Film "St. George's Day". Systemic Cinema Classics

Film "St. George's Day". Systemic Cinema Classics
Film "St. George's Day". Systemic Cinema Classics

Film "St. George's Day". Systemic cinema classics

Having entered the museum and leaving the mother outside, the son goes into the unknown. As if dissolving in the dense fog of a ghost town. According to statistics, 30-40 thousand people annually disappear in Russia without a trace, for no reason. She has only the hope that someday he will appear again.

Kirill Serebrennikov's film "St. George's Day" was released in 2008. This is a semi-fantastic, almost mystical drama that unfolds against the dark background of the Russian hinterland. The drama of a woman who has lost her son.

The story seems hopeless and pessimistic. However, looking a little deeper, we will see the tragedy that became the impetus for the highest realization, the process of the rebirth of the human soul.

Nothing happens by accident. Any difficulties and problems are given to us for our own good. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to see the highest meaning of the test through which the heroine of the film had to go.

Lost among the endless fields of snow

The trip to the provincial town of Yuryev was started by the mother with a "nostalgic" goal - to show her son the homeland of his ancestors before leaving for Europe. Lyubov Pavlovna, an internationally renowned opera star, is soon to leave Russia to shine on the stage of the Vienna Opera. But before leaving her homeland, she takes her son to Yuryev, where she was born, where her parents lived. Lucky against his wishes, through the monotonous snow fields of the Russian hinterland.

Together they inspect the local Kremlin, climb the bell tower, observing the surroundings. She is as happy as any person who is realized, held in the profession. She is, of course, surprised by the local order. Shy and rude people. Women with pale faces and the same yellow hair color (what to do - such paint was delivered). Empty shops where you can only buy rubber boots and quilted jackets.

Against the background of the surrounding poverty and mediocrity, she seems beautiful, brilliant, as if she came from another dimension - a chiseled profile, thin aristocratic fingers, a divine voice and high intellect. She loves Chekhov, knows the Itinerants, and scatters quotes from writers and critics.

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, this is a woman with a skin-visual ligament of vectors, always on high heels, seductively beautiful and realized in the profession that nature intended for her. She sings, opening the hearts of people, purifying their souls. Thanks to television, she is known even in this godforsaken corner. She is the very embodiment of culture, the creator of which was her foremother - the skin-visual female.

She does not seem to see the desolation that reigns in this town. Her soul rejoices: “What a beauty! Oh, my Rus, my wife! " It is all - emotion, happiness, joy of life. What a pity that civilization will come here one day. The abandoned town will become a tourist center, and the "desolation charm" will disappear.

The biggest loss

As the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says, the owner of the visual vector experiences the meaning of his life through the creation of emotional connections and love. And the biggest tragedy for him is the breaking of this connection.

Lyubov Pavlovna is very attached to her son. He is her only close person. A skin-visual woman is not a very good mother. From time immemorial, she had a species role on a par with men. She went hunting and war, looking out for a predator or enemy with her large, wide open and keen eyes. She did not give birth, because you will not carry a child with you on the savannah.

But that was in the distant past, and now a skin-visual woman, despite the fact that she still has a priority of social realization, is able to give birth. However, without a maternal instinct, he truly becomes attached to children when they are already grown up and are able to create emotional connections.

Film "St. George's Day"
Film "St. George's Day"

She loves her son a little selfishly, treating the 20-year-old as her own property or a favorite toy. “You never ask me anything. You do as you want. It's like I'm not there,”he tells her. They fight all the time. And yet there is no person closer and dearer to her.

And so, entering the museum and leaving his mother outside, the son goes into the unknown. As if dissolving in the dense fog of a ghost town. According to statistics, 30-40 thousand people annually disappear in Russia without a trace, for no reason. She has only the hope that someday he will appear again.

When Andrey is found, all this will seem like a dream to me

She remains in this unreal city of Yuryev for a long time. First, despair, panic, tears, devastation. But one must live, one must seek. The local Sherlock Holmes, the investigator of the ROVD, Sergeev, nicknamed Gray, a man with no name, helps her in this.

She learns to survive in new conditions for her. Where does that refined and aristocratic person disappear, who sang opera arias from the height of the bell tower? She wanders the streets of Yuryev with disheveled hair, in a quilted jacket, convulsively clutching a mobile phone in her hands, hoping that her son will call. She learns to walk, pressing the hairpin into the snow, and then just goes to boots.

