Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Face to face with the wind. Part 1. "I come from childhood"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery became in the USSR and Russia no less cult, literally, a figure than the great American writers Jack London and Ernest Hemingway …
If you need to choose between writers in terms of a combination of qualities: human, professional, humanistic, ideological, then it will be difficult to find a more worthy candidate than Antoine de Saint-Exupery. He left his mark in the Sahara and Argentina, in New York and Paris, on the tiny planet "Asteroid B-612" and in the heart of everyone who has heard of the Little Prince at least once in his life.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery became in the USSR and Russia no less cult, literally, a figure than the great American writers Jack London and Ernest Hemingway.
All of them are owners of the urethral vector, whose aspirations largely coincide with the mentality of Russians. The strength of characters and the will to live that these writers reveal in their heroes are close and understandable to a Russian person.
The Sun King
The independent and capricious behavior of Antoine is compared by the biographer of the writer Marcel Mijot in his book Saint-Exupery with the actions of his mother, who is as free and brave as her son. The mother of the future writer, left a widow with five children in her arms, settled with her great-aunt in the ancestral old castle and devoted herself entirely to the children.
The artist Marie de Saint-Exupery became the first Muse for her young son. All the rest of his life, urethral-sound with anality, Antoine confessed his love to her, dedicated his work to her. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows how significant the influence on the formation of urethral boys is exerted by their upbringing by developed skin-visual women.
The Sun King, as Antoine was called because of the radiant crown of blond curls and the desire for absolute power, gave Mom a lot of trouble. The boy was not capricious, but he was demanding, prone to anger if something went wrong, as he wanted, and sometimes despotic. Tonio already at an early age showed the natural properties of the urethral vector, publicly declaring his rights as the first person in the pack.
Sound awakening
After the move, Countess Marie and her daughters settled in the lower rooms of the castle, and the brothers Antoine and François were settled on the top floor.
Soon, bars had to be installed on the windows of the upper floor where the boys were located. It turned out that five-year-old Antoine strolls along the roof of the castle at night, admiring the stars. The adults put an end to night-time promenades, and Tonio received another childhood nickname - the Astrologer.

Sonic is drawn to the stars, and the urethral child is not aware of the risk. In addition, neither in the urethral nor in the sound vector there is a sense of the value of one's body with all the ensuing sad consequences, which, fortunately, our hero managed to avoid.
The stars, these little lights in the womb of the Universe, have delighted Saint-Exupery since childhood. Becoming a writer, he repeatedly weaves the theme of the stars into the canvas of his works.
“For a sound engineer, looking at the stars is like looking into oneself,” says Yuri Burlan at his lectures. For six thousand years the sound engineer has been contemplating the night sky, observing the myriads of stars - “these specks of light”. Reflecting on the secrets of the universe, he is looking for answers to the most important questions of his life. Listening to the sounds of the Universe, he overtakes his wave, rejecting the particle: “When I fly among the stars and see lights in the distance, I don’t know whether a star is in the sky, or a lamp on the ground is giving me signs …” [A. de Saint-Exupery from a letter to his wife Consuelo]
If you ask where I come from, I came from childhood
The fabulousness, the illusory nature of the world in which de Saint-Exupéry spent his childhood filled his sound vector, revealed his creative abilities. Having barely learned to write, he and his sister began to compose small plays. Children played them right here in the castle.
On the margins of notebooks with his first poems, Antoine drew diagrams of motors that "were supposed to shake the world." The drawing lessons received from my mother turned out to be enough to decorate with my drawings one of the most wonderful books in world literature "The Little Prince" in the future.
An inquisitive child, the same age as the age of industrialization, was interested in everything that rotates, flies and drives. At the age of five, he was given a ride on a steam locomotive in the driver's cab, and at home Tonio drew a diagram of the engine's structure from memory. At twelve, he received "air baptism", flying in an airplane over the town in which he lived.
The fearlessness and courage of children with the urethral vector is a rehearsal for their future exploits. From such boys, fighter pilots, astronauts and simply leaders grow up, ready to lead a flock, and if necessary, give their lives for it.
When Antoine was 14 years old, the First World War began. Marie de Saint-Exupery enrolls the boys in college for full board, and herself, as a certified nurse, goes to the military hospital, where she will remain until the end of the war.
The college, where the brothers Antoine and François ended up, unexpectedly for everyone, revealed their complete inability to exist in ascetic conditions, do without servants and obey strict discipline. Then the mother transfers the brothers to a Catholic boarding school in the provincial Swiss town of Friborg.

