Practical psychology

How To Deal With Laziness So As To Overcome This Laziness Forever

How To Deal With Laziness So As To Overcome This Laziness Forever

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Before trying to fight laziness, read a folk tale and answer the question - is this kind of laziness you personally have? Once upon a time there lived a lazy person in a village

High And Without High: How I Was A Drug Addict - Page 2

High And Without High: How I Was A Drug Addict - Page 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Reality is a refuge for those who are afraid of drugs. Lily Tomlin

Unified State Exam - Bugage. Elimination Of Higher Education In One Single Country

Unified State Exam - Bugage. Elimination Of Higher Education In One Single Country

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

If earlier children from an early age were frightened by Baba Yaga, the Gray Wolf, today they are often frightened by the terrible "beasts" of the GIA (state final attestation) and the Unified State Exam (unified state exam). These abbreviations are known to everyone and are associated with numerous scandals and disputes. Let's try to figure out why the discussion of the pros and cons of the introduction of new standardized forms of exams does not subside in society to this day

That Feeling When You Are 13, But You No Longer Have The Strength To Live

That Feeling When You Are 13, But You No Longer Have The Strength To Live

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

You are lonely and unhappy. Nothing pleases, nothing captivates. Everything that was of interest before seems empty and meaningless. You are disgusting to yourself. How to live? Why get up in the morning? Why leave home? Why is it all?

I'm Beyond, I'm On The Edge, Or I'm A Stranger In This World

I'm Beyond, I'm On The Edge, Or I'm A Stranger In This World

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"Mom, I learned to fly in a dream, I flew out of my body!" - a keen sense of bliss overwhelming me, made me forget about caution. I immediately regretted it, but it was too late. The screeching voice of his mother pierced his ears like a red-hot needle. Climbing higher and higher, he switched to ultrasound and formed into the usual phrase: "Run to school, little dumbass"

Secrets Of The Dollhouse, Or The Theater Of One Pedophile

Secrets Of The Dollhouse, Or The Theater Of One Pedophile

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1 Once upon a time there was one girl It was an ordinary, unremarkable family. Mom, dad and teenage girl. Everyone who knew them could say that this family was prosperous. The house was kept clean and tidy, and smelled of fresh baked goods. The girl was almost never rejected. She was surrounded by parental love, care and attention even more than many of her peers

Born Free Maria Bochkareva. Scarlet Blood In The Snow-white Steppe Of The Russian Mentality

Born Free Maria Bochkareva. Scarlet Blood In The Snow-white Steppe Of The Russian Mentality

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

This is the story of a legendary woman, a semi-literate peasant woman, whose favor the leaders of the revolution and white generals, who were hosted by the king of England and the president of the United States, the incomprehensible Russian Joan of Arc, who was killed by her compatriots as unnecessary. This is the story of all-consuming Love and the predetermined death of Maria Bochkareva, the commander of the women's battalion of death, the Leader, who refused to shoot his flock

Psychology Of Men. Everything You Wanted To Know, But Were Afraid To Ask

Psychology Of Men. Everything You Wanted To Know, But Were Afraid To Ask

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

PSYCHOLOGY OF MEN AND HIGH ALTITUDE SHEARS - NEWEST RESEARCH (beginning here) “What are you thinking now, dear?” - asking this question, we really want to hear the truth, but for some reason we hope that it will be just like this: “About you, dear !”

Alla Pugacheva. Not A Day Without A Handsome Man Nearby

Alla Pugacheva. Not A Day Without A Handsome Man Nearby

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Alla Borisovna loves to “learn something”. Like any urethral person. And she is not only urethral - but also muscular, and orally sound-visual! So he is teaching the full growth of his vector set! And she's doing great

Why Do People Cheat

Why Do People Cheat

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Cheating often takes us by surprise

Nobody Wants To Be Anal, Or Is It Possible To Change The Vector?

