Save me from communicating with you, or How to love people
Seriously though, I've always been an individualist and I believe that you can be self-sufficient and feel great alone. I don't need people, I try to nullify communication and new acquaintances where there is no need for it …
When I don’t think about myself, I don’t think at all
Jules Renard
We were sitting in a small, cozy cafe, where there was no one but us: me and my close friend. Watching him lighting another cigarette, I finally decided to ask what had interested me for so long:
- I know you as a successful self-sufficient person. I admire your tireless desire to bring endless ideas to life. You are energetic, sociable and constantly surrounded by interesting people. But I also know how carefully you try to avoid any communication with others, unless it is directly related to work. Even today you asked to meet in "a place with fewer people." Why is that?
- Is it really so striking that I am an antisocial animal? Just kidding. Seriously though, I've always been an individualist and I believe that you can be self-sufficient and feel great alone. I don't need people, I try to nullify communication and new acquaintances where there is no need for it.
- Are you serious? Your projects would not be so successful without the participation of other people. There is definitely a human factor in them.
- Of course, it is foolish to say the opposite. But I use people with the help of simple manipulations as a tool to achieve my goals, nothing more. This does not in any way include an emotional or personal aspect. You see, for the most part people are a gray mass, it is very rare to find truly bright personalities. I almost never met, mostly it is only driven, predictable mediocrity. Azov psychology is enough to get from them what you need, without prejudice to them, by the way. It would never even occur to them that they were being used. I hope you haven't got the image of a soulless, malicious exploiter? Everything is not as bad as it might seem.
- Honestly, no, because I know how much you like helping people. This fact does not fit in any way with what you just said.
- That's right, I like helping, only I do it for myself, not for them. Purely for selfish reasons. I'm sorry if I disappointed.
- And you are satisfied with this state of affairs?
- There was a time when I was worried about my relationship with society, and then I just put up with it, as with something incurable, such as a congenital pathology. True, I began to notice that I was trying to isolate myself more and more, despite the fact that outwardly I was constantly surrounded by people. Everything would be fine, but sometimes I get tired of endless internal dialogues, but, apparently, in this way the lack of communication is compensated. I dug up a bunch of psychological literature, where I found a lot of definitions for myself in the spirit of a sociopath-schizoid. It’s probably easier for me to cope with my condition when I find an explanation for this. By the way, I remember someone went through some kind of psycho-trainings. Well, say, doctor, what is the diagnosis, and is there a chance for recovery?

Crazy geniuses or crazy geniuses?
Yes, I obviously had something to say, since I did not go through "some there", but trainings on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. It is quite obvious that the owner of the sound vector was sitting in front of me.
Sound … Such incomprehensible, deep and multifaceted … And still these epithets are insignificant in comparison with the potential that the sound vector carries. This is the only one of all vectors that is able to rise above everything ordinary, earthly, routine and think about the eternal, spiritual, abstract. He generously endows its owners with non-standard thinking and originality of judgments, which cannot but arouse the interest of others.
Especially for those with a visual vector, who rush to the sound engineer like butterflies to a candle flame in the hope of satisfying their intellectual needs. Sound and vision are vector brothers, complementary opposites, filling the information niche in society.
The insane potential of the sound industry is enviable and delightful. Depending on the presence of other vectors, they are able to realize themselves in a variety of areas, and it is worth noting that no one is so committed to the idea as the sound people.
You read the book 20 years ago and are still rereading it, considering it a genius work? Can't hold back your tears at the Philharmonic while listening to the famous concert? Have you been standing at the exhibition for an hour in front of a modernist painting with an incomprehensible plot, experiencing a storm of feelings and emotions, unable to tear yourself away? This is all the work of sonic geniuses. But serving art and culture is not their only hypostasis. They managed to successfully mark both in the sciences and in philosophy - wherever abstract thinking and metaphysical views are so necessary.
Selfishness - how much sound is there
But the fact is that the representatives of the sound vector themselves know for certain about their own intellectual abilities, in potential - genius. This naturally and inevitably leads to the growth of egoism and the accompanying egocentrism. And fixation on oneself, in turn, leads to a sense of superiority, sociopathy, endless internal dialogues and many other not very pleasant states. It strains, worries, worries, in a word, complicates life, depriving them of joy and feelings of satisfaction. Under certain conditions, this can lead to depression, when, with all the external well-being, it covers a feeling of the meaninglessness of everything that happens.
Unfortunately, the number of such outwardly prosperous but unhappy people is tendentiously growing. The fact is that the time of filling the sound vector through philosophy, music and literature is irrevocably gone. These sublimants have exhausted themselves. The new era, on the threshold of which humanity has found itself, requires new forms of filling.

Happiness is near
That which so beckons and calls the sound engineers, which raises so many questions about the meaning of life and the structure of the Universe, the whole space, eternity and infinity are actually very close, at arm's length. These are other people.
We are a part of one whole, a society, where the realization of our properties through interaction with its other members according to the principle of “give-receive” determines the very purpose of life. It is impossible for us to take place alone, we are for each other a source of pleasure and suffering, success and failure. And this is in the best sense, since you cannot know pleasure without feeling its opposite.
Understanding the vectors of another person, his mental, recognition of internal properties leads to extraversion, which is a real salvation for the sound engineer, since concentration on oneself is a dead end, a path to nowhere. Cognition of the other will help you to distract yourself from your loved one and feel life in a completely different, new way. Interestingly, this will lead to a new understanding of oneself, to receiving an acute pleasure from life, which can only be provided by the disclosure of what is hidden in the depths of the human psyche.
This is evidenced by numerous reviews of people who have undergone training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.
Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about vectors and their features already at free online lectures. Register by the link: