Depression And Alcohol: A Way Out Of The Vicious Circle

Depression And Alcohol: A Way Out Of The Vicious Circle
Depression And Alcohol: A Way Out Of The Vicious Circle

Depression and alcohol: a way out of the vicious circle

No sleep, no thoughts, worries dissolve in wine. Another sip. An annoyingly throbbing thought lets go: "Why all this ?!" Another sip. For a moment it seems that excellent anesthesia has been found in the form of alcohol, but after …

Chimera of freedom of choice

The neighbors are heard waking up, doors slamming. From behind the loosely drawn curtains, the dullness of the dank morning is gradually peeping through. Today my night guests are depression and alcohol. "I heal wounds" with tart wine.

No sleep, no thoughts, worries dissolve in wine. Another sip. An annoyingly throbbing thought lets go: "Why all this ?!" Another sip. For a moment it seems that an excellent anesthesia in the form of alcohol has been found, but after that the depression will come down with greater force, requiring more and more doses of the drug that turns off the brain. Checked. Another sip. It is no longer clear whether I have alcoholic depression or post-alcoholic depression. What's the difference where it started? Now the main thing is to disconnect, not to hear, not to feel. Relax. Escape.

Neither wine nor spirits give me the fun of others. On the contrary, for some reason, after alcohol, depression intensifies. But before that, I manage to forget for a while in the sticky haze of vanishing reality.

Do not think, this is not alcoholism, just fatigue and depression have accumulated because of everything that is happening. I would like to escape from the stupid everyday fuss. The period is like this. Stress…

… And there is absolutely no desire to notice the obvious fact - "such a period" has recently arisen for any reason.

In vino veritas

Let's put aside rationalizing about delicious drinks and relaxation. Depression itself is characteristic only of the owners of the sound vector as a consequence of the feeling of the absence of the meaning of existence, but alcohol, contrary to popular belief, does not reveal the truths.

The need for such "anesthesia" already shows a huge emptiness in life, the filling of which is not very successful. For any vector this is true, each has its own unconscious reasons for the use of "laughing liquids". Very often this is sexual dissatisfaction, but not in the case of a sound vector that is aching from emptiness and frailty. Alcohol affects everyone in its own way, releasing everything that was restrained by the cultural framework, the image. One becomes aggressive, the other is cheerful. The sound engineer, as a rule, becomes depressed after excessive doses of alcohol.

Not by bread alone. Desperate search for meaning

The need to determine the meaning in everything, to know the world, to concentrate on the subtlest vibrations of thoughts - this is the specific role of the sound engineer given by nature. This desire thirsting for fulfillment pushes the sound engineer in search of answers. But a lack of understanding of our own nature often plays a cruel joke with people - we are not fully aware of our desires and, as a result, we suffer from the impossibility of realizing them.

In potential, the sound engineer is a world-class genius, in reality - as luck would have it. Feeling the inability to find the vital "unknown what", experiencing colossal internal stress, the sound engineer falls into depression, looks for a way out, tries to drown out the hunger for cognition with surrogates of "altered consciousness", which only aggravate the problem.

And then - an increase in the dose of "painkiller". Even for those who can quit at any time. The illusion of freedom of choice instead of real power over one's own destiny. Alcohol depression instead of fullness of life.

Alas, many go through similar states without finding an answer - "why all this ?!" Someone was lucky enough to free themselves from the captivity of chimeras with the help of Yuri Burlan's trainings in system-vector psychology, literally to be reborn.

No more suicidal thoughts! I see the direction in which I can move, filling my life with more and more meaning. Every day I can more and more feel life to the fullest!

… My craving for alcohol has decreased. A feeling of control has appeared, and most importantly, I am not interested in drinking alcohol because the concentration of mental activity and attention decreases, and I feel uncomfortable. I started to like thinking! Earlier, following my parental attitudes, I thought thinking was a stupid, pointless exercise. Now I understand how important this is!

My interests have shifted in a completely different direction. A clear, concentrated mind is a great experience! Relaxing with alcohol just got boring and unpleasant …

Svetlana Chueva, Read the full text of the result I don’t want more alcohol and drugs, I don’t want easy (in a dirty sense) money. The most interesting thing is that they didn’t hypnotize me, they didn’t speak, they didn’t disenchant me, but I understood everything internally - what, why, where, why THIS appeared and, most importantly, HOW TO FIGHT THIS, or rather, not even fight, but simply, realizing, not to allow this … This is probably one of the most important results for me … Ekaterina Ivlieva, Read the full text of the result I have figured out my attitude to alcohol. Once I formulated for myself the concept that an alcoholic is a person who has a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP with alcohol! But this meaningful formulation only helped to identify the problem, but its solution was reduced to a complete rejection of alcohol for a year, six months,several months or daily use of something "tasty". Now I call my condition "alcoholic independence". I no longer feel the power of alcohol over me … Anastasia Sazonova, Read the full text of the result

Answers to any questions are closer and easier than it seems. "The unconscious knows the whole truth." This is what is fully revealed at the training "System-Vector Psychology", allowing you to finally fully realize and realize all your huge potential. You can start getting to know yourself already at the free online trainings by Yuri Burlan.

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