Energy vampire: signs and psychological methods of protection
Who are they? Vampires or not, but they are present in our life - people, communication with whom is tiring and unsettling. After communicating with them, you feel empty and exhausted. Are these the very same energy vampires, about which there is so much talk? Let's figure it out together in the article.
After communicating with them, you feel empty and exhausted. It is not clear how they succeed: they seem to draw energy out of you by their very presence, in their own words. And for some reason you cannot resist them. Who are they? Are these the very same energy vampires, about which there is so much talk? Let's figure it out together in the article.
7 signs of an energy vampire
When trying to calculate the energy vampire in his environment, he is usually determined by the following criteria:
- Such a person tries to evoke compassion or pity in himself. Every now and then he cries to the interlocutor about all his sorrows. And after his outpouring, you feel empty and tired.
- The one who is called an energy vampire is usually a sociable person, sometimes even too much. He prefers to be in a company, seeks to attract attention, talk about himself. This is often called a chatterbox. The need to constantly listen to him is tiring and annoying.
- He may have the qualities of a manipulator. It starts to seem to you that he knows your weak points: where to push, what topic to touch on. It can also be a tendency to induce guilt in the interlocutor, and then play on him. Sometimes it can come to threats to do something undesirable, even harm oneself. Or he simply behaves in such a way that it is easier for you to give in to him, just to get off.
- Sometimes such a person does not hesitate to play off and quarrel everyone around him. Or he seems to get pleasure and "recharge", provoking a scandal, having quarreled with someone. In a normal person, the conflict causes weakness, quarreling and sorting out the relationship is energetically costly - no wonder that after such events you feel as if all your strength has been drained out of you.
- The alleged energy vampire can be a creepy wrangler. He definitely needs to leave the last word for himself. He perceives someone else's righteousness with difficulty. Of course, such communication with such a stubborn person tiresome, if you take it to heart.
- Often, you don't even need to be in contact with the person to feel empty. It is enough just to think about it, remember - and the mood falls, there is a decline in strength.
- He has an interest in emotional and open people. As if trying to follow the path of least resistance. After all, the more sensitive and open to contact a person, the more emotionally defenseless he can be in front of an ill-wisher.
Are there people you know who fit this description? And if so, how much do they affect your well-being?

Energy attack: signs
What does a person feel when they think they are the victim of an energy attack? Complaints can be as follows:
- Loss of energy, apathy, depressive thoughts, increased fatigue.
- Nightmares, anxiety, nervousness, irritability, mood swings.
- Frequent illnesses, sometimes for no apparent physical reason.
- More frequent failures, accidents, losses.
- Headaches, heaviness in the chest, uneven breathing and palpitations, chills and other painful sensations of a physiological nature.
However, any person can experience certain symptoms from time to time. How to understand - this is a common unpleasant phenomenon or the result of negative influence from the outside? And how to resist the energy vampire in this case? To do this, we need to determine exactly who we are dealing with and why events unfold in this way.
People are energy vampires: who they really are
Our task is to figure out what kind of people they are. Why does it seem to us that it is in their power to influence our well-being? Because of what, after communicating with them, we feel weakened and devastated, as if they really siphon the strength out of us? And why exactly are we becoming their victims?
The most effective tool for studying people (both yourself and those around you) is understanding the structure of their psyche. Let's analyze each feature using the materials of the training by Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".
The psyche of each person carries the properties of a set of vectors - from one to eight. Vectors are innate qualities, desires, features of thinking and behavior, a person's abilities, which together determine his life scenario, set a direction.
The owners of the visual vector are of the greatest interest in the context of the topic under discussion.
These are sociable, open, impressionable people, the level of their emotionality is noticeably different from the usual in a big way. “Making an elephant out of a fly” is visual. Not because they think of something, but because this is so in their perception, which is different from the rest.
These people appreciate the beauty in the world around them: nature, works of art, appearance, cute little things, and so on can delight them, give birth to a pleasant thrill in the soul or cause tears. Just like touching books, films, life stories.
