"The Teacher" Is A Film About A Real Teacher And A Generation That Has Not Been Lost. Part 2

"The Teacher" Is A Film About A Real Teacher And A Generation That Has Not Been Lost. Part 2
"The Teacher" Is A Film About A Real Teacher And A Generation That Has Not Been Lost. Part 2

"The Teacher" is a film about a real teacher and a generation that has not been lost. Part 2

However, does Alla Nikolaevna really have hatred for children? Not. She does not set her goal to intimidate, to avenge her humiliation. She wants to make you think about important things in life - who they will become without the ability to live among people, without a good education.

Part 1

Children must be taught to live in society

You have to talk to children. And if the parents do not give children the elementary knowledge of how to live in society, the teacher must do it. The gun is certainly not the best way to force yourself to listen, but it worked out.

However, does Alla Nikolaevna really have hatred for children? Not. She does not set her goal to intimidate, to avenge her humiliation. She wants to make you think about important things in life - who they will become without the ability to live among people, without a good education.

"You must understand that there is nothing more important in the world than human relations."

"… In a person's life there is not only a small personal plan …"

"What tasks can you solve if you are ignorant, if you are unformed individuals, with your moral backwardness?.."

First, we see how dislike breaks out of the guys. Dislike not only for the teacher and the world around him, but also for his own classmates. In the two hours that the gun passes from one hand to another, they learn a lot about each other. About ambitions, values, selfishness. They threaten the hated teacher, then the class. In such a situation, it doesn't matter who to hate.

The turning point is the intervention of Ira, Boytsov's friend, the owner of the visual vector. Culture says in her face: "It's so scary not to know what love is!" The culture, as a way of overcoming hostility in society, was created by the visual measure. The owner of the visual vector is the most emotional person for whom human life, love and compassion are the most important values. For thousands of years, culture has helped us survive, not kill each other out of hostility that has arisen with man.

The guys crossed the line, almost lost their human appearance, lost the sense of the value of human life. Ira reminded them of what makes us a cultured person - about love, about compassion. After that, they feel compassion for Alla Nikolaevna. They read a poem together, begin to listen to the teacher, answer the lesson, support each other and the teacher.

It is necessary to see - with what happiness Alla Nikolaevna's eyes shine when the students answer at the blackboard. “You are smart, talented. You are still thinking … Today I saw for the first time that you could make a good team."

Why did it work?

The most difficult thing to overcome is egocentrism for Artem, nicknamed the Toad. He is the owner of visual and sound vectors that give a person the greatest intelligence. He is a very smart, thinking boy, but a bright individualist, egocentric, despising not only a weak teacher, but also his classmates. Nobody decides to him.

“Do you need all this for a fig? - he says to the teacher. - What do you care if we know history or not? This is our life, and we ourselves have the right to choose what we need. " He calls the guys "unprincipled bastards, cowards."

Alla Nikolaevna's words about the Russian world come in handy here: “In our Russian world, one can despise a person according to his deserts or just so as to seem superior to him. But we cannot despise society. Our world does not forgive this. This is pride."

How exactly a wise teacher defines the peculiarity of the Russian collectivist and communal mentality, in which the public is always placed above the personal. Her words fall right into the heart, because this is how every Russian person feels. And now to the question-threat of Artem "Who is for the teacher?" the whole class gets up: "I'm for the teacher!"

The film "Teacher"
The film "Teacher"

The assault on the class by the special forces interrupted the battle of Alla Nikolaevna with the self-centeredness of Toad. The teacher is taken away in an ambulance with a heart attack.

And yet, Alla Nikolaevna manages to reveal the potential of her students by showing them values that are important for any Russian person. She convincingly proves that a person's success in life depends on how much he fits into society, how much he can benefit other people.

It’s not violence that works, but a thoughtful conversation with children about topics that are very important to them. Probably, no one has ever paid so much attention to them, talked to them as with adults, did not try to show what is most important in life.

Remember this day

The special forces detachment is called by the school principal after the computer genius Biryukov manages to momentarily turn on the camera in the history office. On the monitor screen, they see a man with a pistol, after which the image disappears. Maybe the class has been taken over by terrorists?

Colonel Kadyshev arrives on call to the school where he once studied himself. He has great respect for his teacher Alla Nikolaevna, because it was she who managed to instill in him the correct values. “Hooligans make good colonels,” she says. And this is largely due to her.

Shilovsky is somewhat similar to Kadyshev - the same inveterate bully, the unofficial leader of the class. The colonel has something to convey to him:

- Remember this day. Maybe it will come in handy in life.

- In terms of?

- A leader, if, of course, he is a leader, should think about everyone and each separately. To be responsible to society and for society, and not to use it in your own interests … The teacher today gave you all a second chance, because she is responsible for everyone.

Again, these words refer us to urethral values. A natural leader is a person with an urethral vector who puts the life of the pack above his own. He always takes responsibility for his flock and is always ready to sacrifice for her. He leads those who follow him into the future. The owner of the urethral vector is from birth. Mentally, all Russian people are like that.

Law or Justice?

The end of the film complements the picture of the Russian mentality. This is not the West, where students have to answer by law for bringing weapons to class. This is Russia, in which decisions are made not according to human law, but according to the highest law of justice and mercy.

The guys have already received their most important lesson in life, realized a lot, in practice they were convinced of what is good and what is evil. Punishment will change little in their lives. Children are our future, and for this it is possible to transgress human law - to hide evidence, a gun, hush up the case. Colonel Kadyshev does just that.

Is he right? From the point of view of the law - no, but from the point of view of the future - yes. At the end of the film, we see the fruits of this irrational upbringing. Children are happy, they have become friends, they feel like a team, they respect adults. The misunderstanding between teachers and students disappeared. Now they are together both at work and at rest. Alla Nikolaevna survived a heart attack and is completely unlike a person crushed by circumstances. She is also happy.


From war to peace and understanding

The film asks many questions, but does not answer all of them. A happy ending seems like a happy exception to the rule. It's just that in the cinema, the talent of the teacher helped to overcome the alienation between children and adults, helped the children to grow up, to overestimate themselves and friends, to take a step towards each other.

How, in real life, to make sure that this alienation does not arise en masse? So that the modern school should not be a place of hostilities between students and teachers, but become a space for receiving deep knowledge and educating a Person and a Citizen?

This is possible and these are not high words. There is a practical science Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, which can give massive results in this direction. When a person who has a talent for raising children from birth, who systematically understands the psychological reasons for everything that happens in society and in each individual person, understands children as himself and can develop their innate talents, give guidance, then the situation at school will change dramatically …

You can read about what professionals think about this on the portal of system-vector psychology in the section "Reviews of professionals".

Here is the opinion of Anna Vyacheslavovna Vinevskaya, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, who was trained by Yuri Burlan:

"Personally-oriented pedagogy and the system-activity approach, proclaimed in the Federal State Educational Standards, can be used only if the teacher has knowledge of system-vector psychology."

Vinevskaya Anna Vyacheslavovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Taganrog Read the full text of the result

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