Nobody Wants To Be Anal, Or Is It Possible To Change The Vector?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Are you interested in human psychology and are you going to learn more about yourself and your environment? Do you think you need to prepare thoroughly first? If so, then your installation is perfectly understandable. Many people will agree with her, who, too, before starting something, properly prepare for a new business

Constantly Wanting To Sleep: Reasons And How To Get Rid Of The Constant Desire To Sleep

Constantly Wanting To Sleep: Reasons And How To Get Rid Of The Constant Desire To Sleep

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Your only hobby and passion is to sleep. A new day brings a new need to scrape oneself out of bed. You're like a zombie. I always want to sleep. What are the reasons for this state and how to awaken other desires in ourselves, we will find out using the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan

How To Get Rid Of Laziness

How To Get Rid Of Laziness

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Tired of your own laziness? Wondering how to get rid of it? How can you make life happy and energetic? Why are motivational trainings not giving the desired result? Where does laziness come from? Laziness is an integral part of our psyche, and it is simply impossible to get rid of it. The only way to overcome laziness is to learn how to enjoy your efforts

Vendetta In Russian

Vendetta In Russian

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Vendetta in Russian In Russia, the number of crimes related to physical violence or lynching is growing every day. The victims or their relatives try to restore justice on their own, using all kinds of means from fists to weapons, thereby turning into criminals

The Lascivious Goat. And I'm Such A Fool

The Lascivious Goat. And I'm Such A Fool

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The phone call ripped through the silence of the night and divided my life into "before" and "after". - Do you know where your husband is now? - Yes … no … What's wrong with him ?! - Everything is fine with him. He dined well, drank wine and is now asleep. In my bed

Making A Gift Special: A New Approach To How To Make A Gift

Making A Gift Special: A New Approach To How To Make A Gift

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

“We stopped climbing through the windows to our beloved women”

Sleep Deprivation For Depression - Learn How To Overcome Depression And Improve Sleep

Sleep Deprivation For Depression - Learn How To Overcome Depression And Improve Sleep

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Obsessive thoughts do not allow you to fall asleep, and constant headaches exhaust you to the state of a vegetable? Or vice versa - do you sleep 16 hours a day and can't get enough sleep? In this article, we'll show you how depression and sleep are related

Don't Hit Baby

Don't Hit Baby

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Aggression flares up so suddenly, as if it were not me! Someone stranger guides my feelings, injects the hormones of aggression into my blood out of the blue, craves cruelty or revenge up to the destruction of the "guilty"

Male Depression - What To Do If A Man Is Depressed

Male Depression - What To Do If A Man Is Depressed

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

We know from childhood that a man should be strong and confident

Why Do We Live - You Will Find The Answer To This Question In This Article

Why Do We Live - You Will Find The Answer To This Question In This Article

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Why does man live on this planet? To grow up, learn, work and raise your children? And what will they live for: for the same? I would like to figure out why we live in general, why we trample this land. Is the change of a succession of generations the only meaning of our existence?

Alcohol Depression Treatment - Alcohol Is No Longer Needed For Depression

Alcohol Depression Treatment - Alcohol Is No Longer Needed For Depression

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

How sickening! As if something is tearing apart, incinerating from the inside

Laughing Monkeys Over The Tears Of Culture

Laughing Monkeys Over The Tears Of Culture

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

“Gygygy. Hello. Good day. How are you? Everything is well. It doesn't matter. Forget. Let's laugh. You saw this blind old woman in the elevator, who only the third time hit her button with a twisted, trembling finger. No, well, did you see that?

Visual Perception - Who Knows How To See And See

Visual Perception - Who Knows How To See And See

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

(beginning here) What strikes us the most in the masterpieces of world art? What exactly excites us about the outstanding fruits of creative thinking? How does an artist manage to lay the paint so that we see the reflections of raindrops rolling down the green leaves? How can a moon beam piercing a storm wave be transmitted? And how does he manage to portray love in the look, pain in gesture, youth in posture or wisdom in a wrinkle?

The Fear Of Heights Is The Horror Of A Frozen Heart

The Fear Of Heights Is The Horror Of A Frozen Heart

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The helicopter plummeted directly into the Neva. The feeling of a free fall threw the stomach somewhere in the throat, horror paralyzed the will, and the wild animal cry that escaped from the throats of ten passengers filled the small salon with horror. We were falling, there was no doubt. Only one thought flashed in my head as an emergency light: now we are all going to die

The Story Of One Corruption. And Again I Got Caught

The Story Of One Corruption. And Again I Got Caught

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky, Behind the rough wall is thorny darkness … Why did I come here? I'm scared here. A dark corridor, rough wooden benches, a low ceiling with bunches of herbs hanging in the corners. It smells of smoke and incense. Above the door is a small icon of the Mother of God. Dull footsteps echo across the plank floor … My heart pounds, goosebumps, I want to run away

At School At Gunpoint

At School At Gunpoint

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"Violence in schools - emotional, physical or sexual violence committed by children or teachers against school students or students against a teacher"

