Practical psychology
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
A hundred years ago, no one would have asked the question why a man in a house is needed. Come on, chop wood for the whole winter, put up a hut with your own hands, store fodder for the cattle, dig up a vegetable garden! How without him, without a man? And we, women, had to endure everything: swearing, and assault, and side trips
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The door slammed shut loudly, and Katya looked around. The apartment is dark and quiet. Without turning on the light, the girl took off her shoes, took off her outer clothing and, not for the first time, knocked off Andrey's slippers along the way. With indifference she waved her hand in their direction - let them lie
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Others say that I have severe depression. Fools … What do they understand about this? Snow falls in flakes, spinning around its axis, confirming the dullness and meaninglessness of everything that surrounds me. No, I'm not dependent on the weather. It's not about her, it's about me. The corrosive loneliness inside is exacerbated. Like a disease, only without symptoms. Although if we take into account the aversion to life, then this is the main symptom
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"I'm an alcoholic" - terrible words. It hurts to realize that life is passing by and you yourself are responsible for it. Lost opportunities, failing health, suffering loved ones, problems at work, lost precious time … at some point you realize that this is no longer possible. You start looking for ways to quit drinking alcohol, to break out of this trap - for the sake of your own future
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Resentment or my revenge on an unjust world In psychology, there is an attitude “life is not to blame for anything”. It can mean that nature is impartial, does not have its own preferences, does not hide anything from us, does not choose the lucky ones. All benefits and opportunities are open to everyone equally. We are limited only by our ability to receive, the ability to trust life
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I don't want anything. I sit like a vegetable, there are no desires, no feelings, no aspirations. Complete lack of interest in life. There is not even the strength to move at all and do anything. I would like to go to bed, and it is better forever. But before, life inside burned with fire. There were desires, there were aspirations, it was interesting, and life was enjoyable. Now the soul is just emptiness. What went wrong, what went wrong? Whom to contact for help, what to try?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Today we will again focus on the application of the knowledge that System Vector Psychology gives in practice. We will discuss such an important topic in the life of every person as career guidance. Why is this topic so significant?
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When you are truly in your place and are on fire with what you love, every new day is a holiday. A new chance to embody your ideas, create and create. When you yourself are a living source of inspiration and energy, then any personal and professional ties with people develop in the best way. Everyone is drawn to you, from small to large. A successful career choice is in all respects a happy destiny for life
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The last bell, as a symbol of instant maturation, rang out for a whole generation of graduates. Each of them faced the eternal question: where to go to study? At such an age, it is difficult for a young man to realize what he wants and what his soul is for. How to understand what you want to devote your professional life to? How to choose the right profession so that 5 years of study (who have more, who have less, but this is always a considerable part of life) are not wasted?
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Lacquered, perfumery, boudoir-elegant soul! He looks at the world through a lorgnette, and his aesthetics is that of a snob. K. Chukovsky
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Finding a job is often an exhausting process that lasts months or even years. How to find a job despite the crisis, age and strict selection of employers? To uncover the secret of a successful job search, let's first figure out which employees the employer is interested in
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Looking in the mirror, every woman hopes to receive the most desirable answer there: "You are beautiful, no doubt about it!" However, the reflection is not always pleasing
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“That be is to do” - Socrates. "To do is to be" - Jean Paul Sartre. "Do be do be do" - Frank Sinatra Kurt Vonnegut, Small is not a miss "This small is not a miss," - they will say about some nimble guy
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The film "Parsley Syndrome" by the Swiss director Elena Khazanova based on the book of the same name by Dina Rubina was released in 2015 and, although it did not have a resounding success, can still please fans of auteur chamber cinema
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Read about what maniacs are in the first part of the article
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Kirill Serebrennikov's film "St. George's Day" was released in 2008. This is a semi-fantastic, almost mystical drama that unfolds against the dark background of the Russian hinterland. The drama of a woman who has lost her son. The story seems hopeless and pessimistic. However, looking a little deeper, we will see the tragedy that became the impetus for the highest realization, the process of the rebirth of the human soul
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There are films that touch the quick. The film "The Untouchables" (2011, the second title is "One Plus One") is one of them. And this is no coincidence, because it is deeply systemic. Moreover, it was based on a real life story. So, we watch a movie through the prism of the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan
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“Do not humble yourself, do not humble yourself to the very brink. Even totalitarian regimes retreated, it happened, before obsession, conviction, persistence. My victories were based only on that "Maya Plisetskaya
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We often witness how parents, sometimes unwittingly, create certain life scenarios for their children
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Part 1. From Dying Swan to Firebird "When people have power, they don't always use it for good purposes" Maya Plisetskaya. A lot of grief fell to her lot. At the age of 11, Maya and her six-year-old brother were left orphans. The father was arrested, the mother, as the wife of an enemy of the people, ended up in KARLAG. There were a good half of such orphans in the choreographic school
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When you are looking for the fifth corner, when the very form of life seems cramped for your mind, and people are stupid and limited, when you are different, but you cannot escape from this empty world … Then there is no choice but to understand what is happening in the soul … There are resources for this now
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Hello unknown friend! We are strangers, but I took the time and decided to write you this letter, because I have heard a lot about you. Where, you ask? From there that I am your brother … No, now the music from the Indian film will not play, and I will not show you a familiar birthmark. I'm your procrastinator brother. And here I'll tell you how to stop procrastinating
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I look forward to leaving and hope to never return. FRIDA In fact, we are talking about two artists: Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, who cannot be separated. Their fates sprout one from the other, just like their creativity … "Getting close in the ground, intertwining with branches …"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Men and women can love anyone, create families and run a household. A variety of sexual preferences is gradually gaining legal support, which allows people with non-traditional sexual orientation to boldly look into the future and live happily without hiding. Traditional marriage is losing its "monopoly" in the relationship. Let's see why some men love men, and women love women, and why are there those who still cannot decide?
