Why I Don't Want Children
The reason why a woman does not want children is different for everyone. In addition, we must not forget: the modern woman is no longer content with the role of wife and mother. She needs implementation in society. The most common reason for unwillingness to have children, regardless of vectors, is a woman's lack of a sense of security and safety …
The reason why a woman does not want children is different for everyone. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish - where is an attempt to correspond to the image, fears, bad experiences or other factors that distort reality, and where the real unwillingness is the absence of desire, dictated by the given properties of the psyche.
In addition, we must not forget: the modern woman is no longer content with the role of wife and mother. She needs implementation in society. It also sets the direction of desires, forms plans. Are they wrong?
To figure out what motivates desires, if a woman does not want children, will help Yuri Burlan's "System-Vector Psychology".
- To unambiguously answer yourself whether it is normal not to want to give birth.
- To live your own happy life, and not wander sadly for someone else's opinion.
Well, let's start with the first experience of a relationship - from simple to complex …
I don't want to have children - someday later
It happens: a girl dreams of a happy family, wants to love. And from all sides - convincingly happy advertisement of life, where no child-educational problems, no pots-pans are planned … And the girl is even somehow ashamed to admit that she dreams of a house in the village and children. Especially if she has an anal-visual combination of vectors. After all, girlfriends will laugh. “Okay,” he says to himself, “while I'm young, I don’t want to have children, sometime later.”
Love has come! But the beloved questioned the abilities of a still very young girl to become a good mother in the future. Or he said that he did not want children, because such a burden is incompatible with his plans to conquer financial heights. But love! The girl "in the name of this eternal love" also convinces herself: "I don't want children at all." She believes this lie, which will inevitably end in a bad relationship experience.
And the potential is set - to be the best mom in the world. There is such a desire, and a huge one. Only grievances, bad experiences or false attitudes prevent the realization of what will bring real happiness.
Parents are "bad" - the daughter does not want children
It is understandable why a girl does not want children while she is still young. But the environment changes, the girl grows up, and everything falls into place. If we are talking about a woman (especially with an anal vector) of an older age, the situation is much more complicated and requires serious internal work.
The rejection of the desires inherent in nature is reflected in all areas. Dissatisfaction accumulates, tension grows, often pouring out into psychosomatics. Life is not changing for the better. Moreover, this rule is also true for those who fully devote themselves to children, abandoning social realization.
The experience and opinion of significant people form the perception of people with an anal vector. And the patriarchal family is the main value. If a woman, possessing an anal vector, does not want children in principle, in most cases the reason must be sought in her own childhood, in relations with her parents. Or in the immediate environment. Sometimes, my mother, with the best of intentions, instilled: “You are a stupid clumsy! You will not become a good wife and mother!"
When combined with the visual vector, painful childhood memories are amplified by fears about the future. There may be fantasies that the baby will be born sick, will suffer. From what you want to protect yourself and the baby without giving birth to him. On the thematic forums, many girls talk about this, explaining why they do not want to have a child.
If this is about you, at Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" you can realize and correct all erroneous behavioral scenarios, get rid of the consequences of childhood psychotraumas. Not to immediately want to continue the race. To discover real desires, to understand them. And then it's up to you to decide. Live from scratch.
I don't want children and family - I was created to love
If you still sometimes want to give birth to a baby from a loved one, and your best friend does not want children and is afraid to even think about them, this is not a pathology. Skin-visual women were not originally created by nature to create a family, to give birth to children and do not want this. Moreover, initially they could not conceive and bear. Some hundred years ago, they died in childbirth. Modern medicine has opened the way for them to motherhood, but the absent maternal instinct cannot be sewn up.
Skin-visual women are born for love in the truest sense of the word. They are the creators of culture and the root cause of the development of the arts. The ideas of humanism and the values of each life are also their merit.

A skin-visual woman, having no maternal instinct, does not distinguish between children - her own or those of others. But if the properties of the visual vector are well developed, she is able to envelop others in such love that she inevitably becomes a beloved aunt, beloved educator, beloved teacher. All the kids adore her, she adores them.
