Stig Larsson. Part 1. How to get rid of a journalist?
That glamorous Sweden is only for Swedes, and even then not for everyone. Those who differ in dissent do not belong there. They are deprived of their jobs, threatened over the telephone, physically destroyed. Drugs are sold at dirty train stations, and "Russian" girls are forcibly kept in abandoned factory workshops and basements, after having taken away passports with expired visas …
In the early 90s, the whole country, with bated breath, watched the film "Intergirl" by Pyotr Todorovsky, empathizing with Miss Tanka, who came to Sweden - a state with the highest standard of living and social security, like Alice in Wonderland.
It never occurred to anyone, including the director, that behind the brilliant facade of Swedish well-being with mirrored shopping malls, beautiful cars, cozy cafes and cropped lawns in front of toy houses lies the murky life of Stockholm gateways, in which neo-Nazis beat outsiders, and extremists shoot at honest journalists.
That glamorous Sweden is only for Swedes, and even then not for everyone. Those who differ in dissent do not belong there. They are deprived of their jobs, threatened over the telephone, physically destroyed. Drugs are sold at dirty train stations, and "Russian" girls are forcibly kept in abandoned factory workshops and basements, after having taken their passports with expired visas.
Then, few people knew that the largest northern traffic of live goods for sexual pleasure went through Sweden, the ports of registration for which were brothels of Hamburg, Amsterdam, Paris, Antwerp …
It is this kind of Sweden, without gloss and gloss, where children and women can be subjected to violence with impunity, where many families still agree with the fascist ideology of Aryan superiority, that the Millennium trilogy, written by Stig Larsson, opened to the world and was released months after an unexpected death of the author on November 9, 2004.
Who is not with us is against us
Stig Larsson is a Swedish journalist, writer, fighter for women's rights, an opponent of the Nazi movement that swept a small Scandinavian country since the early 80s, author of the Millennium trilogy, which includes the books The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With fire”and“The girl who blew up castles in the air”.
The trilogy made the writer and publicist Stig Larsson known to the whole world, and at the same time exposed the backstage of the Swedish society, about which the majority of the world's population had a completely idyllic idea.
It turned out that there are as many problems behind the showcase of Swedish prosperity as in any other European country. It's just that it is not customary to wash dirty linen in public, to demonstrate internal problems, subjecting them to public ridicule and criticism.
The West is the West, and those who are not ready to obey the whip of the skin law will inevitably turn out to be an outcast rejected by society. Such fatalists will be noticed, if not by the special services, then by those whom this person opposes. And here there is still a big question with whom it is better to be under the hood - the special services or the ultra-right.
Grandmother next to grandfather
Stig Larsson was born on August 15, 1954. His parents were barely 17 years old. The underage mom and dad had no idea how to raise a child. The newborn Stig was taken to the village by his grandparents. It was to them, and especially to his grandfather, a communist and anti-fascist, who during the Second World War was in a labor camp for persons who posed a threat to the national security of Sweden, that the future writer owed his uncompromising patriotic firmness, anti-fascist views and complete indifference to material goods.

When Stig was 8 years old, his grandfather died of a heart attack. Grandmother, not knowing how and what to live on, sent her grandson to his parents. In the city, the boy had to give up his usual activities, which he happily performed, helping his grandfather to hunt, fish, repair bicycles and motors. It was a small amount of money that allowed old people to make ends meet.
For Stig, a child with an anal-sound-visual bunch of vectors, accustomed to the silence, beauty of the northern landscape and the regularity of village life, plunge into the chatter of the city, settling in a cramped apartment with his parents and brother, people he hardly knew, was unbearable. Working parents showed little interest in their eldest son.
He was left to himself and at the age of 16 hastened to leave his family and settle in a tiny dorm room. An inquisitive young man, who is in a sound search for the meaning of life, not burdened by emotional attachment to his family, easily merged into the youth environment of such seekers.
The main characters of "Millennium" Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander are not burdened with parental attention either. It is no coincidence that there is not a single full-fledged, positive image of the mother in the trilogy. The mother plays an important role in the life of any child. And for the anal, her absence in the most negative way can affect his future life scenario.