Here, no one imposes rules of conduct on children, and discipline is not a cult. The atmosphere is quite democratic. Teachers and monks take an active part in the life of adolescents, in their conversations, playing sports, and teach them how to perform creative tasks. There, Exupery wrote his first fantasy story, The Adventures of the Top Hat.
Antoine leaves Friborg alone. His brother François died of a heart attack at the age of 15. This was the first loss that left a strong impression and shook the young man's faith in God.
Having received a broad liberal arts education and good training in the exact and natural sciences, Antoine goes to Paris to continue his studies.
One has only to grow up, and a merciful God leaves you to fend for yourself
This thought will appear in Saint-Exupery when he is already over thirty, but it refers to the first period of his life in Paris. In the capital, Antoine accumulates his first life experience. He is more independent than before, although he is under the wing of numerous relatives and family friends.
The provincial aristocrat Tonio fell into the circle of the Parisian nobility, which was related to the royal houses of Europe. The mischievous, at times restless young man, nevertheless managed to make a favorable impression on his noble aunts. In dealing with them, he was impeccable.
The purpose of his visit to the capital of France was to choose an educational institution where the eighteen-year-old Exupery intended to enter. He prefers Ecole Naval, the Higher Naval School, not because he dreamed of becoming a sailor, but rather because he wanted to "taste life."
Antoine was more attracted to the sky and aviation, which by 1917 was still in a primitive state. However, the technical imperfection of the aircraft and the inexperience of the pilots did not prevent her from successfully fighting on the fronts of the First World War.
The irrepressible nature of the urethral needs breadth and scope. He doesn't care what: the endless expanse of the ocean beyond the horizon or the bottomless dome of the sky. The main thing is for the flags of any norms and restrictions.

At the Maritime School, Antoine had to withstand a big competition and take an additional course in mathematics. Unexpectedly for himself, he falls in love with the exact sciences, with which he did not get along at school. Knowing Latin, the young man carefully studies the period of Caesar, trying to understand the design of Roman military vehicles, he himself makes something and experiments.
He continues to write poetry and pester fellow students with them, demanding an objective assessment. Childhood passion for writing remained an unrealized burden in the soul. These unwritten deficiencies unbalance Antoine, creating a sense of intense sound tension. He feels the senselessness of his throwing. But in his youth, he still does not realize this, as a deep psychological emptiness, causing a state of suffering and depression.
What is the sound of a writer? This is a deep immersion in oneself, this is the search for God through one's own reflections, set forth on the pages of the manuscript. "Sound, if it is not filled," - says Yuri Burlan at lectures on system-vector psychology, - "causes a false state of our consciousness."
The urethral vector gives de Saint-Exupery an impulse to action, makes him look for new opportunities. The search lasts the next fifteen months. The future writer started at the Naval Academy, which he did not get into, “cut off” on an essay on the topic: “Tell us about the impressions of an Alsatian who returned from the war to his native village, which again became French,” and finished at the architectural department of the French Academy of Arts.
De Saint-Exupery, completely apolitical in his youth and far from ideological experiences in maturity, was not enrolled in the Naval Academy because of his refusal to write on any pseudo-patriotic topics. At the Academy of Arts, Antoine did not stay on the architectural one either.
But in Paris, he plunged into a real bohemian life. Little is known about this period of his life. He does not even write to his mother, deeply experiencing everything that happens to him. After a while, even the Latin Quarter with its student and youth get-together ceases to be a place that satisfies Antoine, filling his psychological shortcomings in the sound vector.
He still writes poetry at night, and in the morning reads them to his sleepy friends. He discusses with them the novelty of the era - American cinema and Chaplin's films that have just appeared in Europe. The impression of a silent movie about a little ragamuffin trying to survive on the streets of big cities does not go unnoticed.

Exupery increasingly feels like a stranger in the company of fellow students and friends. He feels even worse in the circle of Parisian aristocrats, with their outdated rules of life, with empty talk about politics, art, philosophy. He protests against the very existence of this ballast of society, in which two years ago he was accepted, treated kindly and to which he belonged by birth.
Now Tonio shocks aristocratic relatives with criticism of insolvency and inability to live otherwise than as a consumer life, appropriating everything that is created by someone else's labor. When exposing others, he first of all condemns himself, his own lack of independence.
Antoine, as a urethral, has a special sense of justice. It is not involved in the justice of the society in which he was born and has lived until now, whose legalized benefits he enjoyed as a human being from the highest caste.
Urethral justice is based on animal altruism, distribution according to lack, giving back to those who need it most. Naturally, such reproaches against the propertied class did not pass without leaving a trace for Saint-Exupery. Soon his entourage classified the young man as an "inveterate communist" and tried to cut back on their communication with him.
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