The Soul Hurts: Why, What To Do, Where To Look For Salvation From Mental Pain? There Are Answers To These Questions

The Soul Hurts: Why, What To Do, Where To Look For Salvation From Mental Pain? There Are Answers To These Questions
The Soul Hurts: Why, What To Do, Where To Look For Salvation From Mental Pain? There Are Answers To These Questions

The soul hurts … from life

It is hard when a person cannot understand how to be, how to get rid of pain. And it is completely unbearable if even the reasons for such a state are incomprehensible. If questions pierce with pain, why do I live, and what should I do in this world?

Life is like a vulture ripping out pieces of my soul. I hide in my thoughts, in computer games, in ashrams, but it catches up with me again and again, everywhere. My Soul Hurts. This pain oozes through my whole existence.

I am getting smaller. What will be left of me in a few years?

A gnarled soul, clad in a crumpled body, like a beggar in rags, sitting on the steps by the subway. And those for whom life has prepared something different are running alongside - they are happy and full of energy. And I … Am I the chosen one? For what?

It is hard when a person cannot understand how to be, how to get rid of pain. And it is completely unbearable if even the reasons for such a state are incomprehensible. If questions pierce with pain, why do I live, and what should I do in this world?

The reasons why for some people life becomes endless and meaningless suffering are revealed in the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

Why can't live

You can't touch the soul with your hands, but everyone feels when it hurts. We all have a common cause of mental pain: we suffer when the innermost desires of the soul and heart are not fulfilled. But the desires themselves can be completely different. It all depends on the properties of the psyche, given by nature from birth.

Most people have quite earthly desires: good prosperity, mutual love, a strong family and healthy children. And if the soul hurts, then for real and understandable reasons. The child is ill - and the heart just breaks. The beloved person left - as if the sky had collapsed on his head. The work of his entire life "downhill" has slipped to complete bankruptcy - a person suffers with all his soul from pain and disappointment.

But there are among us the owners of special properties of the soul. In system-vector psychology, they are called the owners of the sound vector. Their desires have nothing to do with the physical world. It is for this reason that the sound engineer himself is not always aware of what exactly he is missing. How can such people be if the pain of the soul has become an aching dark background of life?

My Soul Hurts
My Soul Hurts

Why am I not born like everyone else?

Let's start by making the invisible visible. The hidden desires of the sound engineer consist in the cognition of meanings. In revealing the reasons and design of one's own birth and purpose, the role and place of a person in this world. He is interested in understanding how the world itself works and according to what laws it works.

To answer these questions, the owners of the sound vector come to science and philosophy, theology and religion. Today they do not find exact answers in them, so their sonic soul suffers and hurts.

Even with complete external well-being (there is work, family, prosperity), a person feels deeply unhappy, and life is meaningless. Because he cannot find what it is for and realize it.

Sound search leads some to ashrams and meditations, trances and yoga, others try poisonous mushrooms and drugs. Because the sound engineer unconsciously feels the need to change consciousness. He feels that the object of his knowledge is immeasurably larger than the physical world, and is looking for a way to go beyond it.

Risk zone

Today, when intermediate sublimates in the form of science, religion, and literature no longer allow them to realize their natural desires, sound specialists fall into a special risk zone. Unaware of their own desires, they cannot fulfill and fulfill them. And the heavy suffering of the soul grows like an avalanche. In an attempt to relieve pain, they avoid people, try to expand their consciousness with the help of drugs, escape from reality into the virtual world of fantasy universes and computer games.

Deep, severe depression, suicidal thoughts, sleep disturbances, headaches and even mental illness are also typical for sound professionals when they cannot fully realize their sound desires.


What to do if your sonic soul is exhausted and hurts unbearably

The only way that can lead a person to happiness is the realization and realization of their desires.

Sound search today requires studying not at the level of particles, matter. Even the study of space and the entire world of matter as a whole is not enough for the sonic soul, since it does not provide answers to metaphysical questions.

He wants to discover the very reason why everything that surrounds us arises. The sound scientists can fully realize this aspiration through the knowledge of the human soul, psyche - the forces that live by us.

Today there is scientific knowledge, thanks to which a breakthrough into the unknown is possible. The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan in its entirety reveals the structure of the eight-dimensional matrix of our psychic. This gives the sound specialists answers to any questions of both private and global order, the natural consequence of which is getting rid of any depression. The soul stops hurting forever, and life becomes meaningful and exciting:

"Chosen for what?" You asked. The answer is very close.
