Psychology Of People Management. Manipulate, Cooperate? How To Manage People: Human Psychology For Managing People?

Psychology Of People Management. Manipulate, Cooperate? How To Manage People: Human Psychology For Managing People?
Psychology Of People Management. Manipulate, Cooperate? How To Manage People: Human Psychology For Managing People?

The psychology of managing people: manipulating or cooperating?

Differentiation into eight vectors in all aspects of human behavior and interaction provides an understanding of how the systems psychology of human management is applied in practice horizontally and vertically in organizational structures.

Psychology of management … How many monographs, dissertations, textbooks and articles have been written on this topic - do not count. Among them, a number of works are classically scientific, quite strong, with general maxims and logical reasoning. As correctly noted in one of the articles, governance is as old as the world, and as multifaceted. With all the abundance of information published on the topic "Psychological management of people", the non-systemic psychology of management, which has already grown old along with the rest of the world, has not been able to resolve urgent problems.

Unlike its "humanitarian sister", the theory of control in cybernetics, computing and artificial intelligence, not being tied to the psychology of human life, reached great heights by the beginning of the current millennium. The desire to limit the risk-pathogenic “human factor” as much as possible has led to the creation of a human-machine interface (HMI), without which it is impossible to imagine an innovative industry today. But management psychology has not lost its relevance from this. As never before, it is necessary to understand human psychology - how to manage people.

The control of the production process hidden from the uninitiated eye with the help of programmable logic controllers, however, cannot remove the influence of the human operator by 100%, and therefore we still need the psychology of personal behavior control. For example, 90% of Russian repair cases of the world leader in the production of HMIs are associated with operator error - mainly with the application of hammers and other heavy improvised objects to touch screens. Of course, this happens to people in negative states. For example, in a state of stress of various etymologies and from the inability to cope with this stress. The weakness of the work culture, ignorance of the majority of managers of the systemic psychology of personnel management sometimes leads to millions in losses in production. But today the psychology of personnel management opens up completely different possibilities. Systems psychology explains how to competently manage people.

The disproportion between the development of the high-tech sphere and the level of the last century in the psychology of human development has become obvious today. And only recently, in our millennium, a scientific, systemic and applied tool has appeared to equalize this proportion in favor of the individual working person and the entire human productive force, thanks to which the psychology of management has become effective and accessible.

A new word in the psychology of people management. The solution to the age-old issues of management in the area that the philistine view of psychology associates with the manipulation of people has brought a fresh wind of the System-Vector paradigm. Differentiation into eight vectors in all aspects of human behavior and interaction provides an understanding of how the systems psychology of human management is applied in practice across the horizontal and vertical organizational structures. It is used with equal benefit for both managers and ordinary employees. For the first time, we have an effective means of transforming the old psychology of manipulation, which did not bring the desired results, into an effective systemic psychology of human behavior. Transformations from a vague humanitarian semi-science into an accurate and humane systemic psychology of management. Managing people with the help of psychology is based on the ability to recognize their innate properties, which can be effectively applied in the relevant field.

Systemic human psychology - how to manage people. Examples. To properly manage human resources (HR), it is necessary to ensure manageability, and this requires the psychology of personnel management. To appoint to each position such an employee who is suitable in terms of his inner psychophysiological qualities for this particular job. At the very first interview, the system recruiting specialist determines that the candidate Vasya does not pull the sales manager due to his slow tempo and other properties of his natural vector type. The system personnel officer, noticing that Vasya also has vector properties from the upper quartet, directs him to technical support, where Vasya will inevitably earn an excellent reputation with his “golden head” and “golden hands”. On the contrary, candidate Fedya, although he possesses a fast and calculating skin vector,but in an archetypal state. Therefore, our system personnel officer does not allow him to material assets and financial flows. For the sound programmer Petit, the system HR specialist will achieve a shift in the start of the working day, and in some cases, remote work in the home office mode.

How to successfully manage people: the advantage of systemic psychology over non-systemic. Systemic knowledge gives a person not a quasi-order secret knowledge of the hidden management of non-existent etheric streams, but modern, open to any non-lazy mind, practical knowledge of what a real psychology of management should be. Understanding the unconscious motives of the human psyche and the ability to distinguish between vector types add up to mutually enriching interaction with others both in social and family life.

We now have at our disposal innovative tools for organizational strategies and motivations for optimal performance. The newest psychology of management can do everything if this knowledge is taken from the training "System-vector psychology": hidden management of a person can be transformed into open cooperation, when the goal of self-realization of an individual coincides with the corporate goals of the entire organization.

The discredited pseudopsychology, which took as a basis the manipulation of people, is being circulated, but the psychology of the manager remains ineffective. Infantile mirroring techniques and other toys, mossy motivational stories “based on the example of their experience”, sadistic habits when conducting other stress interviews - all this shows only the vector states of the adherents of outdated techniques themselves. The psychology of management, the psychology of managing people does not work like that. And it can only give small temporary results that are incommensurate with the big tasks at the present stage of the development of the world community.

The dynamics of our time requires a volumetric perception and understanding of management tasks. The systemic psychology of management fully meets these requirements, mutually realizing the set goals in practice.


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