She constantly faces the problems of the people around her and sincerely empathizes with them. So, willy-nilly, she becomes a participant in the war between her mistress Tatyana and her cousin, the alcoholic Nikolai. Seeing a woman beaten by him, she is imbued with sympathy for Tatiana. The next time her brother comes, she, not afraid of the knife, which he, insane, brandishes in front of her face, gives him 50 rubles and drives him out of the house. And then, protecting the woman, he splashes boiling water in his face.

In her world, there is a transformation that is characteristic of a person with a visual vector.

One big heart

Lyuba is a person with a developed visual vector. Feeling the tremendous pain of losing the emotional connection with her son, she intuitively makes the only correct movement - she opens her heart to the whole world. She feels that it hurts less.

“It happens with you: you look at a stranger, a stranger and understand that you have known him for a long time, felt, loved? Don't you know that? - she asks Sergeev.

So a series of mystical coincidences appears in her life - there are young people who are almost complete namesake of her son. Andrei Dmitrievich Vasilchikov is a novice of the local monastery who came to the priest in different shoes. Her son, before disappearing, also wore different shoes.

Or Andrei Dmitrievich Vasilkov, a prisoner with tuberculosis, who, telling his story, says the same phrase as her son: "I belong to those 5% of people who cannot drive cars at all."

Lyuba loses her head from these coincidences: "Maybe his mother is me?" She already loves all these boys, so similar and unlike her son.

This feeling leads her to start working as a cleaner in a tuberculosis dispensary for prisoners. This dispensary is "a gadyushnik and in general darkness." She feeds puny, embittered and eternally hungry prisoners, because among them - he, so similar to her son.

Where does fear evaporate? She is not afraid of anything - neither the stench, nor the dirt, nor the possibility of infection, nor the aggression of men who have nothing to lose.

“And you are brave, not without reason that you are a Muscovite! Lucy - I'm not afraid of anything,”- that's how they talk about her.

“I got my own way,” says Lyuba. And this is a vivid demonstration of the law of manifestation of the emotional amplitude of a person with a visual vector: the more he loves, the more people he empathizes, the less he is afraid. Ultimately, such a person becomes fearless, like the skin-visual nurses of the Great Patriotic War, who carried out wounded soldiers from the battlefield under the whistle of bullets, and operated on the soldiers under the roar of shells.

Lyuba is not just a cleaning lady - she will give water to the sick man, and substitute the ship. He does not disdain, does not wrinkle his nose. Shares food with tuberculosis patients. Spectators, unusually suspicious, squeamish, not tolerating bad smells, opening love in their hearts, become their complete opposite. They are not confused by the dirt and prose of life. The sight of blood no longer makes them faint, but pushes them to active help.

Film "St. George's Day"
Film "St. George's Day"

Finding her ward cut by other prisoners on the floor of the ward, she picks him up, washes his wounds, smears him with green paint, lovingly and pityingly hugging him to her. “Mom, mommy,” he whispers, trembling and frightened, feeling the tremendous warmth of her mother's love, capable of engulfing the whole world.

Become Love

She will remain in Yuryev forever. She will be a joy in the life of her mistress Tatyana. She will go to bed without resistance with Sergeev, who so desires her - what difference does it make who to love? The refined opera star and the former prisoner, all in tattoos, are a paradoxical couple. She will dye her hair yellow, like all the women of Yuriev. She will come to the church choir to silently open her mouth, because her main gift - a divine voice - will be lost due to stress.

It no longer exists as a separate unit of this world. She is dissolved in everyone through her love. And when she is asked: "You, by any chance, did not appear on TV?" - she replies: "It was not me." It's true. Because it was a different life. People who are destitute, abandoned, who are at the very bottom, need it more here than on the stage of the opera house. Here her gift of love is active, life-giving and manifests itself in all its fullness. This is how content becomes more important than form.

“It doesn't happen,” you say. "It's not a real choice." It happens. To understand that this is so, you need to learn about the characteristics of people with a visual vector. Yuri Burlan, at a lesson on the visual vector, mentions the film "St. George's Day" as a demonstration of a way to get out of stress when an emotional connection is broken. Helping the sick, old people, children, volunteering is the most powerful tool that reveals the potential abilities of a spectator for love and empathy.

This tape is a visual aid for understanding the highest degree of realization of the properties of the visual vector. Be sure to watch this movie, especially if you have such properties. Work with your soul, imbued with the power of love and feel a surge of fearlessness. Inexpressible feelings! •
