Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 1. Family

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 1. Family
Alexander Griboyedov. Mind And Heart Are Out Of Tune. Part 1. Family

Alexander Griboyedov. Mind and heart are out of tune. Part 1. Family

Alexander Griboyedov lived a short but very eventful life. He did not have time to leave a great literary heritage. The diplomatic mission in Persia and the solution of issues of state importance turned out to be more important for him than his own creative realization …

Where are you from? I asked them. - From Tehran. - What are you carrying? - Griboyeda

(A. Pushkin. "Journey to Arzrum")

In the history of Russia in the 19th century, it is difficult to find a person more slandered than Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. The public is still in a dead end of misconceptions imposed by the West, which deliberately distorted historical facts and events in order to exonerate itself from the charge of killing a Russian statesman who changed geopolitics in Central Asia and nearly derailed the olfactory machine of British external influence.

Alexander Griboyedov lived a short but very eventful life. He did not have time to leave a great literary heritage. The diplomatic mission in Persia and the solution of issues of state importance turned out to be more important for him than his own creative realization.

He was born, lived and worked during the period of palace coups, weak kings, corrupt ministers and corrupt officials. For them, the Russian people were a bargaining chip in the world game of superpowers that existed under the control of a single olfactory force, whose goal was to destroy Russia, turning it into a colony of the West.

Alexander Griboyedov deeply loved his homeland, knew how to achieve its economic prosperity, did not serve for the sake of ranks, wealth, or to please the ruling monarchs. He was a patriot of Russia and died as a hero defending the political interests of his Fatherland.

We have been doing since olden times, What honor is there for father and son

There is a lot of confusion in the biography of playwright and diplomat Alexander Griboyedov. In his service records, he indicated the most different years of birth - from 1790 to 1795, and records in church books and metrics have not been preserved. Judging by the fact that his parents were married in 1792, he most likely was illegitimate or, as they used to say in the old days, a bastard. In addition, it is not known who was the real father of Alexander Sergeevich.

Nastasya Fyodorovna Griboyedova, the mother of the future diplomat, a girl with a great dowry and extensive connections in the world, unexpectedly for everyone married a distant relative and namesake Sergei Ivanovich Griboyedov. In this marriage, a daughter, Maria Sergeevna, was born. The husband was much older than his wife and turned out to be an insignificant, ignorant, stateless person, moreover, a gambler.

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Citing poor health, Sergei Ivanovich shirked any service. He forced the doctor to issue him a medical certificate that "due to chronic scurvy disease … he can not correct any … position." Meanwhile, the "scurvy patient" was playing whist and shtoss in Moscow, making debts and drinking himself intoxicated. He blew all the property of his wife, who managed to save only 60 souls of serfs and a modest economy in the province. One could not dream of living in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Unable to correct her husband, Nastasya Fyodorovna broke up with him.

With the help of system-vector psychology, it is not difficult to understand that this marriage had no prospects from the beginning. The presence in both spouses of pronounced properties of the skin vector, moreover, not in the best conditions, implies the desire of partners to get their own benefit from the relationship. Apparently, this is what happened - the "legalization" of her son cost Nastasya Fyodorovna a "pretty penny", after which the marriage was ended.

Rich and poor, despised and glorious

After the death of one of her close relatives, Nastasya Feodorovna inherited the Moscow mansion. The new home was great for her and her two children. Then the enterprising lady handed over part of the living quarters to the chief dance master of Moscow P. E. Iogel. On Thursdays, people from all over Moscow came to see the Griboyedovs for the Big Dance Class, which looked more like a children's matinee.

While the younger generation was having fun, Nastasya Fedorovna talked to her parents, introduced her Sasha and Masha. Wasting no time, she looked after the groom in advance for Maria Sergeevna - a daughter-dowry. “For people with a skin vector, everything is decided by connections, the right people and useful acquaintances,” says Yuri Burlan.

The maintenance of a Moscow house and farm in the countryside required expenses. Nevertheless, Griboyedova was not stingy to invest a lot of money in her son's education, counting on dividends in the form of a secure old age from his future outstanding career.

From an early age, a visually curious, capable and receptive Alexander showed interest in knowledge, studies were given to him in jest. Possessing a good memory, perseverance characteristic of people with an anal vector, and sound concentration, the boy easily mastered languages. As a sound specialist, he perceived languages by ear, almost phonetically.

Nastasya Fedorovna spoke French with the children. The lack of French books for little ones was replaced by a subscription to a children's magazine with a mass of useful information, moralizing stories and funny pictures in Russian.

