Algebra in the bath: a child at school or in the clutches of a pedophile?
In Moscow, a sex scandal about pedophiles broke out with renewed vigor among the leadership of a school for gifted children. Former victims of violence and harassment have made it their mission to remove dangerous teachers from work. The school was closed quietly.
What do parents need to know to keep their children safe?
Ivan Petrovich said that in the bath, the heat thins the blood and the head works better, so the problems must be solved right there. When "hot" mathematics had already ceased to be given to me, he processed me with a broom. I was not wearing any clothes. He sat down next to me, hugged me. He said that I was a very beautiful girl, and that he had been in love with me for a long time. That everything will be fine. I became very scared.
In Moscow, a sex scandal about pedophiles erupted with renewed vigor among the leadership of a school for gifted children. A couple of years ago the director and his deputy were accused of sexual harassment by some graduates, not bringing it to the attention of the general public. Former victims of violence and harassment have made it their mission to remove dangerous teachers from work. The school was closed quietly.
According to former students, girls 13 and older have been harassed for 21 years. The Investigative Committee is examining whether there is corpus delicti in this case. But what about moms and dads who want to protect their children now?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan allows solving the problem from two sides:
- accurately recognize a pedophile, not allowing him to approach the child;
- build a strong and trusting relationship with the child, which will become a serious obstacle on the path of a pedophile-seducer.
"Dear" monsters
For us, they were people whom we respected unquestioningly, whom we put on a pedestal. The teacher pays special attention to you, which means that you have received the honor of being chosen.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan accurately determines people predisposed to pedophilia. Sexual crimes are always committed by the owners of the anal vector.
With favorable development and full-fledged realization, anal men become golden fathers, caring mentors, respected teachers. Their main value in life is honor and respect of others. Phenomenal memory allows them to accumulate the experience of generations, and the desire to pass on knowledge and skills to children makes them teachers with a capital letter.
Such people love children and know how to take care of them. But sometimes a breakdown occurs in the psyche, and anal people begin to feel sexual attraction to children.
And in the soul of a pedophile …
We always had a warm atmosphere at school. I met the children at the entrance and kissed them every morning. They didn't mind.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that the owners of the anal vector have a complex libido. To fulfill their specific role - the transfer of knowledge to the younger generations - they are naturally attracted to adolescents. With adequate psychosexual development, this attraction is sublimated into socially useful activity. Such teachers are ready to give their lives for their students.
Recognition gives the anal person a sense of meaning and satisfaction from life. When society does not appreciate the owner of the anal vector, or even if it just seems to him, he loses his balance. Blames the country, the president, colleagues, boss, mother, wife, and sometimes the world order itself for injustice.
A person seeks to compensate for frustrations in social life in sexual relations. But not every woman is ready to endure a bore who is offended by the whole world next to her. From underdevelopment and / or implementation of vector properties, chronic social and sexual deficiencies in a person with an anal vector, frustration gradually accumulates, which leads to a violation of the taboo on forbidden relationships with children - this is how pedophilic desires arise.
The director of the infamous school tried to build his own concept of the learning process, to endow each teacher with "freedom and the right to choose what I do." But the country's education system did not really approve of this approach. The director was constantly faced with bureaucratic difficulties.
It seems that he nevertheless endowed himself with the freedom of choice of peculiar methods. The accumulation of frustrations provoked a breakdown of the natural taboo on attraction to children. And adolescents, looking at their teacher as a demigod, turned out to be malleable material for the implementation of “special forms of work” with students.

Come closer to me
A pedophile with an anal-visual ligament of vectors does not like novelty, he needs to get used to the victim. He either looks closely from the sidelines for a long time, or is generally in the immediate environment of the child.
In this sense, pedophile teachers have carte blanche. And the children know and love them, and the teachers themselves do not experience the stress of novelty. They prepare, choose the moment and take action.
