Stig Larsson. Part 2. The mystery of Lisbeth Salander
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" has the original title - "The Man Who Hated Women", which speaks for itself. The book contains two stories of girls from different social backgrounds - Lisbeth Salander and Harriet Vanger. The alternative worlds of Swedish society do not keep them safe from the violence of anal sadistic misogynists.
Part 1. How to get rid of a journalist?
“I'm going to write a detective novel!” - Stig Larsson said to Eve, sitting down at the computer. But instead of a detective, it turned out to be a thriller with immersion in history, a touch of politics and elements of fantasy. Affected by the passion of youth when Eva and Stig were involved in translating books by American science fiction writers into Swedish and editing the journal of the Scandinavian Science Fiction Society. For people with a sound vector, whose youth fell on the 60s, fantasy was almost the only way to fill their sound voids.
“In the world of science fiction, cyborgs - half human, half robot - can connect directly to a computer, to the point of becoming fused with it. This is how Lisbeth Salander connects to the Internet, and her extraordinary abilities make her akin to a cyborg”[E. Gabrielsson, M. F. Colombani. Millennium, The Stig and Me]. In the second volume of the Millennium trilogy, the heroine with mathematical thought-forms in her head persistently searches for a solution to Fermat's theorem and even finds it.
Alternative worlds of Swedish society
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" has the original title - "The Man Who Hated Women", which speaks for itself. The book contains two stories of girls from different social backgrounds - Lisbeth Salander and Harriet Vanger. The alternative worlds of Swedish society do not keep them safe from the violence of anal sadistic misogynists.
Harriet Vanger, 16, from a family of industrial tycoons who was regularly sexually abused by her father and brother, suddenly disappears. The entire family, with the exception of her great-uncle, considers her dead, despite the fact that there is no evidence of this. For 40 years, the police have not been able to find traces of Harriet, the case is closed and put into the archive. Eighty-year-old Henrik Vanger turns to Mikael Blomkvist, known for his journalistic investigations of the most complicated and dangerous cases.
Although Bloomkvist was a collective image, the author nevertheless put a lot of personal into his hero. Stig Larsson was also distinguished by his uncompromising attitude, integrity, directness, civic stance, erudition and analytical ability. Being well acquainted with the historical roots of fascism in his country, he writes a lot about this in articles. And in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" also one of the plots is connected with the ritual murders of women.
The atrocities of many years ago, committed by a maniac killer, which, not without the help of Lisbeth Salander, unexpectedly revealed to everyone by Blomkvist, will amaze any investigator with its sophisticated cruelty and inexplicable motivation.
Of course, the plot of the trilogy is invented, but many events are taken from the original crime chronicle and police reports. System-vector psychology is well aware of the mechanism of such crimes as serial murders of skin-visual women with victim behavior, committed by a man with an olfactory vector.

The book impressed the readers of the northern country so much that it was instantly translated into many languages and for the last 10 years it has been at the top of the list of world bestsellers.
Archangel of God's Vengeance
So Stig Larsson was going to name the fourth volume of the Millennium cycle. The Archangel punishing evil appears before the readers of Lisbeth Salander. However, her actions show an animal instinct to anticipate dangerous situations. Such an animal instinct is possessed by the urethral and all the same it breaks for the flags, takes the risk, contriving to survive even buried alive. The passion for life and the thirst for reckoning give Salander strength. Her work is not finished yet, and the dragon tattoo burns her back, reminding her of this. This is how Stig Larsson creates his heroine.
Lisbeth Salander possesses a urethral-cutaneous-sound-visual bundle of vectors, the properties of which are clearly manifested in her every action. So, for an attempt to burn her own father alive, twelve-year-old Lisbeth was hid in a psychiatric hospital for 10 years. Wanting to protect her mother, who was raped and beaten by her father out of sadistic motives, she splashes gasoline in his face and throws a lighted match at him. The tendency to arson and pyromania, as a reaction to violence, is characteristic of people with a urethral vector.
“The urethral tract, beaten by an anal father or stepfather, develops according to an undesirable life scenario, which often leads to a change in sexual orientation,” says Yuri Burlan at his lectures on systemic vector psychology.
With Lisbeth Salander, similar metamorphoses also occur. A sadistic father, a rapist lawyer appointed by her guardian, a pedophilic child psychiatrist - all these men with an anal vector, experiencing intense hatred of women and deep sexual frustrations, caused Lisbeth a mixture of hatred and contempt and a desire to destroy them.
