Dependence on a man - I demand happiness for myself
Who among us can give a precise definition of what love is? And where, instead of love, comes emotional dependence on a man, painful love for him that kills relationships?
I can’t live without him. I die when he is not. I want to be there every second. There is so little of it in every day. Now he is at work, then he is tired, then he has an important meeting. How does he not understand that I love him more than life? Emotional dependence on a man acts like a stranglehold. I choke on love and soul him with my love.
And it doesn't matter that he is there every evening, that he patiently answers calls, repeats that he loves only you alone. And it doesn't even matter with what patience he takes care of you beyond words. No matter! Few…
Who among us can give a precise definition of what love is? And where, instead of love, comes emotional dependence on a man, painful love for him that kills relationships?
How to avoid emotional dependence on a man
The problem is not that we are not loved, but that we confuse our dependence with love and demand from the other that he, too, become as "dependent" as we are.

We feel so much, and we have nowhere to put it all. It is impossible to hold a flame of such strength inside. And I want the same amount of attention from a man, but we get only scanty crumbs of attention, we think so. We feel bad and hurt from the internal fire that burns ourselves.
System-vector psychology helps to see the situation from the inside, decomposing the psyche into its component properties and corresponding desires, and emotional dependence is released.
True love or dependence on a man?
The psychological portrait of an emotionally dependent woman can be described in two words: I am afraid and cry. Fear, like love, is the basis of the visual vector.
Women with a visual vector are born with a huge range of emotions. They fly from the euphoria of happiness and slide down to hysterics and emotional blackmail. It is important for visual women to understand how to get rid of emotional dependence and learn to love truly, because the most important thing in their life is love.
Developing correctly, the emotion of fear is transformed into love and fearlessness, into self-sacrifice and self-giving for the sake of others. This is how realized visual people live, saving other people's lives, helping the weak and defenseless, bringing culture and beauty into society, proclaiming love, goodness and compassion for one's neighbor as the highest value. The visual vector gives people the ability to truly love. Love is their highest value. No one is able to open up to another as much as people with a visual vector, to create strong sensual connections in paired relationships.
But we have confused the real giving of love with the demand to receive it for ourselves. It is not surprising that clever and beautiful women with great potential of feelings and amazing imaginative intelligence fall into emotional dependence.
If hypersexuality is added to emotions, then the level of obsession with a man goes off scale. Sex with a beloved man gives a woman a sense of security and safety on an unconscious level. She belongs to a man, which means she is protected. And the visual woman has a special need for this, it relieves her of the state of fear. In many ways, this is why the owners of this vector are incredibly sexy, especially when combined with the skin vector.
Sexual dependence on a man, in addition to emotional dependence, binds a woman to a partner, like a drug addict to a dose, and the dose must be increased. And the more you give, the more you want more. Otherwise, tears, tantrums, jealousy, scandals … It becomes unbearable for the partner, he eventually leaves, leaving the woman in the hardest "withdrawal" - in fear for himself.
Symptoms and manifestations of emotional dependence on a man
Love addiction in a couple can be recognized by its distinctive features, and it is far from true love.
Love | Dependence |
When I love my man, I am happy and glad from the very feeling of this feeling, from the fact that he is in my life. | When I am dependent on a man, I constantly miss his love. It hurts me when I think I love him more than he does. |
When I love, I create a strong emotional connection with my beloved, and even if we are not there, we both feel that our souls are one. I create one world out of our two lives, in which both of us are bright and happy. I know how to listen to him, I trust him, opening my soul to him, pushing him to trust me. I give my time, feelings, care and I am glad when he feels good about it. I do it all! This is my role and I am happy about it! | When I'm addicted to a man, I miss him every second, flood him with messages, calls, demand more attention. Not getting the desired portion of emotions, I throw tantrums, blackmail with tears. And if he says that he is leaving me, I will show that I will kill myself, because I cannot live without him for a minute. Isn't this the ultimate proof of my love? He's more important than life! |
When I love, I love everything that he does, how he lives, and I do not demand to give it to me all the time. I know that he is busy and his business is very important to him. I am glad to see him happy and fulfilled among people. I inspire him, support him, create a reliable rear for him. | When I am dependent on my man, I want to crawl under his skin, replace the whole world for him, become his body, breathe for him. I dream that we will be left alone in the whole world, and no one could take it away from me for a minute. I am like a parasite that has dug into a healthy body. And if the owner decides to get rid of me, I will die. |
The one that by nature is capable of infinitely loving and giving love to others, demands it for herself, waits and does not wait.

How to get rid of addiction to a man and become a real woman
We are designed in such a way that even if we cannot realize our properties, they do not go anywhere, but they begin to harm us ourselves, finding use for other purposes. Sensual visual women turn into hysterics, emotional blackmailers, and emotionally dependent people. Dependence on a man as a hidden dangerous disease. It may not be treated, it is not fatal, but the quality of life will leave much to be desired.
Treatment of emotional dependence on a man begins with the fact that we begin to correctly implement what is inherent in us by nature. And then the whole world responds to us in return, which no longer has to be demanded and begged for with tears.
When I deeply feel my man, when what is important to him becomes important to me, when I feel him as myself, I cease to depend on him, I become truly one with him.
Dependence on a man goes away thanks to the realizations received at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. This is confirmed by the reviews of women who have undergone training. Love and self-giving, the realization of their nature has not yet made a single woman dependent on a man.