"The English Patient". A film about human love
The popular French actress Juliette Binoche has a hard time remembering the filming time: “I put all of myself and even more into it”. It was she who, by the power of her sensual amplitude, was able to show exactly the image of a skin-visual woman in war. Outgoing, helping the sick and dying, Canadian nurse Hannah serves in the Allied army in Italy during World War II. She does not think about herself, is not afraid, but helps those who need it. Everybody needs it in war …
They have been making this film for years. On their travels between France, America and Italy, the three met, discussed and perfected their script. A detailed draft script by English director Anthony Mingelli has been polished and cut. The author of The English Patient, Michael Ondaatje, based on which the script was written, defended his text, but gave up, agreeing to new scenes.
Behind the resulting images, their collaborator, producer Saul Zaentz, immediately saw the specific actors who were supposed to bring the story to the camera. They didn't expect to be successful, but 12 nominations and 9 Oscars rewarded such an increased realization of their creative potential.
The three of them absolutely definitely managed to show the eternally dramatic plot - the love of a man for a woman. The same Muse, the strongest attraction to which has driven humanity for centuries.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan defines such a woman as the owner of the cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors.
Women with such a set of desires have a special meaning in the life of men, influencing their destinies either in the most fatal or in the most creative way. The film "The English Patient" covers two different life scenarios of a skin-visual woman in a state of "war". One of them is embodied in a war, the other in a peaceful society.
“I'm cursed. Everyone who loved me perishes"
The popular French actress Juliette Binoche has a hard time remembering the filming time: “I put all of myself and even more into it”. It was she who, by the power of her sensual amplitude, was able to show exactly the image of a skin-visual woman in war. Outgoing, helping the sick and dying, Canadian nurse Hannah serves in the Allied army in Italy during World War II. She does not think about herself, is not afraid, but helps those who need it. Everybody needs it in war.
Need to get out from under the bullets? Bandage, feed, assist in operations? A woman like that can do it. Due to the high development of the visual vector, fragile and refined skin-visual women have the strength to pull out men from the battlefield twice, or even three times heavier than they themselves. Forces to constantly donate blood for transfusions, to take care of the wounded almost around the clock.
Their pheromones are for everyone. A wounded soldier asks for a kiss? Why not? Maybe this will be the last consolation for him. Someone needs to be smiled at him before death, someone asks for moral support as the last straw. And someone needs to save his soul, in intercourse to comprehend himself in a woman for the first and last time before tomorrow's fight. There is enough skin-visual woman in a state of "war" for everyone.
Sometimes one glance at her is enough to make a man want to live again after the horrors and pain of war. Directly in war, it seduces and fulfills the necessary and only assigned role. Always next to men, with her own specific task, the only nulliparous among women.
In the film "The English Patient", among others, an unnamed English patient falls under the care of Hannah - an almost completely burned man, whose life span is already very short. Their hospital moves, and for him it turns out to be a torment. Merciful Hannah understands that the best way out for him will be to stop, especially since there is very little time to wait for death. Contrary to the sense of self-preservation, she and the patient are left alone in an abandoned estate, where the Nazis can still return. She has no fear for her life.

My favorites are ghosts
She loves her unnamed patient. She reads him his only book and shares her sorrow. After all, not only her patients and military comrades become attached to her, but she also to them. Leaving for their last battle, they do not return, and again she remains alone. Such a woman strives for a strong emotional connection, continued in time, but this does not work out in war. And Hannah is crying.
With the power of her love, Hannah attracts men to her at the level of smells. People, soldiers appear around the mansion, they settle nearby. Hannah falls in love with a mine sergeant. After all, the Germans, even retreating, seek to take the lives of the "non-Aryans" and mine everything, inventing clever ways.
Hannah and her sergeant are a frequent occurrence in the life of a skin-visual woman in war. He saved her from the mine, and his handsome courting won her instant favor. There is no time to wait in war, and she began to come to him every night. In a week he will leave for a new appointment. They will part beautifully, promising to meet each other sometime in the church where they looked at the frescoes together. And the man will leave without turning around.
- And if one night I did not come to you?