Absolutely Irresistible Intellectual
This is how Eva Gabrielsson, his faithful friend, whom he met at a youth rally of opponents of the Vietnam War, spoke of Stieg Larsson. Feeling their lack of sound, Eva and Stig were carried away by Trotskyism, Maoism, which was fashionable at that time, and other political movements. However, they quickly became disillusioned, seeing in them a purely formal side. Post-war youth all over the world were seething, seeking their place in life.
Scandinavia, like the rest of the Western world, has sanctioned the creation of formal political organizations with a superficial ideological basis, which would distract young people from deeper domestic political problems. Participation in rallies and Trotskyist circles was more like a child's game of revolutionaries and democrats under the control of olfactory uncles, who did not take their nose off the activists.
These events became a late alternative to the fascist movement, which spread in the 30-40s throughout all the countries of the Old World without exception. Democratic youth groups over time degenerated into extremist groups and parties that bore an overt Nazi character. With the surrender of Hitlerite Germany, fascism in Europe has not gone anywhere.
He went deep underground in order to express himself with renewed vigor with racist sentiments in the 80s, and in the 90s with the growth of right-wing extremism. In such a small country like Sweden, where, one might say, everyone knows everyone, the life of any citizen was not a secret. All these transformations from democrats to Nazis, racists and extremists did not hide from the attentive and observant Stig, becoming the topic of his journalistic work.
Stig Larsson can't write
Capitalist Sweden took the first steps towards social protection of its citizens. Larsson and Gabrielsson were among the first students to qualify for higher education at public expense. Eva chose and graduated from the Faculty of Architecture. Stig never managed to get a journalism or literary diploma, but, possessing a phenomenal memory, he achieved a high level of self-education.
His readiness in areas ranging from politics to counterintelligence, from military strategy to Western extremist manifestos, has made him an expert on a range of topics. The breadth of Larsson's knowledge on the issue of neo-Nazism attracted employees of special agencies and investigators to consult him.
Having tried many professions for the sake of earning money, he continued to write for various newspapers in Sweden and England. In 1979 Stig joined TT-PRESS, Sweden's largest press agency, as editorial secretary.
“Stig Larsson can't write!” - under this pretext, the TT-PRESS management refused to transfer him to the state, where he worked in various positions for 20 years. All this time, he did not stop writing on all the topics that interested him.
Belated glory
S. Larsson's books came to the Russian reader at the height of the 2009-2010 crisis. They were so successful that the publishers discussed only one problem: the overload of the printers, which could not keep up with the reprints of the Millennium.

The demand and popularity of Stig Larsson's books is explained by the talentedly created image of the urethral girl Lisbeth Salander, who resists discrimination and violence against women. With the urethral distribution of mercy and the expected justice, the author, through his heroine, fills the deep psychological gaps of readers around the world.
During his lifetime, Stig appealed to many publishers with a request to publish his books, but those, knowing Larsson as an uncompromising journalist, hunted by the ultra-right, refused the writer under various pretexts. The animal fear for one's own life overpowered even the desire to make good money on the circulation, which was habitual for the skin world.
Larsson, working as editor-in-chief at the Expo newspaper, openly spoke in the press against extremism, Nazism, violence, corruption, abuse of power in his country. Expo became the prototype of the Millennium magazine, for which Mikael Blomkvist, the main character of the trilogy, wrote.
Stig was repeatedly threatened and attacked, his name and personal data were included in the list of those whom Swedish neo-Nazis were going to crack down on. The heart attack, from which the writer died at the age of 50, may have saved him from the same terrible reprisal that was prepared for the Ukrainian writer and journalist Oles Buzina. As we can see, the practice of showdowns between pro-fascists and objectionable journalists, which we observe in Ukraine today, is not new.
Larsson was one of the first to see a global threat on the Internet. “For racist groups, cyberspace is just a dream,” Stig urged his opponents. “They risk nothing by creating their sites.” In The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the writer warns the reader of where the lack of control and unified law on the Internet can lead. We see the results today in the form of information wars, activity of left-wing radicals, propaganda of hatred and violence.
Today virtual reality has won, it has created the hero of "Millennium" from Stieg Larsson.
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