Suitable scenery for getting closer are hiking. After a long tiring journey, you can take a girl chilled in the wind under your wing in a tent and put it side by side in a sleeping bag. So Ivan Petrovich and Mikhail Pavlovich loved hiking and regularly organized them. It's scary to imagine how many girls could have been morally destroyed from 1994 to 2015.
The principal is closer to mom
I could tell him more than my parents. I did not share my feelings with my parents.
A strict selection was carried out for the school, it was positioned as a place for the elite, especially talented students who could become immortalized in encyclopedias during their lifetime. Of course, the best teachers were called to cut the children's mind and tune it to great achievements.
From the teachers came the installation - your parents do not understand you, but we do. School graduates say: it was not customary to tell parents about their problems. The atmosphere of mystery and elitism was very convenient for pedophiles.
A pedophile, as a rule, a person with an anal-visual ligament of vectors, easily enters into trust in a child, creates a secret: "This will be our secret." At first, only between them will remain that "you forgot your notebook, and I could give you a two at the end of the quarter, but I regretted it." And then “our secret” will be regular sex right in the school hallway.
The problem is aggravated by the fact that sometimes children do not have an emotional bond with their parents at home. Some of the girls who suffered from kissing, stroking and sexual contact with their teachers did not have strong and trusting relationships at home. They admit that they could discuss with teachers what they would not dare with their mother.
The most pitiful are threatened
I wanted to tell someone about this. But it became scary and ashamed. I was very afraid that people would suffer because of me. What if the school is closed? What if he gets jailed? How then will his wife and two children be?
Often the pedophile chose just such children who no longer have anyone to go to for help, a shoulder and a kind word. You can call it an animal instinct for a suitable, most defenseless victim with a visual vector, capable of empathizing even with him. This means that there is little chance that he will betray an unfortunate, lonely, in love uncle.
Former schoolchildren with a skeleton in a closet split into two camps. Someone talks about the horrors of sexual harassment by the director and his deputy in the school itself, in the car, in apartments, in the country. And someone does not believe that their wonderful teachers could do this, and they are ready to call former classmates slanderers in search of fame. But who needs such fame?
How to identify a pedophile
With a systemic understanding of the psyche of people, it is obvious that a pedophile is the owner of an anal vector that is not sufficiently developed and realized to completely sublimate his natural attraction to adolescents into socially useful activities.
This means that it can be identified by the signs of a frustrated anal vector. A potential pedophile can relieve colossal internal tension with toilet vocabulary or filth in the senses veiled in decent words. He may break down and show groundless aggression or an intense hatred of homosexuality.
This does not mean that, having noticed these manifestations in a person, one can accuse him of pedophilia. But this is undoubtedly a signal that you have a person in front of you, inside of whom there is a dangerous struggle between his, perhaps, unconscious forbidden "want" and social fear of violating the natural taboo.
How long will he be able to control himself? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan on causes and effects shows that it is consciously impossible to set or prohibit something to our unconscious part, especially if it concerns attraction. Sooner or later, what is hidden in the unconscious will manifest itself, ignoring social foundations and the fear of punishment.
Therefore, the only way to protect your child is to understand exactly from whom and in what state the danger can come. It is important, with the help of knowledge of system-vector psychology, to learn to distinguish the slightest signs and shades of unhealthy conditions. Indeed, sometimes a pedophile realized in his attraction can hide behind the mask of an intelligent and respectable person for a long time.
Understanding does not mean resigning
Any person justifies himself with all his heart, even a pedophile. He can cover up his vile actions towards children with rationalizations like: “I love them very much and wish only well. They don't mind. Nobody understands them better than me."
I can protect my child
When we met him and his wife a few years later, he stroked my hand in such a strange, uncontrollable way. As if the spider was trying to return the victim to the web.
It is possible to save a child from a pedophile, even covered by a caring intellectual, only with two tools:
- The ability to recognize a pedophile.
- Trust and a strong emotional bond with the child.
Both of these components are formed during the lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Happy parents testify to this:
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