- I would try not to wait for you …
From such relationships in a state of "war", men switch naturally to the following ones, without being mentally fixated on a nulliparous skin-visual woman. When they find themselves in a peaceful environment, their unconscious concentrates on one of the most important tasks - to continue themselves in time. For this, at home those women who can provide it are waiting for them. After the war, the people are restoring their demographics. And such "field wives" remain as a vivid, unforgettable impression only in the memory of their men and in the chronicles of women's military medical aid. Their role in war is colossally beneficial for all mankind.
But this is not at all the case when a skin-visual woman in a state of "war" is not where she should be in her inner state, but in peaceful conditions. For those men who are tuned in to serious relationships and peaceful happiness, such a woman can lead to disaster.
Betrayal in war is childish prank compared to treason in peacetime. Those who fell in love again are nervous and tender. But they destroy everything around. For the heart is made of fire
Hannah's burned patient has a secret. Injured in an airplane blown up by the Germans in the middle of the desert, he claims that he does not remember his name or occupation at all. But he knows all known melodies and quotes Herodotus, showing an excellent memory inherent in the owner of the anal vector, and abstract intelligence inherent in a sound engineer. This combination of vectors gives the world researchers, scientists, seekers, driven by the disclosure of the meaning of being.
Wounded, he recalls the most important story of his life: the story of his insane attraction to someone else's wife Katherine. A story that even influenced the British spy network in North Africa at the beginning of the war.

Catherine, blond, long-legged and fragile, finds herself in Africa, accompanied by her husband, a military pilot. Together they help the British Geographic Society map the desert. An English patient, aka Count Laszlo Almasi, a Hungarian explorer, cartographer, who, by the will of his heart, devoted his whole life to the desert, meets them in Cairo. And she falls under the influence of this attractive and seductive skin-visual woman.
The bright and irresistibly strong pheromone background that emanates from her does not allow the man to come to his senses. In war, the volume of this attraction to the scent of a skin-visual woman provides the desire to defeat companies, and maybe even regiments. And in peacetime, the entire volume goes to those men who surround such a woman. And if among them there is no man with an urethral vector - the only one who is able to fulfill the desire of this woman, then no one from the environment will be able to make her a stable pair. Men will feel a stifling passion that cannot be satisfied.
How can you smile as if your life is not broken ?
Lonely and dedicated to the sonic idea of reclaiming yet undiscovered territories of sand and sun, Laszlo resists this powerful attraction. But this woman, like an element, sweeps away everything in her path. Decency of a narrow English community, camaraderie among researchers, devotion to their ideals for him gradually fade into the background. What matters is her scent on his lips and the hollow under her neck.
Catherine's unconscious nature guides her. She, telling the legend about the queen in front of everyone, looks directly into Laszlo's eyes, saying: “If you want a queen, then kill the king and take your power. The Queen agrees to this. She is the only woman in this male group of explorers, and she chooses who she likes. Her husband, the owner of the anal vector, adoring his wife and blindly trusting her, does not bother with analogies.
Laszlo tries to reason with her husband, persuading her not to leave Katherine alone in the city, his mind resists the mad attraction. But the spouse, through the properties of his anal vector, including monogamy, devotion to his wife, is sure of Catherine's complete loyalty and love. After Katherine herself came to Laszlo, he no longer had the strength to restrain his attraction. Then it didn't matter anymore.
Every night I cut out my heart, and by the morning it grew anew
The skin-visual woman does not belong to the man. She is free, and the only thing that matters to her is the feeling of security and safety that she receives as she creates an emotional connection with a man. She is with everyone, and at the same time, no one. The measure of the madness she induces in a man gives her confirmation of the strength of her attractiveness.
But this is not enough so as not to experience the constant inner fear inherent in visual people from birth. He is the root, the basis of their enormous emotional amplitude. And he, taken out, manifests itself as love for another, when the visual person is no longer afraid for himself, but turns his feelings on someone.
Relationship with her husband does not fulfill Katherine's desires. At the same time, she does not leave him, hiding her passion for another. However, deciding to make a surprise on the eve of the wedding anniversary, he finds out the truth.
The husband cannot survive betrayal and betrayal. This pain builds up in him, and, driven by the desire to align his psychological balance with the anal vector in a way in which the pain inflicted on him must be compensated for by revenge, he decides to deal with the lives of everyone in this love triangle. During the flight over the desert, he directs his plane with Catherine on board directly to Laszlo. The plane crashes.