To expose these scum, she breaks the ruling law in the Western skin world. Together with a sound fellow-hacker nicknamed Plague, he breaks into their computers, getting to the most confidential information. Then, together with journalist Mikael Blomkvist, he makes all the evidence he has collected available to the public: child pornographic pictures hidden from the financial authorities and taxes withdrawn to offshores, etc.
Feminism by Stig Larsson
Millennium seems to be overwhelmed by the topic of violence against women, but this is only a small fraction of the true events known to Stieg Larsson from police reports. “He wrote episodes that often did not connect with each other in any way, and then simply“sewed”them to each other, obeying his own will and the course of the plot” [E. Gabrielsson, M. F. Colombani. Millennium, The Stig and Me].
In addition, the strongest shock that the Stig experienced in his youth was reflected here. Once he witnessed how his friends raped a girl. For the young man it came as a shock, then he blamed himself all his life for not standing up for the victim.
The supposed royalties from Millennium were supposed to fix Stig and Eve's affairs and finance Expo. He intended to use the future income from the as yet unwritten fourth volume to create crisis centers for women who have been subjected to violence.
Chief Editor of Expo
Stig was a good literary secretary and editor-in-chief, but with a complete sound detachment from everyday life, an absolute deficit of skin resourcefulness and anal inability to conduct business, he did not know how to provide the magazine with funds or organize the activities of employees. Any of these tasks, requiring solutions in a short time, drove him into severe stress, introduced him into an anal stupor. Eve rushed to the rescue, more adapted to life than the Stig.
“The rest got lost on the road of betrayal,” Stig Larsson repeated. Eva Gabrielsson, a faithful companion with whom he was associated for 32 years of marriage, was as stubborn and uncompromising idealist as the Stig himself. This long-term unofficial union has united two people by the equality of the properties of their vectors. Having common interests and being engaged in a common cause, they managed to maintain their relationship for so long.
“For us, it was not money or success that constituted a person's reputation, but honesty and ability to keep one's word. And these rules were not violated. The Stig and I were very much alike in thought and perception. This amused us, but did not surprise us: after all, we had common roots”[E. Gabrielsson, M. F. Colombani. Millennium, The Stig and Me].

Only Eve is out of work
The relationship between Eve and the Stig was not legalized. Under Swedish law, persons living in a civil marriage cannot claim material or intellectual property of each other. After the unexpected death of the journalist, everything that he possessed by law passed to his closest relatives - his father and brother.
Shortly before his death, Larsson managed to find a publishing house that agreed to print the first part of the Millennium trilogy, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. If by the time the book came out of print the writer was still alive, then after the book came out of print, one could say: "And in the morning he woke up famous."
For many years Eve fought for the rights to the literary heritage of Stieg Larsson. But in the skin world, everything is legalized and regulated. The press reported that the unofficial widow of the writer, the father and brother of the Stig, on whom the inheritance of the famous relative had unexpectedly fallen, were offered $ 3.3 million. Eva, not for the sake of selfishness, but only out of love for righteousness and justice, refused them, continued to fight and, ultimately, lost the case.
Another unpleasant news for Miss Gabrielsson was the release of the fourth volume from the Millennium series, written by David Lagerkranz. This book was in the Stig's work, as Eve herself repeatedly stated, promising to finish writing a sequel for her husband. But even this Eve failed.
While she was gathering her thoughts and strength, the publishing house found another author in the person of David Lagerkranz and sued Mrs. Gabrielsson for the right to participate in the project. An upset Eve "criticized the sequel to Millennium, calling the choice of David Lagercrantz as the author" complete idiocy, "Wikipedia reports. The name of Stig Larsson and his “Milenium” have long become a brand of the literary industry and bring income to completely different people who have been with him for many years, shared shelter and a piece of bread with the future celebrity, so it is not difficult to understand the offense of anal-visual Eva Gabrielsson.
This is a clear example of how difficult it is for people with an anal vector to do business in the skin world. “Due to natural properties, people with an anal vector are slow and clumsy to make quick decisions,” explains Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology. While they ponder, weigh and “measure seven times,” the dermal is in a hurry to make money on what is sacred for the anal.
Many projects revolve around the name of Stig Larsson, and those who, 11 years ago, ignored the journalist, claiming that he cannot write, call themselves his friends. In the leather entrepreneurial world, a real Millennium industry emerged in the blink of an eye. Today, all those with whom Stig Larsson fought earn millions of euros on his behalf. Profit is above all - this is the law of the skin world, everything else then.