Russian Passions. Duels

Russian Passions. Duels

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"A duel is an agreed battle between two persons with a deadly weapon to satisfy an outraged honor." (From the history of the Russian duel)

First Love. Innocent Looks And Passionate Kisses

First Love. Innocent Looks And Passionate Kisses

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

My first love

"Puss In A Poke", Or How To Find Your Partner On A Dating Site

"Puss In A Poke", Or How To Find Your Partner On A Dating Site

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

In our age of the Internet, Wi-Fi and 4G, only the gray-haired and wrinkled veterans of flirting are capable of saying to girls on the streets “We met somewhere”. To the modern public of childbearing age, such courtship seems ridiculous and deeply old-fashioned, because over the past 10-15 years, a completely new cultural layer has formed in the field of dating, courtship, flirting and, sorry, renting

My Son Is A Crybaby, Or When A Real Man Has Tears Close

My Son Is A Crybaby, Or When A Real Man Has Tears Close

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Immediately after giving birth, my mother could not get enough of this miracle

People, Everything Is Clear With You, Call The Elder. I Want To Talk To God

People, Everything Is Clear With You, Call The Elder. I Want To Talk To God

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"I do not want. I do not want. I do not want. I do not want anything". From these phrases, you can write a sixty-volume novel. It will become a bestseller and sell for quotes. It can be re-read endlessly, each time finding something new in it. I will never get bored with it - after all, it's about me. From word to word. He is about me during the day, he is about me at night. It has the answer to every thought that comes into my head

Purpose Of Life - Why Does A Person Need A Purpose In Life And How To Find It

Purpose Of Life - Why Does A Person Need A Purpose In Life And How To Find It

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Why does a person need a purpose in life? This question, probably, each of us asks in the time interval between birth and death. After all, I really want to live life happily, rejoicing and enjoying every day, confidently striving for my goal. Because the purpose of life directs our desires and gives energy to achieve the desired result. How do you find the very goal that will inspire and guide you through life? For the answer, let's turn to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan

How To Stop Yelling At Your Child And Blaming Yourself

How To Stop Yelling At Your Child And Blaming Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The child does not obey, simply ignores, does not pay any attention to the requests of the parents, you can get anything from him only by raising his voice. But this is not an option, you cannot constantly yell or scold him! Why is he behaving this way? Is it protest, whims, self-affirmation, or just harm? And what should be done in this case, how not to shout at the child, but to get the desired result and achieve mutual understanding?

Everything Seems To Be In Order, But The Internal State Is Disgusting - Page 13

Everything Seems To Be In Order, But The Internal State Is Disgusting - Page 13

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Depression, suicide, melancholy, schizophrenia, autism are the “native” words of the sound vector. Internal emptiness and dissatisfaction without any external reasons - this is a state of masked depression, characteristic only for sound professionals. There is a lack of ideology in society, and attempts to see signs of impending disasters and the ends of the world have noticeably increased. Longing for something bigger and an insane desire for change. Stagnation

Family And Love Under One Roof - Myth Or Reality?

Family And Love Under One Roof - Myth Or Reality?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Harmony of family relationships, mutual understanding, trust, love, happiness … what does it all depend on? What is the secret of a long and happy relationship between husband and wife? Unquenchable passion and tender love? A bunch of kids, a big house and a garden? Joint business or creativity? Swan fidelity or open relationship? Does it even exist, this secret? Maybe love in a family is just a lucky ticket, a lottery - you never know if you're lucky or not

Mother-in-law: Systemic Recruiting Of The Agent Of Influence

Mother-in-law: Systemic Recruiting Of The Agent Of Influence

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Linking our life with a loved one, we do not even suspect how closely it will "connect" with other people, whom we later call relatives

Homosexual. Ivan Tsarevich And The Grey Wolf

Homosexual. Ivan Tsarevich And The Grey Wolf

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Do you think it is easy to be homosexual? Just imagine what it would be like to hear the infinite: “They are not people

XXI Century Cross-dressing. Boys Or Girls. Part 1

XXI Century Cross-dressing. Boys Or Girls. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

How is it, and here to remove, and here to remove ?! Love affair at work

Black-black House In Black-black Forest - How To Overcome Fear?

Black-black House In Black-black Forest - How To Overcome Fear?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Today you also decided not to leave the house? That's right, you can go to the store tomorrow