Psychological problems 2024, April

SVP For Preschoolers. Part 1. To Be Happy Is To Be Yourself

SVP For Preschoolers. Part 1. To Be Happy Is To Be Yourself

Mom, who is more - people or stars? - And God knows how many stars there are in the sky? - And when we die, how will God resurrect us? - What is consciousness? - What is the Universe? - What is balance? I hear similar questions every day from my oldest daughter, who is 5 years old … and I understand that her generation is radically different from mine

She Screamed - He Was Silent How To Melt An Icy Heart

She Screamed - He Was Silent How To Melt An Icy Heart

Stop being silent! Well, you can't be so soulless! Say something! Say !!! In response, silence. Shakes you. Not! It's incredible. What pain, pain, pain! You put on boots, a raincoat, a scarf … No, not pink. What the hell could a pink scarf be in a situation like this ?! Black, of course, black. Yes. We must run away from here, rather run wherever they look. It doesn't matter where, but you can't stay here. I can't see him, I can't! Already in your boots you return to the room - add:

How To Get An Ex-wife Back After A Divorce - Failsafe Even For A Triple Breakup

How To Get An Ex-wife Back After A Divorce - Failsafe Even For A Triple Breakup

You are not a romantic by nature. An ordinary family man, for whom the main thing in life is home, work. You recently broke up with your wife. Time passed, and you realized that you could not live without her. How to get your ex-wife back after a divorce? By Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology

Forgetting Your Past: Mission Possible?

Forgetting Your Past: Mission Possible?

Memory, you lead life by the hand of a giantess, as if by the bridle of a horse Nikolai Gumilyov Lord, how long is it possible? More than one year has passed since the moment he left, and I still continue to live with him. He has had a different relationship for a long time, and he himself is not even aware that he is invisibly present in my every day, accompanies me everywhere. He just lives in my head - somewhere there, in such small neural boxes, from where I cannot get him

Raise A Son As A Man

Raise A Son As A Man

"You have a boy!" - three short words, and happiness is immeasurable. A son! Mother's protector, father's assistant, continuer of the dynasty. A man is growing - to the joy of the whole family! How much pride! Not a boy, but a rag - But the more mature the boy becomes, the more it seems that some sissy is growing. A little bit - into tears. Okay, when he was little, but now he is already a schoolboy. It's a shame to cry like a girl! Not a kid growing up, but a rag

What To Do If The Child Does Not Obey The Parents Or Caregiver

What To Do If The Child Does Not Obey The Parents Or Caregiver

The last patience is running out. All possible levers have been tried, and the child's behavior only gets worse. In this article, we will analyze what to do if a child does not obey, and how to find an approach to him. The first step, without which any disciplinary action is powerless, is to figure out why disobedience arose. By this word we mean completely different things, for example: stubbornness and aggression of a baby; children's tantrums

My Child Is Going To First Grade. What To Prepare For?

My Child Is Going To First Grade. What To Prepare For?

How time flies! My baby is already so big

"Fathers And Sons". About Modern Teenagers

"Fathers And Sons". About Modern Teenagers

Any parent who takes a responsible approach to raising a son or daughter will strive as early as possible to provide such a family environment around the newborn, which would later serve and always remain the first and best role model for a new family member

Love Addiction: How To Get Out Of Unhealthy Relationships

Love Addiction: How To Get Out Of Unhealthy Relationships

Passion symptoms, or love addiction Usually an addict understands perfectly well that there are no prospects. But there is hope! You can accurately assess the prospects of the relationship and the options for your own future in that relationship … “He reacts weakly to me, but I can’t do anything normally, I think only about him, I only want him, I suffer and generally behave stupidly. I und

Children's Hysteria. How To Win In 10 Minutes?

Children's Hysteria. How To Win In 10 Minutes?

The silence of the children's bedroom, the first rays of a new day break through the curtains

How To Understand That You Have Stopped Loving A Person - Signs, Reasons For The Disappearance Of Feelings

How To Understand That You Have Stopped Loving A Person - Signs, Reasons For The Disappearance Of Feelings

How to understand that you have stopped loving a person? It is difficult to determine how you feel when the warmth has evaporated somewhere from the relationship

Where To Find A Husband - What To Do First

Where To Find A Husband - What To Do First

Where can I find a husband? You can find it right now by walking outside your doorstep. Don't believe me? But this is actually possible if you know the answer to three questions: why, what is in the way and who do I need? How often those who suit us best have been with us for a long time, but we simply do not notice them. The path to a happy marriage begins with an inner state

The Ideal Relationship Of The Smartest Madmen In The World

The Ideal Relationship Of The Smartest Madmen In The World

They loved on earth in the past years, But sin and grief, night and death divorced them then. In the rest of death, transparent wings were given to them, And they were condemned to live on two different stars.

