Psychiatrists, Teacher And Psychologist About The Kerch Arrow. Why Did He Go To Kill?

Psychiatrists, Teacher And Psychologist About The Kerch Arrow. Why Did He Go To Kill?
Psychiatrists, Teacher And Psychologist About The Kerch Arrow. Why Did He Go To Kill?

Psychiatrists, teacher and psychologist about the Kerch arrow. Why did he go to kill?

The public would like to call the reason for the events in Kerch the zombie in the sect, some terrorists. The tragedy in Kerch - questions are still unanswered. Why did he do it? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is the only technique that allows you to identify mass murderers such as Roslyakov and to prevent these conditions …

The tragedy in Kerch - questions are still unanswered. Why did he do it? Why did the experts give him a weapon permit? Is it possible to prevent such tragedies?

This article contains an expert opinion of a psychiatrist trained by Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology", and comments from system specialists - a psychiatrist, teacher and psychologist, who fully reveal the motives of the Kerch shooter.

From the materials available in the media, it is known that on October 17, 2018, a fourth-year college student Vladislav Igorevich Roslyakov fired a pump-action gun at an educational institution in Kerch and detonated an improvised explosive device stuffed with nails and bolts. After the attack, the 18-year-old boy was found in the library of the college. 21 people died, more than fifty were injured, and for the lives of many of them are fighting in intensive care. Investigators opened a criminal case under article 105, part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "killing two or more persons in a generally dangerous way." The accused Vladislav Roslyakov was assigned a posthumous complex psychological and psychiatric examination, which is carried out by employees of the Moscow Federal State Institution "State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry. VP Serbsky ".

It is known that V. I. Roslyakov's heredity is burdened by his father's abuse of alcoholic beverages. He grew up quiet, uncommunicative, withdrawn, there were no friends. According to neighbors, he treated animals cruelly. The family was in a bad situation: the father often beat the household members. The mother forbade her son to participate in holidays and amateur performances, go to circles and even to the cinema. Sometimes he broke the prohibitions and met with the guys. V. Roslyakov's parents divorced when he was 10 years old. He and his mother lived in a rented apartment. I studied satisfactorily at school. After the ninth grade I entered college on a budget in the direction of training "Installation, adjustment and operation of electrical equipment in industrial and civil buildings." He studied "excellently", received a scholarship, was characterized positively. There were no police leads.

According to the grandmother of the accused, V. Roslyakov "in childhood was a normal, talkative child", "and when he grew up, became withdrawn, quiet", "did not tell anything", while "he was kind and sympathetic, always helped her with household chores" … According to a classmate, V. Roslyakov “beat girls, skipped school”, “in grade 8-9 … brought a war-time grenade to school”, “he used to curse his mother, did not perceive her at all, ran away from school, from home”, “Vlad was a person who did not give a damn about everything "," he completely lacked such qualities as kindness and pity. " It is known that with the advent of the laptop, Roslyakov began to play computer games for a long time. Classmates said: “Vlad Roslyakov was very withdrawn, he did not communicate with almost anyone and retired from social networks long ago. He was interested in maniacs. " According to the former girlfriend, Vladislav spoke about the loss of trust in people, complained,that he was being humiliated, and wanted to get even with the offenders. It is known that in September 2018, V. I. Roslyakov was examined by a psychiatrist during a medical examination to obtain a weapon permit: at the time of his appointment, Roslyakov had no contraindications for using a weapon, but he needed psychological help due to the situation in family. In July 2018, he underwent training at Aegis + in Simferopol to obtain a license for a weapon, where he is described as a calm, confident and quiet person. In July 2018, he underwent training at Aegis + in Simferopol to obtain a license for a weapon, where he is described as a calm, confident and quiet person. In July 2018, he underwent training at Aegis + in Simferopol to obtain a license for a weapon, where he is described as a calm, confident and quiet person.

Alfiya Smakova, psychiatrist

Diagnosis: moral and ethical degeneration (MND) in a person with sound and anal vectors, completed extended suicide.

Such a diagnosis will appear as a separate line in the future systemic psychiatric classification of mental illness. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is the only one who accurately and reasonably names the reasons why the Kerch shooter went to kill.

Further - the comments of experts who actively use system-vector psychology in their work.

Ekaterina Krestnikova, psychiatrist, psychiatrist-narcologist

- Why did he do it?

A feature of the mental state in MND is the complete loss of emotional connection with other people in the sound vector. A person is not able to sense those around him. This is a complete absence of emotions of empathy, people are perceived as biomass, like virtual figures on a monitor screen. The physical world appears to be illusory. Along with this, there is a loss of any restrictions.