But to create a family hearth for such a woman rarely comes out. Yes and no such need.
If she is under stress or the properties of the visual vector are not fully realized, the skin-visual woman does not want children, referring to the threat of losing her own beauty or unwillingness to spend her youth on "all these diapers." She is disgusted, afraid and does not know what to do with the baby. She is annoyed by women in labor no less than she is of them. If such a woman does not want children, she really does not want and will defiantly defend her right.
I don't want to have children, I don't see the point
Another reason why a woman does not want children is that she has a sound vector. The abstract intellect of a woman with a sound vector and her often unconscious desires need to be realized. Such a woman has no obstacles to the birth of a baby, except for an endless search for meaning in everything.
From the outside it seems that the girl does not want children, but in fact she simply does not think about it. In her head, ideas of a different order. The universe is in her mind. What's the point in having children? They make noise, demand attention, distract from thoughts.
If a woman with a sound vector does not understand her desires and does not have the skill of realizing the properties of the sound vector, motherhood can become a difficult test for her, up to prolonged depression with suicidal thoughts. The desires of the sound vector are superior in strength to all others - even the desire of all living things, provided by nature, to be fruitful and multiply. Her “I don’t want children” is one of the signs of problems in the sound vector, often along with hatred for all living things and hope for an imminent end of the world. And in a state of depression, everything is obvious: “Why don't I want children? Because I don't want to live!"
And nevertheless, the sound person can find meaning in motherhood and get real pleasure. Especially if there is a caring man nearby who understands her periodic need for silence and loneliness. So if a girl with a sound vector does not want children, then she lacks the Knowledge of Herself.
For the owners of the sound vector, Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" can be the answer to the main life questions, among which "why I do not want children" - the easiest to understand. And it’s not at all about children - about realizing their destiny.
The wife does not want children - is the husband to blame
The most common reason for not wanting to have children, regardless of vectors, is a woman's lack of a sense of security and safety. If a woman is in a relationship, is healthy and, in principle, is not against the baby - “just not now,” “in a year or two,” this is precisely the reason.
A woman is rational by nature. If she is internally not sure that she will be able to fully raise her son or daughter, there is no desire to give birth. Sometimes up to the inability to conceive. And the higher the development of a woman, the more difficult it is to trust nature.
Some men think that the wife does not want children for selfish reasons. In fact, the inability to build trusting relationships in marriage affects almost the first place. She doesn't trust her husband. Even if he earns enough, the woman may not feel protected next to him. And if a man is infantile - and even more so.
Is it his fault? Partly. To create spiritual closeness in the family - true love - only a woman can do. The spouse is responsible for the “weather in the house”. And as system-vector psychology shows, it is a woman who chooses a suitable man for herself. She also subconsciously chooses someone with whom she "cannot" have children and does not want to give birth.
In any case, if a woman thinks that her marriage is not the best option for having a baby, it is worth thinking carefully about whether the person is next to her. Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology" helps you understand what exactly defines your relationship and how to make it ideal for both of you.
It's time to understand why I don't want children
Not all the reasons why women do not want to have children can be disclosed in one article. Depending on the combinations of vectors, there may be several reasons at once.
A young girl does not want to have children in the future, to get married - she sees how families break up and how unhappy couples living together are. He sees that men do not provide for the family, do not pay alimony. State aid alone is not enough to survive at least the first year and a half without being able to work. Modern grandparents are also often not great helpers.
All this deprives a potential mother of a sense of security and safety. As a result - rationalizations and erroneous conclusions. For example, if a woman with a skin vector does not want children, then she speaks of the need to first make a career, to ensure financial stability. This is part of the desires of the skin vector, and it seems to her that social realization according to the male type is all that is needed. It defines everything in terms of benefit-benefit. "Why breed poverty?" - her question. In other vectors, there are other rationalizations. And they all sound very convincing as long as there is no systemic understanding of the true reasons.
Those who want to figure out why a woman does not want children can always turn to the knowledge of Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology". This will give a feeling of incredible freedom - to be aware of your real desires and with calm understanding listen to those who sincerely believe that their opinion is the only correct one.