Love, Vincent

Love, Vincent

The sadness will last forever. The last words of Vincent Van Gogh The canvases are brightly colored. Sunflowers breathing life, quietly sighing starry night. And inside the abyss

Elon Musk: From Childhood Dream To Interplanetary Humanity

Elon Musk: From Childhood Dream To Interplanetary Humanity

He is called a genius, a great man who brings a fantastic future closer. Elon Musk is a talented inventor, engineer, entrepreneur, investor and billionaire. Dreamer with a capital letter. System-vector psychoanalysis helps to reveal the mystery of this superman with superpowers, incredible efficiency and influence on the minds of the 21st century

Film "There Are No Feelings In The Cosmos". How To Return A Sound Engineer To The Orbit Of Life

Film "There Are No Feelings In The Cosmos". How To Return A Sound Engineer To The Orbit Of Life

He has been sitting in a barrel for 8 hours. Mother screaming, father trying to lure him out of there with money, but in vain: he will not come out - "enemy territory". And only brother Sam manages to find an approach to him. The kind and bright comedy-drama “There are no feelings in the cosmos” (Sweden, 2010) about 18-year-old Simon with Asperger's syndrome will appeal to people with sensitive hearts and will help those who are close to them

Film "Mountains Between Us". How To Bring Back The Joy Of Life

Film "Mountains Between Us". How To Bring Back The Joy Of Life

The airport of the American city of Salt Lake City greets us with a variety of sounds and voices

Apathy. Stoneheart Virus

Apathy. Stoneheart Virus

Complete indifference, detachment and indifference, lack of emotions and aspirations for anything - this is a state of apathy. In most cases, this is a passing state resulting from tragic circumstances, troubles or conflicts. After resolving the problem, the mental state returns to normal, as they say, life is getting better. This is typical for seven vectors out of eight. For all but 5% of people

Depression And Apathy. In The Cage Of Your Body

Depression And Apathy. In The Cage Of Your Body

A voice cut into my consciousness like a red-hot needle. Yes, shut up all of you, finally! How much can you chat! Human voices are everywhere, merge into a monotonous buzz in my head … unbearable … endless

How To Overcome Apathy And Senselessness

How To Overcome Apathy And Senselessness

Dawn has not brought me happiness for a long time I hate the sun, I hate the day, Only the night saves me from bad weather. I would not be too lazy to sleep all my life



Doctor, my heart seems to want to jump out of my chest, then it knocks and jumps like a hare, then it slows down so much that it seems that it is about to stop … - I feel strong stabbing pains in the heart, piercing the entire chest through … Doctors say that this is extrasystole … - I do not feel my heart, but when I undergo a medical examination on an ECG, they always find arrhythmia

Procrastination Is In Simple Terms

Procrastination Is In Simple Terms

I considered myself a superhero. My superpower was to cope with pending tasks in one sitting just before X hour. I even chose the motto for myself: “Man-procrastinator: will do everything! But only tomorrow. " And in accordance with it, she postponed important tasks for later. Changes occurred when I finally figured out the unconscious reasons for procrastination and understood how it differs from laziness, apathy, depression and stupor

Delayed Life Syndrome. Break Out Of The Trap

Delayed Life Syndrome. Break Out Of The Trap

Procrastination is not what you think. When the to-do list - urgent and important, unnecessary, or "if there is time" - is constantly growing, new to-do's are added, old ones hang, then it's time to despair. But this article will surely help you solve this problem. There are many reasons why you are not getting things done, but for each of you they will be different, depending on your type of psyche (vector set) and its state at a given time. Understanding these features, awareness of truths

Why Are All Men Attracted To The Skin-visual Woman?

Why Are All Men Attracted To The Skin-visual Woman?

The legendary Audrey Hepburn is the standard of female seduction, every man dreamed of her. Sophia Loren, Lydia Ruslanova, Zoya Fedorova … What do these women have in common? What is the mystery of their desirability? How does their life scenario differ from millions of other women?

