to the upbringing of their child. How to raise him as a cultured person, for whom you would not have to blush in public places? How to control the behavior of the child, in order, for example, to quickly stop the hysteria that has begun or to teach him to order?

Games For Kids That Develop Attention - Child Development Is In Your Hands

Games For Kids That Develop Attention - Child Development Is In Your Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The ability to concentrate is one of the prerequisites for a child's success in school. In this article we will look at interesting games for children that develop attention. They will help kids prepare for the role of future schoolchildren who are doing excellently

The Crisis Of Three Years: The Formation Of The Child's Self-awareness. Part 3

The Crisis Of Three Years: The Formation Of The Child's Self-awareness. Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part I. The crisis of three years: the formation of the child's self-awareness Part II. The crisis of three years: the formation of the child's self-awareness