Sexual Attraction: What The Attraction Depends On. 4 Types Of Sexuality

Sexual Attraction: What The Attraction Depends On. 4 Types Of Sexuality
Sexual Attraction: What The Attraction Depends On. 4 Types Of Sexuality

Sexual attraction: the laws of attraction

We are attracted to each other due to pheromones, unconscious odors of our body. A natural couple is formed when a man and a woman have opposite psychological properties - a strong attraction to each other arises.

Why in a couple where passions raged, sexual attraction over the years fades away? What if your partner has a lack of sexual desire? And if I don't want sex myself, is that okay? You will find the answer to these and other questions about sexual attraction and its signs below.

"System-vector psychology" is a comprehensive training about the human psyche and not only "about this", but as for the understanding of sexuality - today this is the most accurate information. In system-vector psychology, 4 types of sexuality and 4 types of eroticism are distinguished. Depending on the presence of this or that "vector" in the human psyche, its physiological and psychological attractiveness acquires an amazing unique mosaic, nevertheless, it is not difficult to understand and see the desires of another person. But first things first.

Human sexuality

In animal nature, everything is balanced: the male develops an attraction to the female solely for the purpose of reproduction. That is, procreation. Have you visited your "favorite"? And that's enough, wait for the offspring.

The person has an additional desire. Sexuality is built on its basis, which animals do not have. A man's sexual attraction is aimed at getting the highest pleasure - orgasm. And the birth of children may or may not be a consequence. Our attraction does not go away from contraceptive protection.

It is easy to see that sexual attraction is selective: strong for one person, none at all for another. What does it depend on?

Secrets of unconscious attraction

We are attracted to each other due to pheromones, unconscious odors of our body. A natural couple is formed when a man and a woman have opposite psychological properties - a strong attraction to each other arises.

sexual attraction
sexual attraction

For example, an ambitious, enterprising, dexterous man with a skin vector has a strong sexual attraction to a woman who has a completely different character. She is the owner of the anal vector - economic and sedate, loves home comfort and handicrafts, is committed to the values of marriage.

In a woman, attraction is of a more pragmatic nature. She unconsciously relies primarily on ranking pheromones - how wealthy and successful a man is in society. The one who has a higher rank or has the potential to be higher is the sexiest one for her. This is natural, because the woman is responsible for the offspring. Only secondarily for her do pheromones of attraction play a role.

Why does attraction disappear

Our unconscious sex drive on smells is of an animal nature. And nature is concerned primarily with offspring. The couple is given a little time: just enough to give birth and feed a child. Up to a maximum of three years, sexual attraction to a partner is capable of “blowing your head”, then natural attraction weakens. In today's world, sexuality and marriage are devalued, so the loss of attraction can happen much faster.

A recipe for those looking for a long-term relationship

It is possible to return the extinct passion, but this already requires a conscious effort from the couple. There is no need to rely on a fleeting animal attraction. We need to build relationships of a higher, human level.

First of all, it is an emotional, spiritual connection. Setting the right tone for its occurrence is easiest for a woman. By revealing her innermost thoughts and feelings to her partner, she encourages the man to mutual frankness. Deep trust and closeness develops. Then it becomes not just an attraction "I want a woman", a man experiences feelings: "I want this particular woman - the one with whom I feel so good with all my heart."

When sexual desire is revealed in a pair with a deep emotional connection, natural character differences become not an obstacle in long-term relationships, but cause additional mutual interest in each other.

What sexual preferences depend on

Understanding the psychological nature of a person, it is not difficult to answer any question about his sexual preferences. About the peculiarities of his attraction or the reasons why he does not want an intimate relationship. After all, body and soul are one.

For example, the owners of the skin vector are excited by tenderness and affection. Hugs and strokes, massages. But the same person under stress may want BDSM games.

The owners of the anal vector in sex are caring and attentive. Strive to please the partner. In poor psychological states, they are attracted to "rough sex".

The carriers of the visual vector are excited by the twilight, beautiful linen, and smells. But if fear is a constant companion in the life of such a person, he may experience an unconscious desire to "act out" scenes of violence in the role of the victim.

It happens that due to severe psychological conditions, a person's sexual desire comes to naught at all. Each vector has its own reasons for violations. For example, lack of attraction is characteristic of sound professionals in prolonged depression.

It is real to get rid of these reasons forever. Here's what people who succeeded say about it:


The features of the sexual desire of the two most common vectors are revealed at the free online training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. To participate, register using the link.