They give the impression of good-natured, attentive, sincere people who are able to feel the state of the interlocutor, sympathize with him. And they themselves prefer not to keep their experiences in themselves, but to share with others, since they need emotional support and compassion.
Did you recognize someone from your environment? Perhaps these traits are characteristic of you yourself?
Normally, these are very pleasant and endearing people, and it is a pleasure to communicate with them. Unfortunately, there are many things happening in our life that are beyond our control, but they affect us. These are also problems from childhood, because of which the development of the psyche did not go along the optimal path. And stressors in adulthood. Various events that provoke fears, anxiety, resentment, aggression, callousness, lack of understanding, a sense of loneliness.
And all this affects relationships with other people.
Energy Vampire: signs of a mystical enemy or a person with problems

Experiencing emotions and receiving an emotional response is vital for representatives of the visual vector. Other people are the main source of sensory experiences. Therefore, most of all, they strive to communicate with others, to receive emotions from them.
Trying to evoke pity and sympathy for oneself, to attract the attention of a team or a specific person in any way is characteristic of the owners of the visual vector who lack sensory experiences and communication. "Here I am, I feel bad and lonely - so at least have pity on me."
Excessive talkativeness has the same nature. Visual people with a lack of attention are simply hypercommunicative. True, it is difficult to call such communication a dialogue. They do not fall silent like a radio that they forgot to turn off. And if they give you a word or two, then they immediately again transfer the topic to themselves. Their stories have little informational value, and they are often repeated.
Yes, you get tired of such people, but they feel better, easier, because they partly got what they lacked - your attention, your emotions and the opportunity to throw out their own emotions.
Why does it seem to us that they know how to manipulate other people? First, they really have a natural talent for feeling the state of the interlocutor. They do not always develop it or implement it in full, but they still know how to feel your mood, understand which strings are responsible for certain emotions.
Secondly, when they themselves are in difficult conditions, tantrums and emotional blackmail can go into business - both conscious and not. And you will be ready to make concessions if only it stops.
Some people call old people energy vampires. They say they lack their strength - they also "drink juices" from the young. They do harm, make claims and grievances, demand attention to themselves. Most often this happens due to the feeling of uselessness and loneliness, which is also aggravated by the existing problems in different vectors of the elderly person.
The argue-lover has an anal vector in his vector set, and it is also not in the best conditions. By nature, straightforward, with an inflexible psyche, in the presence of psychological problems, stress, he can be a terrible stubborn. You can't argue like that, he will criticize your point of view and teach you how to do it right until you get tired and give up.
Owners of the visual vector in bad conditions can also provoke quarrels and scandals around themselves, thus getting the missing emotional experiences and impressions. They are usually quarrelsome when there is also an unrealized cutaneous vector. Play on other people's nerves and see with excitement what will come of it. Win an argument and show your superiority. Try to subdue your opponent. Get some benefit from the current situation.
And the undeveloped owner of the cutaneous and oral vectors can be a Brawler with a capital letter. From scratch will throw such a show - save yourself who can! The natural desire, and hence the talent of the bearer of the oral vector, is to speak and be heard. His words penetrate the brain, literally bypassing consciousness. And if these words are filled with negative, threatening meanings? The impact can be very strong and extremely difficult to resist.
Thus, if all these people and energy vampires, then only conditionally, in our perception, because after contact with them we feel weak and tired. And they behave in a similar way because of the existing psychological problems. Not because they are trying to steal our energy.
How to protect yourself from an energy vampire: why am I the victim?
Are there any regularities in who exactly suffers from such people? Why do some people feel the harmful effects of the "energy vampire", while others do not think of such an explanation? Who is the victim?
You may have already guessed it. An interest in emotional and open people is one of the signs of an energy vampire outlined above. This is again about the owners of the visual vector.
However, not every spectator is inclined to believe in such things, to attach special importance to them. Only those who are prone to superstition. Where does it come from?