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Contents Manifestations of fear Physiological manifestations Psychological manifestations Causes of fear of public speaking How to get rid of the fear of public speaking Methods, advice, recommendations How to consolidate success
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Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second level of training by Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology" on the topic "Smell and sight"
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Chimera of freedom of choice The neighbors are heard waking up, doors slamming. From behind the loosely drawn curtains, the dullness of the dank morning is gradually peeping through. Today my night guests are depression and alcohol. "I heal wounds" with tart wine
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People, people, people everywhere
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Lying is one of the few things that can calm and disappoint at the same time. There is nothing unambiguous in the world, therefore, the lie also has various shades, which are superimposed on it by the reasons, scope and intentions of the lie. And if even a soulless machine ─ a lie detector, even with relative accuracy, can recognize deception, then why can't a person, the top of the pyramid of evolution, be able to do this? You thought correctly ─ maybe
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Life is like a vulture ripping out pieces of my soul. I hide in my thoughts, in computer games, in ashrams, but it overtakes me again and again, everywhere. My Soul Hurts. This pain oozes through my whole existence. I am getting smaller. What will be left of me in a few years?
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Anxiety and constant anxiety are the constant companions of my life
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Complete breakdown. Move your arm or leg. You just lie there and are unable to do anything. It seems that no force can lift you out of bed. And suddenly a friend called with a tempting offer to spend time interestingly. He will pick you up in half an hour. And where does the strength come from? You jump up, put yourself in order. In a moment, you are ready. The day flies by in one breath. You don’t remember your apathy and endless fatigue
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Action 1. She. "Do not come near me - I am offended once and for all!" (The action takes place in the car. She recently learned to drive - this is her first exit, like Natasha Rostova's - the first ball!) Does he not understand that I am not braked? Slightly confusing transmission. Just think! Why watch my actions with a glance and show with all appearance that I am stupid? Damn, it stalled again. And he looks at me as if I were an eternal brake
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
“Life constantly puts a point, and I change it to a comma” Sarah Bernhardt “And Moscow reared up …” - wrote in 1881 in a feuilleton about Sarah Bernard's first visit to Russia Antosha Chekhonte. There is a lot of frank banter, but little truth. So what if he is a classic! He has his own, very characteristic, vector set and reasons to dislike women, but this is not about him today
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Good for the bear. One. In a dark den. Got it - growled. Tired of - fell asleep. You can not eat or shave for a long time. Hermit's happiness. Unlike a bear, a person has to wipe his eyes in the morning, crawl out of bed, trudge to work, but the worst thing is that he has to talk to people, trying to convey something to them. But they still don't understand. So what's the point in trying?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
When I don’t think about myself, I don’t think at all Jules Renard We were sitting in a small cozy cafe where there was no one but us: me and my close friend. Watching him lighting another cigarette, I finally decided to ask what had interested me for so long:
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Psychology of management
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
From endless self-flagellation to inflated conceit. Part 2 As long as we sit and think about ourselves, we will not realize our potential. We rob ourselves and do not give ourselves the opportunity to realize our aspirations, desires inherent in us by nature
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Adult Lessons - Never, do you hear? Never, under any circumstances, no matter what happens - intentionally or not, do not tell your husband about your infidelities, - my mother suddenly told me very seriously, - even if you and your lover were caught red-handed in bed. Reject as much as you can! Like, she slept, didn't bother anyone, I don't know how he got here. I looked at her, intrigued. I was 12-13 years old. What is she talking about? She continued:
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
The girl threw herself under the train in the subway