Family Under Threat, Or Why You Shouldn't Have A Pet

Family Under Threat, Or Why You Shouldn't Have A Pet
Family Under Threat, Or Why You Shouldn't Have A Pet

Family under threat, or why you shouldn't have a pet

When we begin to reach out to animals, it means that a sea of unspent love splashes inside. Love, which has already been covered with hoarfrost in places, is frozen, preserved. Rather, it is only the potential for love. But now our feelings are frozen. We are afraid of disappointment, pain, rejection, difficulties in relationships and therefore limit ourselves to a dog or a kitty.

Cats, dogs - they are so cute! How many views every day are videos with cute pets! Sometimes you really want to bring home a little fluffy ball! Look after him, play with him, see him grow.

At first glance, pets bring so much joy to people - they relieve stress and do not let them be bored alone. However, this also has its pitfalls. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to understand this delicate issue.

What happens when a cute pet appears in the house?

Content with small

By planting an animal, we provide ourselves with an object to create an emotional connection. That is, we find whom to give our emotions to, whom to hug, stroke the fur, with whom to lisp, to be touched by his behavior, who to care for, whom to love.

Giving love to an animal, sometimes we are not able to fully reveal our love for man. Instead of focusing on another person, on his desires, worries, to share with him the joys and sorrows, we spend time on cats and dogs. It's easier. They will not offend us, they will not betray, they will not hurt, they will never disappoint, because we do not impose any expectations on them.

A person lives according to the principle of pleasure, which is realized through the fulfillment of desires. But at what level to receive pleasure, we ourselves choose. By satisfying a small desire to love animals, we do not allow a great desire to love a person to mature inside. We release the tension that is necessary to create deeper feelings and thought forms. Those thought forms that will help in the realization of great desires. We unconsciously choose less. And we lose.

Love a man

In fact, when we begin to reach out to animals, it means that a sea of unspent love is splashing inside. Love, which has already been covered with hoarfrost in places, is frozen, preserved. Rather, it is only the potential for love. But now our feelings are frozen. We are afraid of disappointment, pain, rejection, difficulties in relationships and therefore limit ourselves to a dog or a kitty.

Building a relationship with a person is more difficult. The volume of his psyche is immeasurably larger, his desires are more complicated. It is difficult to find mutual understanding. Even in pairs. Even when there is a strong physical attraction.

We are afraid to get close to each other. We are repelled by our own selfishness. And here we are rolling in different directions from the blow, like balls on a billiard table. Instead of connecting.

Animal in the house
Animal in the house

Often people, desperate to meet their soul mate, have an animal and transfer all their feelings to it, practically replacing their partner with it, endowing it with human qualities. They tell how he waits for them from work, how happy they come, how he wakes them up in the morning. They kiss him tenderly, feed him the best food, spend unthinkable money when he falls ill, and grieve bitterly about the loss.

Sometimes it even seems that the loss of a pet is felt more acutely than the death of a person. In this case, the animal in the house is a deliberately losing option, because in this way we are increasingly moving away from our dream of meeting love.

But even if we are in a pair and an animal appears, this is also bad. We are not able to keep track of how our attention, love, warmth, interest gradually flow to a cute pet. We are wasting time with an animal instead of devoting it to each other. We show each other how we care for this animal instead of caring for each other as tenderly.

An animal instead of a child

In each pair, for the development of relations, there should not be a closure only on each other, when all our thoughts are about each other. Then we walk in a vicious circle, and therefore our connection begins to weaken.

There must be something third in the pair, where we both could direct our forces. And - surprisingly - this third thing cannot be a cat or a dog in any way. It is unwise to spend so much energy on something less than our volume.

There are only two options for "this third" that can be realized. These are our children. And this is our joint business, passion, idea. Now you can often see how couples, postponing the birth of children under various pretexts, get themselves adorable dogs or pedigree cats. And while they are babysitting cats, they simply lose their strength. Because they do not invest them in what is really important.

Why you shouldn't have a pet
Why you shouldn't have a pet

The pleasure of loving a man

Yes, living with a human is much more difficult than living with a kitty, but this has a deep meaning. After all, overcoming difficulties in understanding our neighbor, we begin to experience much greater pleasure from the intimacy we have won, from the trust that arises in a couple.

Do you and the cat feel good when she purrs or meets you in the evening? So multiply this "good" by a billion, and then square it or cube it - this is such a great pleasure that a trusting relationship in a couple gives. On the portal of system-vector psychology, there are hundreds of confirmations of this from people who have undergone training by Yuri Burlan.

Think about it the next time you go to watch a video with cats on Better instead, take a look at Yuri Burlan's free online training on systemic vector psychology, take a step towards a deeper understanding of yourself and your loved ones.
