System-vector psychology and vocational guidance
In all cases, the plot is the same: we study for someone who is not clear, we work in a different industry altogether, we receive a hated diploma and put it on the shelf. The question is: who needs it?
Today we will again focus on the application of the knowledge that System Vector Psychology gives in practice. We will discuss such an important topic in the life of every person as career guidance. Why is this topic so significant?
Personally, I have never encountered the problem of career guidance. And before System Vector Psychology came into my life, and after that. It always seemed to me that there is nothing easier than to understand what you really want to do in life. It is enough to listen to your desires. I thought so, because I was lucky. It turned out that one day I realized that philology is mine. Well, since I decided, no one could convince me: my parents did not argue and sent me to additional courses in preparation for admission.
And the more I went to the School of the Young Philologist, the more I realized that this was my path. The more I studied Russian, the more I saw that I had abilities. I have always been intuitively guided by the principle: to do in life what brings pleasure. The Faculty of Philology seemed to me, an applicant, to be some fabulous and mysterious place where ancient languages and folklore are studied. I really dreamed of going there and was really glad to study there (although some disciplines drove me crazy).

I approached the choice of profession from the same side: what I like, what I do best is what I need. But…
I am me, and if in my life it turned out this way, it does not mean that everyone has it. Many people come with this question to trainings in Systemic Vector Psychology. From the experience of observing my acquaintances, I will say that more often the choice of profession occurs in a different way. For example, many are looking for a specialty in terms of the prestige of the specialty and the size of the subsequent salary - as a result, training brings suffering, because nothing happens. Or mom and dad decide that a son or daughter should study at a particular faculty. And the child then for 5 years endures an unloved specialty, but he will not be able to work - all professions associated with a hateful specialty are annoying. It so happens that they go where friends went. Sometimes, in general, the selection criterion is the USE scores: where a person can go according to points, there he goes. If only to get the crust.
In all cases, the plot is the same: we study for someone who is not clear, we work in a different industry altogether, we receive a hated diploma and put it on the shelf. The question is: who needs it?
Very often, high school students, having completed their studies before grade 11, cannot decide in any way where they want to go. There are many reasons for this. Someone is used to the fact that his parents decide everything for him. And someone simply has not yet found the very path that, indeed, is his. And if we are talking about adolescents with a sound vector, then very often they feel apathy before the future: I can do anything, but what's the point? And since there is no sense, then I will not do anything. I saw a lot of people with similar thoughts at the training on Systems Vector Psychology.

When we were in grades 10-11, a school psychologist constantly came to us with tests on vocational guidance. It was believed that tests help you understand which profession suits you best. The meaning of most of the questions is the same: you choose one of the two offered professions. Then they give you the result: the line of business that suits you best. I can't say that these tests were bad. They only helped if you already know what you need. Then they served as a confirmation of the choice, although in fact it had already been made. Some questions, such as: "What would you prefer to work: a director or a forester?" I was directly, say, injected into a stupor. What if I don't like either one or the other?
Systematic vector psychology does not offer any testing, because most of the currently existing tests are subjective: you can always predict the result from the answers. Personally, it is very difficult for me to answer various kinds of psychological questionnaires, because I just can't figure out which answer to choose. Sometimes it seems to me that in tests I embellish myself, sometimes it seems to me that, on the contrary, I am humiliating. It is very difficult to objectively relate to oneself: the results, as a result, are obtained unconsciously adjusted. Any specialist will tell you: tests are ineffective.
Then how to choose the right specialty and profession?
First of all, I would like to express a mute reproach to the parents, who always “know better what the child needs”. Alas, life shows that parents know only themselves and their desires. Yes, we all want only good and happiness for our own blood. We want him to make good money, to do a good job, but some people never think of it in their entire lives: “Maybe what I consider a“good specialty”is not the ultimate truth?”
Systematic vector psychology changes this perception. Many people realized that they were wrong. They made mistakes in relation to children, loved ones, relatives. They evaluated others through themselves, could not or did not want to see the desires of others. Of course, they did all this with the best intentions, wishing the best for their children and this is not a search for the right and the wrong. But you know, it seems to me that it is better to realize this until the moment you break the wood. Sometimes it's already late: when your child is 30, and he never got a job in life, because you yourself insisted that he go to study in the specialty that you liked, and not him.
What does Systemic Vector Psychology propose to focus on when choosing a specialty? First of all, on the natural data of each individual person, on his vector set and the degree of development of vectors.
I will give examples of which specialties, as System Vector Psychology considers, are suitable for people with certain vectors.

Skin vector
People with a skin vector have the following qualities: logical thinking, mental flexibility, leadership qualities. They are not diligent and impatient, they try to do everything quickly, instantly. Figures are akin to the elements of people with a skin vector: from childhood they have the habit of counting everything (whether steps, passing cars). Systematic vector psychology notes that leather workers are excellent salesmen and businessmen, economists and mathematicians, organizers and managers, therefore such specialties as Management, Economics, Public Administration are ideal for them. Where calculation and flexible mind is needed.
In addition, the leather workers in a developed state are excellent lawyers and politicians. After all, it was people with a skin vector, System Vector Psychology that pays special attention to this, were the creators of the law.
What else will suit the owner of the skin vector? Indeed, in addition to all the listed qualities, leather people have excellent physical characteristics in order to become athletes or dancers. Such people have an excellent sense of rhythm, dexterous hands, quick legs, flexible body. Therefore, if your child has been involved in sports since childhood, then it will not be difficult for him to build a career in this area.
In a modern big city, there are practically no people without upper vectors, and they really change the picture.

