Sexual orientation - richness of choice or frustration of vectors?
Everything is conceived by nature not only with maximum simplicity, but also with a hint of fun. This is as a preamble. And we will start, perhaps, with the long-suffering anal men …
Men and women can love anyone, create families and run a household. A variety of sexual preferences is gradually acquiring legal support, which allows people with non-traditional sexual orientation to boldly look into the future and live happily without hiding. Traditional marriage is losing its "monopoly" in the relationship. Let's see why some men love men, and women love women, and why are there those who still cannot decide?

Everything is conceived by nature not only with maximum simplicity, but also with a hint of fun. This is as a preamble. And we will start, perhaps, with the long-suffering anal men.
Sexual orientation: anal nondifferentiation
The species role obliged anal husbands to stay in the cave and teach the younger generation about war and hunting, transfer experience and prepare young people for adulthood. Imagine a primitive class with noisy orals, sullen muscles, nimble skinned people, impressionable eyes, sluggish anal dogs, sleepy sound people, a frowning olfactory man and a raging urethral who was again barely driven into a cave for a lesson. How can you pacify them all, unite and invest in everyone that will be useful in life? You need not just love to rant and teach, you need to love, first of all, children. Otherwise, patience will not be enough.
How to love them? Than? Where to get this attachment to the little and so different? The answer is simple - undifferentiated libido, which in special cases makes its own adjustments to the sexual orientation of its owner. The heterosexual part of him is filled with love for the female, and the other, homosexual, is inhibited and comes out in the form of love for children. Only thanks to the undifferentiated libido-specific role of the anal man could take place.
Everything would be fine if everything always went well. But here our teacher is thrown by the female. I saw a new, beautiful skin on the skin commander and urgently wanted to give birth to children for him, and not for an anal "torch." Grief came into his life - the beloved woman left, trampled on feelings. He does not know, poor man, how to comfort himself, except for the slander of the former. And so she curses her, and so. And then all the other females at the same time. Yet one world is smeared, why deny it. And the libido does not sleep. He needs to be filled with something, to give out energy. There is pressure, crazy in its strength, and breaks through our anal, changing his sexual orientation … to yesterday's students, and now - to gentle and shy skin-visual boys who do not know who to stick to so that the olfactory does not smell and fed the oral. Can you imagine what horror they had there 50 thousand years ago?

The anal person resists at first. Well, I'm a man. No, well, I'm not a pid * races, I have a traditional sexual orientation. And he himself can only think about men's asses. In short, he was toiling, poor thing, toiling, but the libido got the better of it and he called the timid, skin-visual frightened boy to him under his wing. And they felt so good - the energy of his libido found a way out in a homosexual relationship, and the boy received protection in exchange for a bed.
An anal woman, in view of the absence of a specific role, does not even think about any women. Know yourself give birth to children, bring up and bake pies and think does not think to change sexual orientation. With men, the situation is more complicated …
Listen to what Yuri Burlan says about the undifferentiated libido of men with the anal vector and about homosexual relationships in general:
Sexual Orientation: Urethral Power
Urethral Handsome man. All the women in the cave sigh languidly, even the muscles. The latter, however, do not know why - they have sex only for conception. But no one can resist this locomotive, charged with pheromones and strong ejaculate to the eyeballs. He is ready to copulate for days on end - until you need to save the flock or the mammoth is over. If everyone is alive and well fed, then it is the turn of women with shortages. He will give attention to everyone - sick and healthy, beautiful and not so. He is unaware of muscle suspicion, anal fidelity, or cutaneous economy. He gives ejaculate as needed.
Urethralists do not know the denial of women, because there is always one that needs the leader's ejaculate. He will never become homosexual, his sexual orientation always remains traditional. Animal altruism leaves no opportunity to harbor a grudge against a mother or wife, as an anal frustrant can. And skin-visual fear is unknown to him - the leader is not afraid of either God or the devil.
Another thing is the urethral female. The strength of the spirit is the same, but without the specific role. And then there are the parents - they teach and compel obedience. What happens to a urethral person when they are pressed on? Anger, rage and scorched lands. And if the parents are an anal frustrated daddy-sadist and the mother is a skin-visual vertivost, then you can't do without scandals and massacres. The little urethral seeks to protect the weak mother, but what can she, small and puny, do against her stocky dad?
She subconsciously feels how she lacks the power of a real urethral leader. After all, if she were a boy, that would be her rank. In her appearance, "muzhikishness" gradually begins to appear - in clothes, gait, and demeanor. She bully and provokes fights - the further, the more.
Adult urethral women of this depressed type hate men and at the same time position themselves as men in every possible way, eventually changing their sexual orientation. Hence the origins of "penis envy", which modern psychologists attribute to almost all women indiscriminately.

And here on the horizon looms an impressionable skin-visual girl with "nailed" skin and the urethral woman surrenders without a fight. The scenario of a natural union is one with the leader - the skin-visual partner. But a man, even a weak one, is perceived as an enemy. And then the same "sweetness", only in a woman's guise. And the strongest skin-visual fear, often, comes from childhood - after all, she was raised by the same parents, with the same scandals and fists. Her visibility thickens the colors. Fear of the father and in his face - of all men gives a monstrous shattered psyche, up to the physical incarnation - vaginismus. The suppressed urethral is united with the skin-visual woman in a common enmity towards men.
Sexual orientation: skin-visual fear
So we smoothly approached the skin-visual boys and girls who, depending on their condition, can give their love to both men and women. Their sexual orientation is not limited by anything.
The skin-visual boy does not have a specific role, and with it - the right to the female. He is doomed to perish, because in the hierarchy of the primitive pack he is the weakest of all. And you want to live, oh, how you want. In the article "What are the true causes of homosexuality and bisexuality?" we touched on the topic of visual fears in kz-boys. When stressed, they are ready to pair up with a frustrated anal man, in whom they see support and protection. The natural union for a skin-visual boy is the urethral woman. It would seem strange. She is strong, domineering, men are attached to her tightly. Choose anyone. But no, she needs the dermal-visual one. It is the one who cannot take a female by right, but he also needs to continue the genus. Urethral women choose skin-visual men as their partners, since no one else can protect them. And their appearance must be preserved at all costs.
The skin-visual woman is the queen among the beautiful half of humanity. Everyone reacts to her pheromones. But if in childhood a little kz-girl was beaten, frightened, or subjected to violence, she deliberately avoids men. A depressed ophthalmic woman will look for a depressed urethral. The power of attraction and charisma is the same as that of the leader, but, unlike him, she is a woman, which means that she will not harm and protect from the cruel world.
Listen to what Yuri Burlan says about fears in the visual vector:
It also happens that two skin-visual girls fall in love with each other visually, this does not in any way change their sexual orientation. In the same way, they can fall in love with actors and actresses, with heroes of literary works or with images from their own fantasies. Their relationship is attributed to homosexual - and this is great stupidity. There is no sex because there is no penetration. Homoeroticism, for that matter. An experiment, and most likely not for long.
Thus, looking at the diversity of human addictions from the standpoint of System-Vector Psychology, it becomes clear that both homosexuality and so-called bisexuality are nothing more than the consequences of mental trauma or the inability to bring out resentment and fears. And the least that our society can do is to leave such people alone, giving them the opportunity to find harmony and not aggravate their condition.