Social Psychology. Personality And Society In The Eight-dimensional Matrix

Social Psychology. Personality And Society In The Eight-dimensional Matrix
Social Psychology. Personality And Society In The Eight-dimensional Matrix

Social psychology. Personality and society in the eight-dimensional matrix

Man is originally a social being: neither an individual nor a society are separable from each other. Without one there would be no other and vice versa.

Social psychology - welcome to the matrix

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Human interaction with society

Man is originally a social being: neither an individual nor a society are separable from each other. Without one there would be no other and vice versa. Under the influence of society, the formation of a social personality occurs, and this personality is born to fulfill a specific specific role in this society.

Any society has a clear structure in which all eight vectors are represented. The percentage of representatives of each vector provides the optimal composition of the group necessary for the survival of the entire flock. There are no superfluous and random people, each in its place. At least that's how it should be.


The representative of each vector performs a strictly defined species role. Some features of each role:

skin vector - extraction, creation and storage of reserves, invention and engineering, lawmaking;

anal vector - preservation of the cave, fire, women and children, storage and systematization of information for transferring it to new generations;

urethral vector - the advancement of the flock, the preservation of the gene pool and the continuation of living matter in time;

muscle vector - war and peaceful construction, the basis of the demography of any society;

visual vector - protecting the flock during the day, raising children, creating culture;

sound vector - guarding the flock at night, creating ideology, generating new ideas, knowing oneself;

olfactory vector - strategic intelligence, adviser to the leader, preserving the integrity of the living matter of the flock;

oral vector - warning by cry of danger, herald, separation of edible food from inedible.

A person is born provided with specific properties and desires, which he is called upon to develop and use, realizing them as much as possible in society. However, this development does not always and not always take place to the maximum level.

For example, a person with a skin vector can continue to extract prey and drag it into the house, doing business or trade, like thousands of years ago, receiving benefits and benefits for themselves. And it can develop and bring benefit and benefit to all mankind with its engineering inventions or lawmaking activities. And this is a completely different level of development, and, consequently, a different level of giving back to society and getting happiness and pleasure from this life.

The social organism is a structured and self-regulating system. The methods of regulating social relations have remained the same for the last 50 thousand years - this is ranking and attraction, carried out with the help of chemicals - pheromones, which each person feels with special nerve endings at the tip of the nose ("zero" nerve). Only one vector has real levers of influence on social relations - the olfactory one, and in the modern world it does this through finance.


It should be noted that the psychological principles of interaction of vector properties are identical both in one person, in a couple, in a collective, and in society and humanity as a whole.

The eight-dimensional matrix of the human psychic obeys the principle of the holographic reality proved by physicists. Each particle of the whole - in our case, a person as a unit of society - contains all information and functions according to the same mechanisms as the entire social matrix, and vice versa.

Phases of development of society

Society has known different times. In its existence, it went through the muscular and anal phases of development. We live in the cutaneous phase. The future belongs to the urethral phase. The life of human society changed from phase to phase, its values and guidelines changed. They can be very briefly characterized as follows.

The muscular phase is marked by a clear territorial division into "we" and "they", high attachment to mother earth and simple happiness from satisfying the basic needs to eat, drink, breathe, sleep, as well as the outbreak of interregional conflicts due to an indirect attempt on these needs.

In the muscular phase of development, the priority occupation for a man was war or building and cultivating his land. It was believed that a warrior who died on the battlefield went straight to heaven. Even those who died by their own death were buried in battle armor and with weapons in their hands.

Life expectancy was half the modern one, men easily took other people's lives and just as easily gave theirs.

The destiny of a woman was to give birth and raise children - future warriors or their wives, and the life of a woman was no more valued than the life of cattle.

In the anal phase of development, the concepts of respect and honor, traditions come to the fore. Respect for elders and the past, strict adherence to traditions, including family traditions, becomes extremely important. The family was thought of as a union for life. The father's authority as head of the family was not discussed or questioned.

The main advantage of a woman, in addition to having children, was loyalty to her husband and the ability to run a household, maintain comfort and order in the house.

For centuries, women have remained illiterate, learning only skills that are useful in the household. They began to receive education, as well as rights equal to men, only in the twentieth century.

It was during this phase that cult personalities appeared, who were considered a model and unshakable authority for everyone. In every school, in the physics office, there were portraits of great physicists on the walls, in the language and literature office - of great poets and writers, etc.


Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, a single woman with a career was considered either a corrupt careerist, or a deeply unhappy woman, devoid of the most important component of female happiness.

The transition to the skin phase of development introduces into society other skin values that are absolutely opposite to the anal ones. The pace of life takes off to unprecedented speeds, all authorities remain in the past, personal success (career, finance, business), social and property superiority becomes a measure of individual significance, technical progress is taking place by leaps and bounds, the legislative system is improving every year. Everything is standardized, takes on strictly outlined forms, frames, boundaries.

In the cutaneous phase, a woman for the first time gets the opportunity to realize herself on an equal basis with a man. All have equal rights, equal opportunities, but also bear the same responsibility. Love and family relationships acquire a consumer character, which is also formalized in legislation.

The cutaneous phase is accelerating and is an order of magnitude shorter than the previous one. The next phase of development will be the urethral. It will be a society of spiritual altruism based on the urethral priority of the general over the particular and sound spiritual development and comprehension. One more step will be taken from the animal, and the social individual will finally become eight-eighth Human. This will be a transition from a cultured person to a spiritual person.

At the right time in the right place

As one of the manifestations of the collective mental group of people living in the same territory, the mentality of the people also has a vector nature. The mentality of a country or region directly depends on the type of landscape on which the formation and development of a given society took place.

Western Europe - limited spaces, skin mentality, hence the high development of technologies, legislation, private property.

Russia is a boundless steppe and forest spaces, an urethral-muscular mentality, which is characterized by lordly generosity and hospitality, impulsiveness, a tendency to take risks and ostentatious luxury.


Arab countries - mountain ranges or deserts, the impossibility of movement and conservation within the framework of individual villages, the anal mentality, which dictates strict adherence to religious traditions and rejection of the new.

People are born on the territory of any country, among whom there are representatives of all eight vectors, however, it is easier to develop their qualities and get maximum realization for those whose properties correspond to the mentality of the country and the phase of human development.


The phases of human development, the mentality of countries, the behavior of individual social groups and the role of individuals - system-vector psychology allows you to look completely differently at all processes occurring in the world and discover their amazing regularity and interconnectedness.

Read more about this in the following articles.