Naturally impressionable, visual people are more easily influenced by various theories and other people. And stories with a mystical veil like clairvoyants, the evil eye, come true premonitions, some secret forces and other supernatural pleasantly excite the imagination.
The very first, root human emotion is the fear of death, which later takes on a variety of forms (from literal fear for one's life to all kinds of phobias). The bearer of the visual vector, due to his high emotionality, is subject to fears more than others.
A visual child is afraid of the dark, because his incredible imagination is able to draw those still images lurking in the darkness. So close to nightmares. Growing up and developing, he overcomes his fears, as if redirecting them outward. A magical metamorphosis takes place: fear for oneself turns into empathy directed at other people.
This happens if the development proceeded in an optimal way. Parents selected the right fiction and films, gave the child a complete sense of security and safety, maintained a deep emotional connection with him, and helped develop his innate talents. In the life of the kid, there were no particularly frightening moments like domestic scandals, threats, deaths before his eyes.
But often in the course of growing up, events occur that slow down the child's psychosexual development or lead him not quite in the right direction. Sometimes parents or teachers unknowingly make mistakes. The same fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood, which was eaten by the evil Wolf, can forever remain in the subconscious of an impressionable visual child with frightening pictures.
Without learning how to transform fear into emotions of a higher order (sympathy, love), such a person will never get rid of fear to the end. In a mild form, this can be expressed in the desire to tickle your nerves with a horror movie or attraction, a night walk, and the like. The more difficult the life situation, the more influence fear has on the behavior of the owner of the visual vector.
And if such an impressionable person feels unpleasant changes in his condition after contact with certain people? He remembers stories about energy vampires, and now they can be heard from everywhere: from friends, on TV shows, even from would-be psychologists with the theory of "toxic people". And he connects his feelings of devastation and fatigue with the special abilities and bad intentions of an unwanted interlocutor.
His suspiciousness completes the details, notices "non-random accidents", sees frightening cause-and-effect relationships. A possible deterioration in physical well-being is associated with a dangerous outside influence. And then the conclusion is born: "I am a victim of an energy vampire."
And even direct contact is optional. I thought about him - and immediately felt worse. Because, not knowing how to properly interact with others, we really spend a lot of mental strength and energy to bring ourselves into an emotionally stable state.
5 ways to counter an energy vampire
Vampires or not, but they are present in our life - people, communication with whom is tiring and unsettling. We cannot change them, but we can learn to interact with them without harm to ourselves. Using the knowledge that Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" provides, we will consider ways of protecting against the harmful influence of such people.
- You get a huge advantage when you understand what kind of person is in front of you, what motivates him, what his aspirations are, what his problems are. If you understand why he behaves this way and not otherwise, you do not have to think out and find fantastic explanations for what is happening. You know exactly what your interlocutor is.
- Understanding your own condition is also important. For what reasons do you feel something, for what reasons some events happen in your life. Knowing these reasons, it is much easier to deal with the consequences or avoid them altogether.
- Development of stress resistance. This quality will help you keep your composure in any situation, even if you have to deal with the most unpleasant opponent.
- Ability to communicate with any person, which proceeds from the previous points. You can choose the right strategy in each case and not only avoid negativity, but also enjoy communication.
- Realization of internal potential. Taking full advantage of innate talents can bring real joy out of life. It becomes filled with the best experiences and achievements. And for a visual person, the ability to communicate is such a talent. You will simply have no time for imaginary vampires.
Having learned to build communication with other people in the best possible way, to feel satisfaction from this, applying our qualities for the benefit of society and receiving a response, we are filled with the energy to live!
Having understood your states, understanding those around you, realizing your inner potential the way nature intended, you get rid of any fears. Questions on how to protect yourself from an energy vampire disappear by themselves. You know who is in front of you, what he needs and how to behave with him.
Start exploring the secrets of the inner world of a person at free online lectures by Yuri Burlan. Let's see if you recognize yourself and someone you know.