Life Is Pain. How To Raise A Masochist And A Loser. Master Class For Parents

Life Is Pain. How To Raise A Masochist And A Loser. Master Class For Parents

Where is the diary, I ask? Geography threefold again? You won't get out of the corner until morning

Suicidal Depression - Learn What To Do For Depression And Suicidal Thoughts

Suicidal Depression - Learn What To Do For Depression And Suicidal Thoughts

A kaleidoscope of meaningless days is just a flicker of faces, dates and some events merging into a solid gray background. Only the excruciating pain inside is real. It throbs, expands like a black hole, drinking the last drop of joy, the last hope. At such times, suicide seems like the only way to get rid of the suffering. They say I have suicidal depression. Yes I really don't want to live

Life-long Black Streak, Or How To Overcome A Scenario Of Failure

Life-long Black Streak, Or How To Overcome A Scenario Of Failure

Everything is learned through comparisons. For example, to know the true meaning of light, you need to be in darkness. The greater the contrast, the greater the impression of the cognized phenomena. This statement is also true for humans. The difference in human actions is especially striking. Yesterday he was a good boy, and today he turned into an unbridled beast

Depression Treatment: From Simple To Complex

Depression Treatment: From Simple To Complex

Treating depression is a pressing issue for many people who suffer from chronic depression and loss of desires. "I don't want anything," "what's the point in that?" ─ keywords that unite people who cannot find a way out of depression

Fear With Depression - Are Depression And Fear Of Death Surmountable, Advice From Psychologists

Fear With Depression - Are Depression And Fear Of Death Surmountable, Advice From Psychologists

Severe depression and fear poison my life every day. For a long time and hopelessly I myself seem insignificant, useless and unloved by anyone. Neither meditation nor intense work on oneself helped to overcome this depression, and the feeling of fear only intensifies every day. How to stop being afraid?

I'm Going Crazy: What To Do If You Fear For Your Sanity

I'm Going Crazy: What To Do If You Fear For Your Sanity

It's hard when life isn't happy. But it's really creepy when the cause of the problems is not circumstances or other people, but "what sits in your head", when it seems that you are going crazy. Thoughts are confused, the world is perceived as an illusion, you hear voices, obsessive delusional or suicidal thoughts arise. Or you are blown up with fear and panic when you can't just even go out into the street, talk to someone. Why is this happening and what to do about it? How not to go crazy?

Gambling Addiction. Life On The Other Side Of The Monitor - An Alternative Or A Dead End?

Gambling Addiction. Life On The Other Side Of The Monitor - An Alternative Or A Dead End?

The walls of the panel "Khrushchev" were shaking from the noise in the thirty-seventh apartment. This was not particularly surprising to anyone. Everyone is used to the lifestyle of the Petrov family. Everything is as usual. Swearing, the father shouts at the mother, the mother also does not remain in debt. Neighbors turn on their TVs louder. The ordinary life of a Russian city

Gambling Addiction - Illness Or Hobby, Danger Of Gambling Addiction

Gambling Addiction - Illness Or Hobby, Danger Of Gambling Addiction

“How to get rid of this infection? She ruins my life. I am afraid that gambling addiction can take away all that is left from me. Now I know that gambling addiction is a disease, and not a harmless hobby that it was at first. I want to break free, but this is stronger than me! " In this article, you will learn:

When Dreams Are More Interesting Than Life. Who Is Directing The Nightly Adventures Of Consciousness?

When Dreams Are More Interesting Than Life. Who Is Directing The Nightly Adventures Of Consciousness?

When dreams are more interesting than life. Who is directing the nightly adventures of consciousness? "… And he went to a daring escape that very night." From the hit of the chanson

How To Get Rid Of Gambling Addiction In Slot Machines? How To Get Rid Of Gambling, Gambling Addiction? How To Get Rid Of Addiction To Slot Machines?

How To Get Rid Of Gambling Addiction In Slot Machines? How To Get Rid Of Gambling, Gambling Addiction? How To Get Rid Of Addiction To Slot Machines?

His second life Often, changes creep into our lives gradually. We begin to notice that our son / husband / father has changed a little. But to the questions: “What's going on? Something happened?" - we hear the usual answer: “Everything is fine. Everything is fine". On this we calm down. But only for a while. Sooner or later, a moment of insight comes: a loved one has a gambling addiction

Tell Me How You Sleep And I'll Tell You Who You Are

Tell Me How You Sleep And I'll Tell You Who You Are

What is sleep - a mysterious phenomenon with mysterious contents, or just a physiological process necessary to restore physical and mental strength? It is known that the need for sleep is one of the four basic human needs in addition to food, water and breathing. He cannot live without all these four elements. What explanations people do not come up with in order to solve the riddle of sleep and make at least some benefit from the time that falls out of our conscious life. And vr

The Child Has Nightmares. What Should Parents Do?

The Child Has Nightmares. What Should Parents Do?

A sob breaks through the silence. The child screams, rushes about on the bed, cries, asks to save him. It started again! I have nightmares. A mother's heart bleeds from helplessness. What to do? Go to a neurologist and give sedatives? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives parents the tools to help ward off night monsters from a child without drugs