About the Kerch arrow picture
About the Kerch arrow picture

Roslyakov has lost not only moral and ethical restraints. But also the fear of losing one's own life and the fear of social punishment. Normally, these feelings largely guide a person, in particular, they restrain hostility towards other people: "I would kill, but they will go to prison."

Fierce hatred of people is a consequence of the accumulated voids in the sound vector. Which arise due to childhood trauma and further loss of contact with the outside world.

All mass crimes with suicide were committed by sound specialists with an anal vector in a state of moral and ethical degeneration. Breivik, Vinogradov, Eric Harris, Matti Juhani Saari, Jeffrey Wiz, Cho Seung Hee, Pekka-Erik Auvinen, Tim Kretschmer, Andreas Lubitz, etc.

There are peculiarities in the anal vector: developing in unfavorable conditions, such a person accumulates grievances from early childhood - and it all starts with resentment against the mother. Roslyakov had a grudge against his mother, classmates, society, the human race and against God, who created a meaningless life in which there was no place for him.

Resentment is an internal distortion of the psyche of the anal vector and is manifested by a desire for revenge. It is known that revenge is an act planned to the smallest detail and usually carried out by hand. Planning and preparation can take years. Revenge of people with an anal vector can be very cruel, but mass murders are committed by people who, in addition to the anal vector, also have a sound one. Such a sound engineer was necessarily traumatized in childhood and from adolescence did not have adequate implementation. That is, he was unable to fill his psychic desire for concentration on the external world and the creation of thought forms.

The sound vector is characterized by a feeling of one's own genius, a special mission, and the more the sound person is closed on himself, the stronger it is, up to God's chosenness.

Roslyakov was tormented by obsessive thoughts of leaving life, taking with him as many bodies as possible.

People were perceived precisely as bodies: physical objects. Unable to feel people alive, Roslyakov could not even think that they could feel pain, that they have lives at all. He did not even have the feeling of living his own life, only a painful existence for the sake of one goal - mass murder and suicide, the realization of a sound misanthropic idea. He was even less worried about subsequent events, like posthumous glory and even more the suffering of other people.

- Why don't specialists identify such people?

Any person gets the idea that only a mentally ill person could have done this. And indeed it is. But only specialists who have firmly trained the skill of perceiving other people through understanding their psyche - eight vectors - can diagnose sound specialists with moral and ethical degeneration. Then it becomes possible to reveal the contents of the unconscious of another person. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is the only technique that allows one to identify mass murderers such as Roslyakov and to prevent these conditions.

Psychiatrists could not identify contraindications for issuing Roslyakov the right to own a weapon. He did not express delusional ideas, did not hallucinate, and did not previously attract the attention of psychiatrists. There was no legal reason not to issue him a weapon.

The helplessness of specialists in this matter calls into question psychiatry as it is. They couldn't. But he could. Just appreciate the scale. Society is defenseless against the dewclaws. The question of what motivates a person is the same for a psychiatrist and an ordinary person. But in classical psychiatry, there is no explanation.

- Who is guilty?

The public would like to call the reason for the events in Kerch the zombie in the sect, some terrorists. And people willingly swallow such explanations, because they need protection from a repetition of the tragedy. And if a sect or a criminal group is to blame, then the responsible structures will neutralize them and everything will be fine.

It won't be good. Roslyakov is not alone. There are a lot of sound specialists who have lost touch with reality, who are not able to feel other people, who are burning up with hatred and meaninglessness of life. They are among us. These are bombs with unpredictable clockwork.

And if we do not learn to distinguish between them, over and over again massacres will occur. The following may happen tomorrow.

Tatiana Sosnovskaya, educational psychologist

The hardest thing to talk about is teachers. Among those killed are five college teachers. Why didn't you notice, why didn't you prevent it?

The educational system is now arranged so as to formalize the educational process as much as possible. Both teachers and school psychologists are overwhelmed with paperwork and reporting, there is no time to just talk heart to heart. Live communication between teacher and student practically disappears. Summaries, tests, control cuts, passed - did not pass, test - failed. The criterion for the teacher's success is assessments and filling out reports. Lesson plans, educational work plans, a list of activities, a seating plan for students in accordance with sanitary standards, visual agitation, participation in all kinds of competitions, questionnaires, polls, test results, reports, reports …

In fact, the teacher often does not even know what the student has inside. The main thing is to pass the subject. Educators are preoccupied with routine and their problems. And, to be honest, not all of them want to delve into the experiences of their students. If there is an obvious problem, they try to dump it on a psychologist, who, as a rule, does not teach any lessons, he sees children only during general testing or at a consultation, when something has already happened.