… I know you will come and take me to the palace of the winds …
The husband dies immediately, but Catherine, with broken ribs, survives. Laszlo takes shelter from the blow and carries her into the Swimmers' Cave, where he leaves one, with a flashlight and a book, to go on foot for help. He promises to be back in 3 days and she believes him.

Due to the outbreak of the war and the suspicion that fell on him due to the non-English name, he will only return in 10 days. Despite the fact that it will be too late, he will not be able to stop before killing his escort, transferring all the data and maps to the Germans, just to come to her. Attraction is stronger than reason. He promised, and whatever the consequences, he was there again. Although under the hollow in her neck life no longer pulsed.
Having managed to write him the last words, Catherine dies, surrounded by cold and darkness. She leaves, experiencing severe fear before death. With her body, Laszlo flies to England to fulfill her last wish for a funeral. But the plane obtained with the help of the Germans is shot down, and now he is in a hospital bed under the care of a caring and fearless Hannah on the outskirts of Italy. Saved by the Tuaregs, he was mistaken for an Englishman and sent to Europe. He never spoke his name to anyone else. But still the past reminded him of itself.
- And I thought that I would kill you …
- You cannot kill me - I died long ago …
Resentment and guilt are the strongest levers of activity for the owners of the anal vector. If revenge provokes destructive behavior for others, then guilt is the opposite. A former agent found himself in front of the burned-out Laszlo, who found him in Italy to avenge what happened. Having lost his mind from love, Laszlo turned out to be the cause of the failure of the entire English intelligence network, and people ended up in German torture chambers. Laszlo's closest friend, upon learning of his betrayal, shot himself.
The English patient learned about all this from a man named "Elk" who appeared before him. The Vengeful Elk has already eliminated everyone who caused him damage and found the last culprit. But he will not kill Laszlo, because he, having lost the object of his attraction, has long ceased to feel life.
Passion for a skin-visual woman in a state of "war" is a special, strong feeling. For him she is hated by other women and adored by men. This is the power that is embodied in the bodies of desirable and seductive women, sets men, inspired by them, the movement towards the future. But the conditions and roles of the skin-visual woman can be realized with different consequences.
A developed skin-visual woman in a war brings her conditions out, for everyone. Therefore, she does not feel fear for herself, but thinks only of others, filling the entire amplitude of her sensuality. Such a woman is beneficial to society. However, if she finds herself in other, peaceful conditions, and at the same time is in a state of "war", then her life scenario takes on different meanings …
Catherine says goodbye, leaving Laszlo no choice, as if taking him with her to the grave:
We are dying. We die, enriched with love, travel, everything that we have tasted, the bodies into which we entered and along which we sailed like rivers, fears in which we hid, like in this gloomy cave

The rest of Laszlo's life was just a shadow of the old one. Having learned in Italy about all the consequences of his crazy love, he no longer wants to wait and pushes several ampoules of morphine to Hannah at once. He wants to leave. And her sympathy is higher than pity. She gives him that opportunity.
Scenarios of a man's relationship with a skin-visual woman have been repeated for thousands of years, both for reasons and consequences. After all, it was she who gave birth to love as a manifestation of a high level of development of the visual vector. Collectively, it was the skin-visual woman in the war that instilled and brought emotional connection and empathy to the treasury of humanity. And this happened through intercourse with a man in body and soul, when such vivid feelings arose in a man, which he later remembered all his life, if only he survived the war.
That's all I wanted - to go to earth without maps
The English Patient shows the ambiguity of this scenario. The viewer is shown the full depth of raging passions, leaving bitter regret for the fate of those whose happiness failed. The visual beauty of the frames and the musical accompaniment of the film are delightful in themselves, but all this is just a frame for the inner content of the systemic picture.
Hannah's and Catherine's so different fates are thought-provoking. With great potential to live happily in love and pleasure, people become participants in the drama.
The filmmakers show life as it is, leaving the viewer after watching strong impressions and many thoughts, questions … If you are such a viewer who loves to understand the depth of the meanings left behind the external picture, welcome to the training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. The first discoveries can be made already at free online lectures. Register by the link: