How To Stop Procrastinating Until Tomorrow: A Way To Deal With Postponing Syndrome

How To Stop Procrastinating Until Tomorrow: A Way To Deal With Postponing Syndrome
How To Stop Procrastinating Until Tomorrow: A Way To Deal With Postponing Syndrome

How to stop procrastinating when there is nowhere else

At some point, I suddenly realized that I was experiencing a stupor before any new action. Some kind of discomfort comes over me when I have to start something, and it doesn't matter what. Whether it's a new project at work, a long-overdue renovation, or a marriage proposal. I was simply afraid of this new thing, frozen in anticipation of the unknown, and again put it off for later. On "later", which never came …

Hello unknown friend! We are strangers, but I took the time and decided to write you this letter, because I have heard a lot about you. Where, you ask? From there that I am your brother … No, now the music from the Indian film will not play, and I will not show you a familiar birthmark. I'm your procrastinator brother. And here I will tell you how to stop procrastinating.

I am the champion of procrastination. Master of Sports for fear of starting a new business. The author of the book "The Unwritten Detective", which never came out. Had I been born Hercules, all twelve deeds would have remained a record in my diary. I would have found a way not to do anything, because postponing everything for later is my talent.

I am a virtuoso of apathy, a master of laziness, a genius of wasted time. My coat of arms bears the slogan "Postpone until the end!", and I follow him at the call of the ancestors. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. Indeed, in real life, everything is far from being as joyful as it might seem.

As I understand it is time to stop procrastinating

The habit of procrastination literally made me a loser in life. My comrades of the same age have already found themselves in the profession, got families and their own homes. And only I was waiting for a miracle - when I was lucky to become the same respected, solid and financially independent. But instead, I continued to sit in one place, like an idol.

Time passed in vain, but there was simply no strength to rise and take a specific action. I was scrolling through my plans in my head, I promised myself that tomorrow I will definitely start to implement them. But tomorrow came, and laziness in half with apathy once again forced to postpone things on the back burner.

At some point, I suddenly realized that I was experiencing a stupor before any new action. Some kind of discomfort comes over me when I have to start something, and it doesn't matter what. Whether it's a new project at work, a long-overdue renovation, or a marriage proposal. I was simply afraid of this new thing, frozen in anticipation of the unknown, and again put it off for later. On "later", which never came …

Let's talk about how to stop procrastinating, and whether it is possible.

how to stop procrastinating
how to stop procrastinating

Stop procrastinating until tomorrow - myth or reality

Apathy and laziness got me so much that I simply could not bear it any longer. I was looking for and at some point came across a free online training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. The ads promised to get rid of procrastination and the fear of starting a new business. Having weighed all the pros and cons, I decided to go to the training.

It turned out that the reasons for the pathological postponement were buried in deep childhood. Namely, the habit of putting off everything for later is formed in the process of potty training. It was difficult to listen further, but I firmly decided to go all the way! So…

I learned that procrastination is not only my problem, and most importantly, it is purely psychological in nature! Systems-vector psychology classifies people like me as people with an anal vector.

Such people earn themselves a syndrome of deferred affairs in childhood. Unhurried, diligent and measured in everything by nature, they always bring any action to the end, to the point. Do not interrupt at the same time for other activities, because inconsistency and rush lead them to stress.

Since during the act of defecation, the child cleans himself, and to the end (for obvious reasons, he cannot do "this work" by half), he always acquires the habit of completing any work related to cleansing. Natural pleasant sensations help him to consolidate this habit.

Childhood habit: procrastination cannot be stopped

Such a child is naturally unhurried, so he needs much more time to visit the toilet. In case the mother hurries him up, rips him off the pot, the child experiences stress and reacts by clamping the “right” place.

The result is constipation, which can last for several days. The child cannot endure forever and at some point he has to go out of necessity again. The act of defecation after constipation brings him no longer positive emotions, but intense suffering.

If the stress repeats, then the child's brain forms the connection “to go out of necessity - it hurts!”. Naturally, anyone will put off pain for as long as possible. At the same time, the child's psyche adapts this situation, and he is retrained to receive pleasure not from the act of purification, but from the act of postponing. The worst thing is that here we find ourselves in a double trap: on the one hand, we expect pain and postpone the act of purification as much as possible, on the other, we get used to enjoying the very fact of postponing.

This is how the habit of putting off any business for later is formed. In adulthood, a person also experiences discomfort before starting a new business, as if expecting pain. And - the most incredible! - postponing, experiencing inexplicable relief.

How to stop procrastinating

So, I understood the true reasons for my laziness, inexplicable fear of any action and the habit of leaving everything for later. The fact that I was told about my mother at the training in system-vector psychology helped me fully realize this problem. She really often urged me on, not letting me finish what I started. Although these details were not immediately recalled.

how to stop procrastinating
how to stop procrastinating

All this helped me to understand the causes of the syndrome of postponed affairs and brought me closer to my cherished goal - to stop procrastinating and finally start living.

If you're looking for an easy way to stop procrastinating, this is by far the most effective.

A way that helped me stop procrastinating

Master the knowledge of system-vector psychology. Only understanding yourself, your psyche can help you stop postponing things for later and get rid of the fear of taking any new action. This method takes some time, but it's worth it. If you are tired of being afraid, tired of your own laziness and really want to understand how to learn not to leave things for tomorrow, this training is for you.

Systemic vector psychology helped me go back in time, to see myself and my parents from the outside. To understand why it is so difficult for me to decide on some action. Why am I afraid to make a choice. How did it happen that I live an apathetic and dull life, and laziness has become second nature.

Only at the training did I understand what it means to stop putting off life for later. I will say this: if you want to get what you never had, do what you never did. Take the time and attend a free online training in Systems Vector Psychology. Register using the link.

PS Procrastination is just one of the most common reasons for procrastination. There are other reasons as well. And sometimes it turns out that what we call "postponing" is not, and the problem is not procrastination. And in what? Find out at the training "System-vector psychology".
