Sound woman: where she goes and where she directs her man
A woman with a sound wants her man to reveal and get no longer a banana, but a meaning. Awareness of the plan becomes her request. Only she can express in words what creates thought forms in the male head.
What do women desire? Love, family, children, money, a fur coat. Shuddered from the earthiness? Are your interests more global? This is because the sound woman strives for the scale of the entire universe. Further about the great desires and unique possibilities of the sound vector of a woman.
The sound vector is calling softly the loudest
The power of desire in sound is more powerful than others. The priorities of the seven vectors can be described clearly and definitely. A dermal person strives for material values, success, an anal person - for family happiness, honor, a visual person - for vivid impressions, love, urethral - for the future by new roads.
It is not easy to express in words the desire for sound, it is in the abstract plane. The interests of the sound vector are not observable with the eyes and are not measurable by salary. The owner of this vector, regardless of gender, needs to find the meaning of the universe and a person's place in it.
The anal vector led its sound owners to science and writing, the dermal vector to music and technology, the urethral vector to poetry and space. In all these areas, women have long been invisible.
Until the total volume of the psyche has grown so much that the woman could no longer be on the sidelines. When, at the request of a woman, a man got enough food, built a cozy dwelling for her and her offspring, mastered enough territories, she sets a new direction. Now the woman's desire is for a man to be smart.
For this, a woman raises her own bar - she goes to study. On the same principle that her great-grandmother, being desired, she pushes a man to realize not only with her hands and a stone ax, but also with her intellect.
An intelligent woman makes a man want to focus and be realized. System-vector psychology shows this mechanism.
One sound for two - breakout pairs
A woman with a sound wants her man to reveal and get no longer a banana, but a meaning. Awareness of the plan becomes her request. Only she can express in words what creates thought forms in the male head.
She wanted him to know the depth of the human soul
• Anna Snitkina and Fyodor Dostoevsky
In his novels, he revealed the secrets of the human soul. From childhood, she was read by his works and later became his stenographer.
Only together with Anna it became possible to submit the novel to the publisher in 26 days! Under the influence of a woman, the great mind received a new round of inspiration, the desire to live and deepen the knowledge of human nature.
Anna was not embarrassed by either the age difference of more than 20 years, or his external unattractiveness, or a bunch of debts.
A developed skin-sound woman, led by a great idea, is able to deftly balance between the world of ideas and material life, if this is for the good of a great goal. She successfully started publishing her husband's books, becoming one of the first women in the field of entrepreneurship. The anal vector allowed her to surround her beloved husband and children with care.
Read the article "How to Become Great, or There is a Woman Behind Every Man."
She wanted to get to the bottom of the source of radioactive radiation
• Maria and Pierre Curie
She is a student of the Faculty of Physics and an eminent professor at the Sorbonne, and together - passionate researchers who have made a breakthrough in understanding the phenomenon of radioactivity. The most significant discoveries Pierre made after his marriage to Mary, inspired by her guesses and assumptions.
This anal-sounding woman could continue the hazardous experiments with radioactive elements for 12 years to see it through.
The study of the atom became the common sound field of the family of scientists, a common idea where they realized their intellectual potential.
Read the article “Pierre Curie - the life and death of an outstanding physicist. Unknown reality.

She wanted to help humanity
• Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg
He was a student in the Faculty of Psychology and has been involved in computer technology since childhood. She was chosen as a "genius of the class" and at the age of 13 declared that her goal - Harvard. She achieved her goals by entering the Faculty of Neurobiology.
The common idea united them with strong bonds. Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan want to "increase human potential and promote equality in areas such as health, education, research and energy."
One of the points of their ambitious plan is to combine the efforts and developments of scientists and engineers for significant social transformation. Driven by the implemented sound vector, Mark confidently declares that any system can be improved by giving it the right model.
And the visual-sound woman takes a man to a new level: from technological breakthroughs to the desire to help people all over the world, to change life on a scale of all mankind. The joint breakthrough of Priscilla and Mark, in spite of the individualistic skin mentality, is the realization that only collective intellectual efforts can bring about changes for the better in society.
Where is the collective consciousness leading?
Not all sound ideas about social transformation have been successful. Many have come to a standstill from a lack of understanding of the laws of human nature.
For the first time, system-vector psychology is able to take us out of the framework of limited perception. With an understanding of the vectors, we realize and easily determine our individual characteristics and the natural community of the psyche of all mankind.
The idea of community is unpleasant for the skin West. Mentally, they put cutaneous, individual interests over general ones. And even the Zuckerberg family is motivated from the outset by the desire to improve life for their own daughter.
The Russian urethral mentality gives us a natural advantage - a clear sensual example. The urethral man gets the joy of giving back to lack. This is animal altruism.
The community-collectivist worldview allows us to feel the joy of unity and bestowal - we feel pleasure when we help. It is the mentally urethral sound person who is able to taste the boundless pleasure of understanding the unity of species and giving back to society for lack.
Understanding their nature, the urethral-sound woman and such a man embody the peak of animal and spiritual pleasure from bestowal, to which we all mentally strive.
Et si tu n'existais pas, Dis-moi pourquoi j'existerais?
The "Gambler" and "The Brothers Karamazov" might not see the light of day, the treatment of malignant tumors with radiotherapy would be delayed for many years, modern world science would not receive more than three billion dollars to improve the quality of life of mankind, if a wise man had not been found next to a sound man, understanding, inspiring sound woman.
The symbiosis of consciousnesses within a couple, all the more supported by an understanding of the mental, gives us a powerful impetus to realization.
This is how those who have completed training in system-vector psychology speak about a new meaningful life:
A woman with sound, like a guiding star, is able to illuminate the path of knowledge for herself, her man and other people for breakthroughs in understanding the meaning of man on earth. To feel the endless pleasure of understanding your special nature and purpose, register for free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan using the link.