The Choice That Decides The Fate: How To Choose The Right Profession?

The Choice That Decides The Fate: How To Choose The Right Profession?
The Choice That Decides The Fate: How To Choose The Right Profession?

The choice that decides the fate: how to choose the right profession?

The last bell, as a symbol of instant maturation, rang out for a whole generation of graduates. Each of them faced the eternal question: where to go to study?

The last bell, as a symbol of instant maturation, rang out for a whole generation of graduates. Each of them faced the eternal question: where to go to study?

At such an age, it is difficult for a young man to realize what he wants and what his soul is for. How to understand what you want to devote your professional life to? How to choose the right profession so that 5 years of study (who have more, who have less, but this is always a considerable part of life) are not wasted?


No one wants to waste invaluable young years (as well as a mountain of efforts and, perhaps, parental money) in vain, so that later they will be disappointed and understand that this is not yours and you need to start all over again.

And here loving parents come to the aid of graduates. They already know, with their experience, where it is better to do, so that later they can get a good job somewhere. Reasoning through their vision of the world and their life experience, their desires and priorities, parents very often make mistakes and direct their child in the wrong direction. Not on the path of life that will lead a young man to successful realization, but on a dull path that leads to a dead end.


For example, where can a girl go to in the opinion of her parents, if not an accountant? An accountant will never be left without work - every company needs a whole gang of bookkeepers. And it doesn't matter that this girl will hate her job all her life - patience and work will grind everything, the main thing is to make it to retirement.

It would not be at all difficult for a smart girl to enroll in a librarian, for example. And what - the competition there is usually small, the work is not dusty (okay, dusty, but not difficult). And it doesn't matter that the girl will have to sit all her life in a dull Soviet-style room, although she dreamed of career take-offs, travel and a dynamic life!

So where do girls and boys need to do so as not to make a mistake with the choice and not get into the ranks of outsiders “working outside their specialty” who have wasted years on a diploma that will never be useful to them in their lives?

You can't do it blindly. And if it works out, then not all. In general, the risk of missing is great - it's better not to guess. You need to know for sure, unmistakably.

The most responsible parents, and the graduates themselves, are looking for answers to these questions in psychology - the science of the human soul. Maybe some "test which profession to choose" will help to determine the future?

How to choose a profession to your liking and not be mistaken

No, psychological tests are not even yesterday, this is the stone age. The best path selection method that gives 100% accurate results is systemic psychoanalysis.

All people are born different. And only by defining the innate mental properties and desires of a person hidden in the unconscious, we understand absolutely exactly what this person was born for - from his specific role, to talents, inclinations and properties.

It is very important to realize that only the fulfillment of innate desires, only the realization of their properties, inclinations and abilities bring a person a sense of the joy of being. This is the feeling that life is good. It is also called happiness … This is the very thing - the choice of a profession to your liking, by vocation.


A person who was born with great ambitions for the skin vector, with excellent organizational skills, a business spirit and the ability to manage people, will never be happy if he has to sit in the library or smoke over the accounting department.

A person with an anal vector never realizes himself in the same way as a skinner. No matter how many success trainings he takes, no matter how many books about leadership he reads, he is not a businessman, manager and careerist. His "commercial" talent manifests itself exactly the opposite: he, like no one else, knows how to buy more expensive and sell cheaper.

Where should such a person do? The properties of a developed anal vector are perseverance, perfectionism, attention to detail, high learning ability, the ability to collect and organize information, that is, all the makings in order to become the best professional in some business. "Golden hands" - so they say about the carrier of the anal vector without upper vectors. "Golden head", they say about it, if it also has upper vectors.

The choice of a profession depends on the upper vectors (sound, visual, oral and olfactory), which are in conjunction with the anal vector. The anal-sound bunch is the ability to program, as well as to learn foreign languages. A person with an anal-visual ligament can become a professional jeweler, photographer, designer, architect, artist. Anal-sound-visual - by a talented writer or a wonderful doctor, who are said to be "from God."

And there are other vectors, other combinations. And each has its own inclinations, talents and characteristics. Probably, you have met the teachers who hate children? It is difficult to imagine how many children one such teacher can cripple the psyche with her hatred, shouts, insults, which she calls "teaching methods." But this teacher herself is deeply unhappy all her life. Every day is stress and hassle. Tragedy, not destiny. And in the library she would probably be calm and comfortable.

Another thing is a teacher with a developed visual vector (skin-visual or anal-visual). This can bring up entire generations, instill in children the best qualities, getting joy and pleasure from their work. Children adore such a teacher, and she adores children. And if your child ended up with just such a teacher, you are seriously lucky.

Each person should mind their own business. By the work for which he was born. This is how it can take place, be realized, be as useful as possible, play an important role for society.

Being someone “from God” is easy. To do this, you need to find your path, getting to know yourself …
