My revenge on an unjust world
The state of resentment loops our attention to the past, makes us remember and relive the most painful moments of our life. Once your fate was being decided, but you were not helped even in the smallest, when they were not given the only desired, the most necessary.
Resentment or my revenge on an unjust world
In psychology, there is an attitude “life is not to blame for anything”. It can mean that nature is impartial, does not have its own preferences, does not hide anything from us, does not choose the lucky ones. All benefits and opportunities are open to everyone equally. We are limited only by our ability to receive, our ability to trust life.
But most painfully, with irritation to tears, this phrase about the impartiality of life is perceived by people with a special mentality - able to trust completely, to be honest, open, loyal to society, but also to be eternal hostages of their sad experience, gloomy recluses of their grievances.
The state of resentment loops our attention to the past, makes us remember and relive the most painful moments of our life. Once your fate was being decided, but you were not helped even in the smallest, when they were not given the only desired, the most necessary.
You endlessly go over in your thoughts those starting points in which life could have turned out differently. You regret your mistakes and cannot understand the endless obstacles that are being built for us by the one who created this wrong, unfortunate, unjust world.
“I was so trusting and obedient to him, I was ready to wait, endure and work. Where is one word of approval, where is the reward, where is the relief? Why is everything so difficult, why do not the illnesses go away and it seems that the more you try to get out, the more stones fall on you?"
The thought suggests itself - "apparently they don't like us so much and want to punish us." Is it worth doing something if all your desire to be good, to benefit the world has come to nothing? Useless efforts gradually die away, you fall into a daze. Life is passing by faster and faster. As soon as you fight off the next day, as from a heavy burden, the next comes.
This happened in childhood, when they were put in a corner for the purpose of better education. The undeserved punishment was amazing. "Why don't they love me so much?" And you yourself firmly decided to stay in this corner forever, even if the whole world would be on its knees and beg you to leave. Now you are lying on the couch as if lifeless. The world does not appreciate you, which means that you will be unhappy in spite of him, you will not accept anything more from him so that it will hurt as much as you.
A person carrying the brunt of grievances turns on the self-destruction mechanism
Why is this happening and with what people? Can the curse of resentment be undone? These issues are most clearly and definitely, organically and without contradictions are considered in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
System-vector psychology shows how our common psyche, composed of 8 vectors, manifests itself in one person with his own set of vectors and their states. Where each vector is associated with a certain erogenous zone, which reflects the connection of the mental and physical in a person and gives its own sensation in the perception of the world.
This, for example, happens in the anal vector with its erogenous zone, which works on compression and expansion. The psyche of a person with an anal vector is prone to compression - a stupor in a state of frustration, and therefore to unclenching - the ability to forgive, let go of the offense.

And what's more curious. Just as slowly and carefully (everything is on the shelves, along its own paths), as our digestive tract absorbs food, so the owner of the anal vector is able to most deeply perceive and absorb information from the outside world with special evaluating attention, analyzing and memorizing.
It is we, anal people, who can develop a phenomenal memory in ourselves, achieve the highest quality in everything. The best professionals, teachers and scientists. Our main feature is to perceive and transmit information.
We strive to be the best in everything and are ready to share with the world everything that we know and are able to do ourselves, receiving approval and worthy reward in return. And to receive with justice, in our opinion, means exactly as much as we have given from ourselves. This principle is very important to us and gives the desired feeling of comfort. We feel guilty when we receive more than we give. Receiving less than we have given, we suffer from resentment.
But life doesn't work that way. Equally. And as we strive to be the best for everyone, we suddenly discover that the world does not always strive to be the best for us. Wanting to be praised, we hear remarks and reproaches. Those inclined to say "yes", obedient by nature, we hear the answer "no".
Our slowness, detail, desire to do everything to the end seem superfluous. They interrupt us, rush us, forget to praise us for our efforts. And here is the sad result. Like our erogenous zone, built on squeezes and releases, our throbbing psyche reacts to stress by squeezing - resentment. And our ideal memory invariably records all the good that has been done for us and the evil that has been done to us.
But people with the anal vector have one happy feature: the ability to forgive is an integral part of our psyche. And one amusing memory from childhood is the best proof of that. Indeed, at the minute when daddy forgives you and allows you to leave the corner, you are still sulking, reiterating to yourself that there is no guilt and there is nothing to forgive you for, but you go to his arms like a lamb, and you just cannot resist that. And warmth and gratitude spreads in my soul. This is the same effect of opening the psyche - the reaction of relief from forgiveness. When we are unfair, as we think we are being punished, we feel resentment and everything within us shrinks. And when we are forgiven and the punishment is stopped, we relax, there is a release, and our forgiveness can dissolve any offense.
Understanding the nature of your states is the first step. Further more. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan today is the only unmistakable and accurate way of recognizing one's psyche, the only effective way to cope with any stupor of resentment.
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