About Lies. More Than Just The Truth

About Lies. More Than Just The Truth
About Lies. More Than Just The Truth

About lies. More than just the truth

Is your interlocutor scratching his nose, or ear, or eyelid? Covering his mouth with his hand? Fidgeting in your chair and blinking your eyes? He blinks like this, not that way ─ let's discard the spillikins of the last century. Baby pants off! Today we can know for sure whether a person is lying or not, understanding what motivates him in every action. The latest advances in psychology make it possible to penetrate far beyond the boundaries of the external …

Lying is one of the few things that can calm and disappoint at the same time. There is nothing unambiguous in the world, therefore, the lie also has various shades, which are superimposed on it by the reasons, scope and intentions of the lie. And if even a soulless machine ─ a lie detector, even with relative accuracy, can recognize deception, then why can't a person, the top of the evolutionary pyramid, be able to do this?

You thought correctly ─ maybe!

Who wants to be deceived? Nobody. And who wants to know and understand when they want to deceive? Everyone. Just think how simple they sometimes lie to us, looking into our eyes and shaking hands, without the slightest shudder in their voice they lie on the phone. How many facts are we not aware of? There are a huge number of various deceitful situations, and the result is the same - noodles on the ears, the soul is spattered, a knife in the back.

psychology of lies
psychology of lies

It's time to start recognizing the lies!

Is your interlocutor scratching his nose, or ear, or eyelid? Covering his mouth with his hand? Fidgeting in a chair and blinking eyes? He blinks like this, not that way ─ let's discard the spillikins of the last century. Baby pants off!

Today we can know for sure whether a person is lying or not, understanding what drives him in his every action. Yes, yes, we have a human mental code.

The latest advances in psychology make it possible to penetrate far beyond the boundaries of external tracking of human manifestations and accurately understand:

  • what desires drive this particular person;
  • what methods he can achieve their implementation.

At the training "System-vector psychology" you will not need to repeat affirmations, wander in conjectures, imagine mental images, think out, invent and waste your time on other nonsense.

Understanding the characteristics of each person given from birth and past development, you will learn to do what is usually written about in science fiction books:

─ to understand what kind of person is in front of you after a few minutes of acquaintance by a couple of his looks and gestures;

─ see when a person is lying and what his motives are;

─ determine whether a person is capable of lying in principle (yes, not everyone knows how to lie);

─ interact with a person so flexibly and sightedly to guide him in the right direction.

psychology of lies
psychology of lies

Sounds too promising? Then you can go a long way: study tons of literature, go through a hundred or two seminars "on the topic" ─ and never learn to recognize a lie, not understand its nature, but continue to wander in endless external signs, guidelines for twitching a hand or shaking a head and "Personal card" of the interlocutor.

And then continue the same way as before, flop in conjectures when choosing business partners, workers, husbands / wives, because the scale of lies is limited only by the size of humanity itself.

At the same time, numerous testimonies indicate that it is possible not to waste years, efforts and money, but to take a qualitatively new step forward.


Free introductory lectures coming soon.
