Frida Kahlo - Romance with Pain. Part 1
A little girl, forced to sit alone for long days due to her illness, invented another Frida for herself, to whom she “went” through the door painted on the fogged glass. The visual Frida needed the need to give and receive love.
I look forward to leaving and hope to never return.
In fact, we are talking about two artists: Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, who cannot be separated. Their fates sprout one from the other, just like their creativity … "Getting close in the ground, intertwining with branches …"

Frida was born in 1907, but in all documents she put the date 1910. This was done not out of female coquetry in order to reduce her age, but out of the urethral desire to be the same age as the century - not calendar, but revolutionary. In 1910, a popular revolution took place in Mexico, and “all her children,” as Frida would later say, were seized by the ideas of a new, modern, emerging world.
The desire to be involved in political events that change the traditional muscle structure in the country, to the spirit of the revolution and its ideals, to move forward will remain with her throughout her life. Frida Kahlo's urethral-sound bunch of vectors will push her towards a "personal revolution", towards endless sound searches. From time to time, it will begin to fill its spiritual voids with "new saints" and the revolutionary teachings of Karl Marx, Lenin, Zapata, Trotsky, Mao and Stalin.
Frida - wooden leg
Frida has never been in good health. At the age of six, having recovered from polio, she remained lame for life. Carefully hiding her thin dry right leg under the long skirts of the traditional Indian costume, she wore them with particular chic.

Later, finding herself in a cold pre-war, as it seemed to her, unfriendly Paris, this "bright flower of the Mexican prairies" will give a whole direction in the style of clothing and even its name for the fashion collection - "Madame Rivera". So suddenly Frida will become a trendsetter, still relevant, and interesting to today's fashion designers. In the meantime, the future Madame Rivera "formed" her style, wrapping her sore dry leg with handkerchiefs in order to somehow visually increase its volume, developed the fighting qualities that she would need very soon, and boldly entered into opposition with the street kids teasing her "Frida is a wooden leg."
Frida the first - Frida the second
The little girl, forced to sit alone for long days due to illness, invented another Frida for herself, to whom she “went” through the door painted on the fogged glass. Frida, naturally possessing the properties of a visual vector, needed the need to give and receive love. Not finding a worthy object among her entourage, she invented it. This lack was transformed in her child's creative imagination, prompting the child with unusual plots, which featured the second Frida, only healthy, cheerful, full of strength and movement. The real Frida, having created an emotional connection with the invented one, will preserve her memory for life. Playing and communicating with an imaginary girl will be the first paintings by Frida Kahlo, painted in her dreamy fantasies, which were reproduced on canvas many years later.
In my prison, where in the mournful silence
Only sighs are heard lonely
And the chain is ringing, crushing me cruelly,
I suffer - and I suffer doubly.
Francisco de Rioja
A fanatical Catholic mother and a photographer father who lacked his skin-visual muse and son, these were the parents of Frida Kahlo. Frida replaced his muse, becoming not only his favorite fashion model, but also the daughter who understands her anal father. In some photos, she poses, having changed clothes and combed her hair "like a boy." After the wedding with Diego Rivera, the "men's three" suit will be replaced by the delightful national Mexican outfits, in which Frida is depicted in her paintings, photographs and rare films.

The European Wilhelm Kahlo was not easy to settle down in Mexico with its stormy political passions, coups, endless revolutions, civil war and strict Puritan wife. He - an anal visual photographer-artist - all his life yearned for Europe, for its culture, Austro-Hungarian life, German philosophy, idolizing Beethoven and Schopenhauer. Suffering from his own lack of fulfillment, Wilhelm Kahlo taught Frida to see the colorful Mexican life as a fiesta - in all its colors and sounds, in all its visual swings and fears, which later will fill the artist's life and which she will be able to throw out on canvases.
Little Frida, who loved her father very much, took care of him all her life. At the age of 5-6, she was ready to help, knowing what to do if Wilhelm Kahlo had an epileptic seizure right on the street. Some biographers would later call this childhood experience of hers "a rehearsal of fate."
Unable to find himself in creativity, Wilhelm was happy that Frida realized herself as a person, becoming one of the most famous and distinctive artists in the world. She has created perhaps the largest number of self-portraits. In total, over seventy of them have been created over the years of her work. Strange people, these critics, they reproached Frida Kahlo of narcissism. As if she, in addition to her own reflection in the mirror attached under the canopy of the bed (in which the artist spent most of her life after heavy and useless operations), could see the outside world besides herself. By the way, the term “narcissism”, popular in the 1920s and 1930s, made Frida turn to the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud.
In the meantime, the passionate urethral temperament, the irrepressible temper of the girl draws her beyond the generally accepted conventions and religious dogmas strictly observed by her mother and residents of the suburbs of the capital of Mexico City. Frida suffocates in her hometown, in her family, dreaming of becoming free and independent. Its visual vector requires a change of pictures, and the urethral one requires spatial expansion, "the opening of new shores." She dreams of going somewhere. To begin with, in order to become independent financially and get a profession, Frida plans to study medicine. Of the two thousand students in the preparatory school, only 35 were girls who, for the first time (thanks to the Mexican revolution), were allowed to receive an education on an equal basis with men. This was one of Frida's first attempts at ranking.
For the time being, Frida's urethral passion for going "beyond the flags" or at least outside the family is constrained by age limits, concern for her father, a man who is not entirely healthy, loves her very much and distinguishes her from other daughters. However, these frames will soon be replaced by "torture" metal fetters. “I have been ringed with steel for life,” she will say at the end of her life. Twenty-eight orthopedic corsets. One for every year of her broken life.
Fate strikes eighteen-year-old Frida a blow from which she could not recover, despite her fantastic willpower and vitality. Going to become a doctor, Frida turned out to be a lifelong patient herself, studying anatomy from her own body.

A defiantly, visually-skin-demonstrating girl was the victim of a severe traffic accident, with numerous fractures of the bones and spine, dislocations, injuries and severe damage to the reproductive organs. All this many years later was the reason for spontaneous abortions of pregnancies and many operations. If this tragedy had not happened to Frida, which tied her to the bed, "like a bird," the world would not have known about the unique Mexican nugget artist Frida Kahlo, whose paintings are exhibited in the most famous museums in the world.
Part 2. Nobody's husband
Part 3. Holy White Death