War For The Minds. Confrontation Between The West And Russia

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War For The Minds. Confrontation Between The West And Russia
War For The Minds. Confrontation Between The West And Russia

Video: War For The Minds. Confrontation Between The West And Russia

Video: War For The Minds. Confrontation Between The West And Russia
Video: Watch video of violent confrontation between U.S. and Russian troops in Syria. 2024, October

War for the minds. Confrontation between the West and Russia

Yes, we can actually live without the strictest limitation by law, without - oh horror! - a rule-of-law society, and being governed by such a completely inexplicable phenomenon for the West as social shame.

Soviet thinking

Public opinion, social shame, comradely court - all these concepts exist only in the post-Soviet space. Yes, today they cause rather a smile, but it was! This is our real past. People are still alive who were guided by these concepts, for them it was not an empty phrase, but on the contrary, the main levers of social life.

These are not just shots from ostentatious cinematography, there is still a whole generation who have lived life under these banners, sincerely believing that everyone lives this way. Our fathers and grandfathers considered it unacceptable to take advantage of their official position for personal purposes, to promote a relative through the pull of a relative, to put even their own child in a good place was shameful, and to steal from the state was beneath human dignity.

The priority was to work hard for a brighter future, mind you, not for yourself and your family (!), But for the future. And no matter where - in the steel workshop or at the institute department, at the BAM or in the theater, as a foreman of a tractor brigade or as a visiting nurse - it was an honor to work, not earn money.

That is why the arrival of the consumer skin phase of human development turned everything upside down in the psyche of a post-Soviet person. All his social values became irrelevant, a big common goal disintegrated into individual desires of everyone to live warmly and satisfyingly, we suddenly all began to build not communism, but a legal society, because we were popularly explained that a bright future is a utopia, and the kingdom of law is great happiness on a mowed lawn behind a straight fence.

Yes, this is happiness, but happiness is for those who have always lived like this, who are able to obey the laws, for whom this is the natural environment of existence - Western countries with a skin mentality that is absolutely opposite in psychic nature to the urethral-muscular mentality, ours, Russian.

Without a systematic understanding of the deep psychological differences between these two mentalities, any attempts by the skin person to understand “through himself,” through the prism of his own priorities and values, the urethral motives of Russia are simply doomed to failure.

Conversation of the blind with the deaf

Skin logical thinking is not able to realize how it is possible to live, relying not on the letter of the law, but on a natural sense of justice and mercy. For any leatherman, Russian generosity is an inexplicable and groundless waste of available resources, and for a urethral person it is an integral part of his mental properties, his acute and natural need for bestowal, ensuring the future of his pack.

This does not mean specific individuals, but a collective image of the entire social system - either skin or urethral.

Such an outrageous nonsense for a dermal person, like the ability to live without law, for the urethral society becomes a very real prospect, because something similar has already happened in our history.

Yes, we can actually live without the strictest limitation by law, without - oh horror! - a rule-of-law society, and being governed by such a completely inexplicable phenomenon for the West as social shame.

The very concept of social shame is appropriate to use only in the conditions of the urethral mentality, since only here the properties of the urethral vector are completely understandable, acceptable and close.

All properties of the urethral vector are aimed at bestowal, its enjoyment and consists in the desire to bestow, to ensure the advancement of the flock into the future, and social shame is understood as a consequence of antisocial behavior, actions against society, decisions that run counter to the general goals of the entire flock, and leads to ignoring the leader with his flock.

The prospect of being deprived of the opportunity to give, to remain without a flock, which means that without the pleasure of giving, to be useless to anyone, useless makes the existence of the urethral leader completely meaningless and feels like a strong suffering, because in this case it becomes impossible for him to fulfill his specific role. This kind of punishment in the urethral society works with the same (if not more) success as legal responsibility in the skin society.

Times of change

With the advent of the cutaneous phase of development, the urethral mental superstructure of Russians has not gone anywhere, the mentality has been formed for thousands of years in the harsh climatic conditions of Russian latitudes on the basis of an equally harsh landscape, which combines endless steppes (urethral freemen) and impenetrable taiga forests (muscular community, unity).

A Russian person feels a subconscious protest against any restrictions and prohibitions, but he is able to live according to his inner feelings of justice and mercy. The artificial imposition of Western standards causes a strong rejection in the mental of a representative of the urethral-muscular mentality, because living according to the rules fundamentally contradicts his psychological nature.

Not being able to realize himself in a creative channel, to embody his vital energy of the leader, aimed at bestowal, in a socially useful direction, but being at the same time limited from all sides by the framework of the law, the urethral person often finds himself in a criminal environment, where he begins to live according to his “own” laws, forming around him his flock as opposed to the "hostile" flock of society.