Psychiatrists about the Kerch arrow picture
Psychiatrists about the Kerch arrow picture

Various options are offered to solve the problem. We can begin to demand from teachers that right now, in this situation, for this salary, in this education system, they become Teachers with a capital letter, wise mentors, sincere people, completely devote their lives to children. But teachers are people too, and it will no longer be possible to demand self-denial from them.

We can demand that a militarized guard be placed at every educational institution, including kindergartens and universities, so that not a single armed person could enter their territory. But will the security services save the situation, even if they are placed near each office and all those entering are searched? Not.

The bomb is in the head, not in the bag.

This is the first thing. If a person is planning to commit extended suicide, then he can do it in any crowded place, like, for example, the Minsk student Vladislav Kazakevich, who came to an ordinary shopping center with a chainsaw and an ax.

And secondly, all these external forms of control, including primitive psychological tests, to which any non-idiot knows how to respond, undermine trust between the teacher and the students. Mass murderers don't become overnight. Hatred of people builds up gradually. And this is observable.

There is one more side to the issue. It is no secret that many students hate the school and teachers, many students hate the college where they study and the teachers. Social networks testify that some of them, when they found out what Vladislav Roslyakov had done, in their hearts approved him and said that he did what we would like to do!

The school has a situation where students and teachers are in warring camps. There is no open war yet, but a hidden war is constantly being waged.

We need a methodology by which the teacher could himself determine the mental characteristics of his students, their condition, inclinations and desires.

A teacher who owns system-vector psychology easily distinguishes the vectors of his students, sees their problems, and therefore can individually build communication in such a way as not to provoke a bad mental state, but, on the contrary, to bring it to balance.

Ekaterina Korotkikh, psychologist

The generation of children now in school has a heightened desire to learn. This is especially true for sound professionals. The need for such children is not met by the school curriculum. After all, it is formed traditionally, although it becomes more complex and detailed. In the future, these children will have tasks that no one is able to solve now. These are the problems of the ecological crisis, overpopulation, the critical threat of nuclear war and self-destruction of the world, and many others. In order to solve these problems, one needs not just a linear complication - “ramming” a huge amount of knowledge into the brains of children, but a revolutionary leap in the very methods of solving problems, learning, and interacting with each other.

A large amount of psychic power implies a complex branched psyche, multi-level reactions (can be compared to a super-fast computer). Children with a sound vector are born with the task of making this revolution, a breakthrough, and the upbringing and development of such children lies on the shoulders of today's adults.

"Wayward, fearless, on their own" - this is how teachers of sound children often describe. Adult gaze, emotionlessness, adult judgment.

The simplest thing to do for sound babies is not to interfere with their growth and development. Do not shout down their thoughts, do not suppress concentration, do not stuff them with negative meanings. And to load the psyche with complex tasks, to focus on a breakthrough future and collectivism, to instill the skill to concentrate and think, look for answers, go to the point, verbalize thoughts and again look for questions - food for the mind - for complication.

Why did he do it picture
Why did he do it picture

A sound engineer who cannot concentrate on the world around him and get material for research in his head (for example, the house is noisy, man-made noises, parents scandal, insults between adults or insults to the child himself), uses his brain "idle". His questions, like himself, do not develop, the world outside loses value and is perceived as a source of trauma.

A protective reaction of the psyche is formed - selectivity of contacts, according to the logic "the less communication, the less likely to get pain." Concentration on oneself becomes more and more, on the world - tends to zero, the person looks closed, detached. Thrown overboard of life. Resentment in the anal vector multiplies this sensation, there is a desire to take revenge.

At the same time, the basic power of the psyche does not disappear anywhere: the unconscious feeling of its special revolutionary mission remains, but the thoughts that come to mind are distinguished by their infantilism and frightening aggressiveness. The desire to declare oneself and change the fate of people, even if it breaks them. From one's own failure, the impossibility of integrating into society according to the design of nature, hatred for people and the world who cannot accept it as such, for their own body, which keeps all the power of mental energy locked up.

Outwardly, this person is completely socialized, the intellect is preserved, but he has:

  1. lack of the ability to give out meaningful socially useful ideas and
  2. there is no sense of the reality of the world and the experiences of people, as if it were a computer game.

It is possible to determine what is the ratio of concentration on oneself and on the world for a particular sound engineer by his questions, phrases, keywords, interests, behavior.


Outwardly, a sound engineer in a state of moral and ethical degeneration can look one-on-one like a sound genius. Both are quiet, detached, both uncommunicative introverts with a look in themselves. How can you tell them apart? Only by understanding their psyche, accurately determining its manifestations.

Can you tell a person by their intentions?


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