At first, stories from children's magazines were read aloud to Alexander by adults. The boy stubbornly did not want to learn the letters, but he listened diligently. Small black icons on paper fascinated him and when once again adults refused to read him he took up the magazine himself. The squiggle letters by themselves formed into familiar words and the visual Sasha did not notice how he learned to read in Russian.

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Having spent his childhood away from the capitals, Alexander Griboyedov acquired the skills of that spoken Russian language, rich in provincialism, which later wrote the comedy "Woe from Wit" and his other plays. If Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is considered to be a reformer of the literary Russian language, then Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov is a reformer of the stage language.

Mind hungry for knowledge

The Griboyedov family moved to Moscow, and teachers and governors were invited to the children. According to some reports, at the age of 12, Sasha Griboyedov entered the Noble Boarding School at Moscow University. But if we take 1790 for the year of his birth, then the student was in the 17th year. Alexander was short in stature, in poor health, which made him look like a teenager. Soreness of her son worried Nastasya Fedorovna. All her life she was not left with the fear of losing “the only breadwinner in her old age”.

University education was not compulsory for the offspring of the nobility. Those who, due to health problems, were unsuitable for military service, went to the university.

Sasha did not attend classes in the classrooms of the boarding house for a long time. He was tired of the noise and the large crowd of students. It is difficult for a person with a sound vector to be among the crowd; he needs silence. Mom was worried about her son's health, and classes with him were transferred to the house.

Serve, or your estate will be taken away from you

After the death of Peter the Great, the nobility, who had become unbelted after the death of Peter I, no longer threatened, as before, to lose property, if suddenly the metrofanushki from the upper class did not kindle with a desire to serve the Tsar and the Fatherland. By the grace of Elizabeth Petrovna and Peter III, the nobles had the privilege not to serve and the right to transfer their property by inheritance, to split it up among all heirs.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the lazy nobility did not need to go to the military or civilian departments. Only such impoverished noblemen as Griboyedov or Pushkin were forced to seek employment in order to provide themselves with a salary and modest pensions in old age.

In 1806, Alexander continued his studies at Moscow University at the Faculty of Philosophy. The time was drawing near to take its rightful place in the Table of Ranks. Nastasya Fedorovna, fearing to lose her only son, categorically rejects any military service, even at the headquarters.

The mother of Alexander and Maria Griboyedov was annoyed that her children did not resemble her in any way. They did not have the skinny enterprise, resourcefulness and cunning.

From the dissolute son, unexpectedly carried away by writing plays for the theater, Nastasya Fyodorovna demanded to stop this pampering and think about public service with a good salary and ranks.

But Alexander has already managed to breathe in the smell of theatrical scenes, to feel the taste of a free life - an acquaintance with theatrical bohemia, red tape, revelry, rant about personal freedom, intrigue and other delights that were included in the list of the young rake's daily activities. However, all these pranks did not exclude literary exercises, in-depth study of foreign languages, concentration on poetic translations.

Griboyedov was burdened by his mother's attention, but he did not argue with her about anything. The relationship between them was tense. Contemporaries noted Alexander's touchiness. This trait, according to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, is characteristic of people with an anal vector, many of whom carry the burden of resentment on themselves throughout their lives.

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The concept of purity for the anal person is a factor of particular importance, including the purity of blood and the sinlessness of birth. Resentments against the mother for her illegitimate birth, for her scandalous marriage with Sergei Griboyedov, who did not go unnoticed in society, for her barbs and ridicule in relation to the first creative projects accumulated and did not add her son's sympathies to Nastasya Fedorovna. Formally, Alexander always helped his mother, but filial love was replaced by filial duty.

From the words of Griboyedov's sister Maria Sergeevna, it is known that Nastasya Fyodorovna, with her mockery, pushed her son away from herself. She "never understood the deep, focused character of Alexander and always wished for him only shine and appearance."

Griboyedov himself wrote to a friend in 1818 with chagrin: “… once at dinner my mother spoke with contempt of my poetic studies, and she also noticed in me the envy inherent in small writers, because I did not admire Kokoshkin and those like him. I forgive her from the bottom of my heart, but henceforth I will never forgive myself if I allow myself to upset her in some way."

Having entered the diplomatic service and answering a friend's question why he gave up literary activity, Alexander Sergeevich explained: "… you do not have a mother to whom you are obliged to seem solid."

According to the laws of that time, grown-up children were obliged to take care of their parents. It was risky to confuse the elders. For bickering, one could easily thunder into hard labor or be demoted to soldiers.

You can learn more about the characteristics of a person with an anal vector and his special relationship to the mother at the free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Registration by reference:

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