Urethral habits, priorities and values, completely alien and completely incomprehensible to the skin mentality, cause genuine bewilderment and, as a result, apprehension in the minds of Western analysts, historians, sociologists and politicians. Logical skin thinking tells them that such an incomprehensible, inexplicable, unpredictable and dangerously strong "beast" like Russia, simply needs to be controlled.


All numerous attempts to control with the help of a legislative system similar to the Western countries, imposed from above, did not yield the expected results. We can live according to the law only when it corresponds to our inner feelings of justice, we are not able to obey only by the fact that there are any rules, moreover, this causes us a backlash as a desire to remind who actually has the highest rank …

Control or destruction

The skin phase of human development is inevitable for anyone; a return to the past is impossible and unnecessary. The era of legislation and consumption is designed to standardize and globalize humanity as much as possible for the transition to the next, urethral phase of development. However, the current level of our development makes such a step impossible. Urethral animal altruism will have to move to the next, higher and more complex level of spiritual bestowal based on the development of the sound vector.

Today, at the peak of the era of consumption, or the skin phase of human development, it is the countries with the skin mentality that have the greatest global influence as having the most favorable and natural conditions for their development in this phase.

Trying to preserve its own influence and the existing order of things, as well as to protect itself from an unpredictable and uncontrollable competitor in the global political arena, the West uses every opportunity to maximize the delimitation of peoples with a urethral mentality on the principle of the ancient Rome “divide and conquer”.

Along with the incomprehensible and inexplicable principles of the existence of the urethral society, the skin West is also frightened by our amazing ability to instantly rally and unite into a single invincible force in the event of an external threat, as it was during the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, open aggression against Russia is regarded as a last resort.

Thanks to systemic thinking, the muscular component of the Russian mentality becomes obvious, which makes every representative of the Russian peoples feel an integral part of the whole, common, unite everyone in achieving a common goal, feel with all our nature that "we" are many times more important than "I" that the Motherland is more important than personal well-being, that victory is more important than life.


It is a deep systemic understanding of the psychological characteristics of the urethral-muscular mentality that explains why Russia is a country where dozens of different peoples and ethnic groups have lived and live, feeling itself a single people, but preserving its history, traditions, religion, where there is a real friendship of peoples. After all, it is this friendship, our natural unity, our unique cohesion that becomes the object of the most powerful and purposeful information war of the West, which by all means cultivates in us hatred for each other, incites hostility, sets a neighbor against a neighbor, a brother against a brother, a Russian against a Russian.

Killing information now kills

A war is already going on in Ukraine - the objective result of Western propaganda and large-scale work to cultivate the fruits of nationalism, turning into Nazism, and then into fascism.

Fratricidal war runs counter to our very nature, but the level of enmity is so high that any spark flares up. Only the West, led by the United States, is profitable, no, it is simply necessary to maintain its own calm, so that Ukraine fiercely hates Russia. So that the war continues and people die, if only to prevent the unification of these incomprehensible people, these strange personalities who do not need His Majesty the law, but who feel with their soul what justice is, and know what real mercy means. Those who can work their whole lives for the future, and not for themselves, and who can easily give their lives for the sake of a great common goal, for the sake of victory.

Until we understand each other, until we figure out what our differences are, they will be afraid of us, and we will in vain strive to live by their rules.

Today a war is already underway, since all other ways to divide those who cannot be divided in principle have been exhausted.

More and more people understand what is really happening, but do not have a coherent theory and deep understanding of the reasons, which is given by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. Here in this understanding lies the key to the future of each separately and all at once. Consciously looking at things takes away the slightest chance of dislike. Everything superficial becomes obvious, than the paid media obscures the eyes, all the rough moves to change the angle of view on history loom, the way of growing entire generations in an atmosphere of hatred for each other becomes noticeable, but most importantly, now we see the goals of invisible puppeteers dictated by fear and the desire to preserve your power.

Now everyone has a tool for an unbiased analysis of what is happening - this is system-vector psychology.

In fact, we are not enemies to each other - neither Russia, nor Ukraine, nor Europe and even the United States, we are simply different, very different, perhaps too different, but only until we look exclusively from the outside, "through ourselves", and trying to get others to think the same way as ourselves. We are able to live together as a single humanity, but the path to this lies not through military commanders, not through politicians or economists, but through the desire of everyone to understand themselves, understand their own desires and realize the true motives of their actions. Today, more than ever, every next day depends on one person. From you.