Anal vector
People with an anal vector can be easily recognized by the following qualities: well-developed analytical thinking, the ability to classify, diligence, attention to detail, painstaking, neatness, perfectionism, patience, good memory, love of the past, the ability to bring what has been started to the end, pedagogical talent. Systematic vector psychology examines in great detail all the features of their psyche. Among other things, the analys perfectly do the work where "golden hands" are needed: they make excellent crafts, sew, draw, sculpt, etc.
It turns out that people with an anal vector are always specialists in their field: craftsmen, artisans, draftsmen, cooks. In combination with the visual vector, these are jewelers, painters, sculptors, photographers, filmmakers, scientists (historians, for example). In combination with sound - writers, literary critics.
It should also be remembered that anal sexes are excellent teachers and trainers.
Urethral vector
We will not consider the professions occupied by a person with an urethral vector (the owner of tactical thinking, as it classifies System Vector Psychology). Why? For several reasons:
- The urethral, in principle, can do anything if he wants to. And if he wants, then be sure: he will do it best
- There are no such professions and specialties created specifically for people with a urethral vector. The leader is his profession
- Systematic vector psychology shows that the urethral is always a leader and moves in the direction in which he needs. Therefore, the question: "Where to give the urethral?" - sounds strange, your opinion is not a decree to him. He will choose himself. You need to develop him, teach him to work for the pack. Much will also depend on its additional vectors
Visual vector
Imaginative thinking, an excellent sense of style, impeccable taste are far from the main qualities of people with a visual vector, but you can also understand from them what specialties are ideal for spectators. This is how anal-visual people become designers and artists, jewelers, photographers, filmmakers and decorators. Skin-visual girls and boys occupy their own niche in the modeling business.
In addition, a developed visual vector is also the highest degree of empathy. Therefore, people with the visual-cutaneous ligament are excellent psychologists and psychotherapists, social workers, volunteers, as well as teachers, educators. As System Vector Psychology reveals, the skin-visual boy in the modern world becomes both a manager and a sex symbol, a singer. In principle, he stretches to the same place as the skin-visual female, but only he has not yet matured to empathy, so he will not be a psychotherapist yet. And if he is with anality, then that's another conversation.
The anal-visual guys also make great doctors and veterinarians, and they are also well suited to the role of teachers. Such, with a good condition of the vectors, can realize himself in many professions. From accountant to fashion designer and artist.
And, finally, the visual vector is also excellent acting skills, the ability to behave on stage. Actors and singers (in a word, artists) are also for spectators. Journalists (reporters), presenters, guides - there too.
Sound vector
Abstract thinking, an unconventional view of things, the ability to languages, thet of the written word, the ability to generate ideas, the desire to learn the secrets of the universe - all these are features of the sound vector.
Systemically vector psychology shows that the sound engineer is drawn to physics, mathematics, linguistics, philosophy. Can become an engineer-inventor, developer, programmer, excellent chess player, translator. Much is decided by the lower vectors of the sound engineer, so sound people with an anal vector are more inclined to engage in written translations, they do not have time to translate as quickly as a skin sound specialist, who often realizes himself as a simultaneous translator, does.
Sound scientists with an anal vector are writers, philosophers, literary scholars, critics, psychiatrists, scientists.
It should also not be forgotten that all people with a sound vector have excellent (and often even perfect) hearing, so they very often become musicians.
Oral vector
People with an oral vector make them great speakers and comedians. They often find themselves as participants in KVN, they do an excellent job in the role of toastmaster or presenter. By the way, oralists perform well the tasks of "talking out" the interlocutor. For example, oral and dermal comrades are ideal managers: they speak very convincingly, push the product for a sweet soul.
Moreover, the oral vector also presupposes culinary talent. People with anal-oral ligaments are virtuoso cooks.

Olfactory vector
The rarest and most "mysterious" vector that System Vector Psychology considers. The olfactory vector is always non-verbal, intuitive (so to speak) thinking. An excellent strategist who always knows in advance what to expect from a particular person, from a particular company. People with olfactory vectors are ideal advisors for any leader. They always know how to lead a company to prosperity because feel "where the wind is blowing from."
In combination with the skin vector, they are excellent financiers and scouts.
What if there are many vectors? After all, a modern person has an average of three to five vectors! Here, in addition to the vector set, you need to take into account the state of the vectors, and also rely on your own desires. After all, a person, in fact, knows what he needs to do: you just need to understand which of your desires are yours, and which are imposed by your parents or other circumstances. In this regard, after the training in Systemic Vector Psychology, the choice becomes easier, at the training you begin to understand which desires are your own and their realization will really bring you pleasure, and which ones are imposed from outside by society, parents, friends, etc.
When choosing a specialty or profession, you should always ask yourself the same question: "Why do I want to do this?" Is it because I enjoy it or because my mother wants it so, and I'm afraid to upset her? Or maybe I'm just scared to go to an unfamiliar society, so I just go where, but with my friends? Or do I want to do this job because my idol is doing this? Or am I deliberately giving up my favorite occupation, because society has inspired me that you cannot earn money on this business?
You know, when I went to a philologist, everyone, like one, said to me: "And what will you become then?" Parents said: "Well, he will be a teacher, what now?" Everyone around was scared that this was the most not prestigious profession. But in reality? In fact, everyone needs philologists. I am telling you this seriously. If you are a specialist in your field, if you love what you do and do work related to your specialty at the highest level, then you are needed everywhere. And everywhere you will find a niche and application.
There is nothing sadder than a person who is out of place, who hates his profession. He is truly unhappy, and his life turns into endless dull everyday life. So why not figure out, finally, which place is yours?
If you want to understand which profession will give you the greatest pleasure, start with free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register using the link.