Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Face to face with the wind. Part 5. The loneliness of the leader
“Sometimes I could not get away from an imaginary plot: a crashed plane, a crashed cockpit, and he was frozen in this cockpit forever. But immediately he said to himself: he is invulnerable. Not to consider him as such seemed to me a betrayal"
Part I. "I come from childhood"
Part 2. In the nest of "Storks"
Part 3. "Captain of the birds"
Part 4. Muse for Antoine
Look for me in what I write
Antoine de Saint-Exupery was a writer among pilots and an aviator among writers. The pilots loved him for his courage and comradely support, but they hardly accepted his philosophizing.
The haughty writing clan did not greatly favor the "vagrant" upstart who burst into French literature in a whirlwind in his "Southern Post Office". His books came out one after another, were published in large editions, and were awarded prizes. The success was added by a film made by the Americans based on the book "Night Flight".
Southern Postal
Before leaving for Africa, de Saint-Exupery managed to publish only one story. It was hard to guess from it that a few months later the pilot "Aerpostal", the head of the intermediate airfield in Cap Jubi on the southern border with Morocco, would publish his "desert" novel "Southern Postal" and would soon become one of the richest and most famous young writers in France …
Famous French writers - André Gide, Prévost, Eluard and others - unanimously noted that Antoine de Saint-Exupery sets a new topic for the reader. Aviators are heroes of the new era, who tend not only to risk their lives, but also to reflect on their role on the planet.
In "Southern Post", the style of sound philosophical prose of de Saint-Exupery is already outlined with the eternal question: "Why are we here on this planet?"
The story harmoniously combined elements of autobiography and fiction. The author copied the image of Jacques Bernice from himself and, naturally, endowed the pilot with the same urethral properties as himself. Jacques is subject to the same sound deficiencies, looking for answers to the same questions that haunt de Saint-Exupery himself, and, not finding them in the bustle of Paris, runs into the desert.
Existence is meaningless if …
As a man with sound, Antoine was aimed at knowing the Universe in himself, and through himself - another person. All the results of deep, long-term reflections and experiences ultimately sublimated into the literary heritage that remained after him.

In the mid-1930s, French newspapers sent de Saint-Exupéry to Spain as a special military correspondent. In Barcelona, amid civil war, he finds a squadron of French pilots fighting on the side of the rebels. Antoine feels that there is “the same atmosphere in which the activities of the Aeropostal crews took place. The same surrender of oneself, the same dangerous existence, the same mutual assistance”[M. Mizho "Saint-Exupery"].
The new flying friends were surprised, knowing the character of Saint-Ex, that he was still not with them on the barricades. But he could not be there, although, born in the age of wars and revolutions, no less than other brothers in the urethral-sound "caste" was an adherent of social changes.
Exupery, much ahead of his time, saw the idea of these transformations not in revolutionary changes, gratuitous stew for the poor and the satisfaction of all their urgent needs, as is observed today in Western society with its mass culture, but in the uplift of the soul.
“Why is freedom needed for someone who does not strive for anywhere? A well-fed and satisfactory existence deprives people of searching for an answer to the eternal question: "What is the purpose of man on Earth?" - the writer reflects in his books.
However, Antoine de Saint-Exupery is unaware that all of humanity is not concerned with the search for the meaning of life. There is only a small fraction of the sound of those who continue these searches, but even at the end of their lives are forced to admit the absence of a positive result.
Colleagues and friends of Antoine de Saint-Exupery have always remembered his charm and charm, his willingness to help, to get out of a difficult situation, to save. A plump, clumsy, ugly man who began to go bald early in his always wrinkled clothes, in shirts always of the same indefinite gray-blue color, Antoine was the soul of the company everywhere.
“Of the entire eight-dimensional matrix of the psychic, the only one that gives is the urethral measure. This makes it attractive to other measures that are ready to receive and unite around it,”says Yuri Burlan at his lectures on system-vector psychology.
The power of Exupery's influence on others in life is equated to the power of the impact of his written word on the reader. Before starting to write, Antoine retells the future book to everyone who was ready to listen to him, tiring, surprising, delighting the interlocutor.
Even a series of articles about the USSR, where he visited in the mid-30s as a correspondent for French newspapers, was retold by him in the editorial offices, and only then written. Possessing incredible eloquence, he seemed to double-check every word, every thought in the listener, as if he wanted to make sure whether they would be interested in what he was going to write about.
Tired heart
For millennia, the sound engineer has been accumulating his own incomparable volume of psychic with endless reflections on the comprehension of truth and the search for the meaning of being.
In ancient times, the urethral sounder converted the acquired truth into prophecies, and later into poetry, philosophy, or such a combined type of philosophical and poetic prose, such as the one that Antoine de Saint-Exupery bequeathed to us.
Exupery, like any urethral sounder, did not have a simultaneous and harmonious fusion of the states of both vectors. In the natural urethral-sound ligament, there is always a shift from one pole to the other and back.

Contrariness of the sound and urethral vectors does not imply points of contact. Ideas born in sound are propelled into the future with all their urethral passion. The sound vector forms from the urethral a single person, the Leader of the idea, but not the Leader of the pack.
For all his sociability and sociability, Antoine remained very lonely. The difficult relationship with Consuelo is explained by his need for solitude and isolation, the desire to escape from the avalanche of emotions, demonstrativeness and visual talkativeness of his wife.
Domestic problems, difficulties with work, related to health conditions, change the psychological mood of de Saint-Exupéry, leading him towards sound depressions. Being at a distance from his wife in Paris, in New York, in Toulouse … Antoine called her to him, but as soon as she came, he sent her back from the doorway. The writer's secret and overt girlfriends only temporarily switched his attention from himself to the world around him, in which he tried to see and reveal the essence of man.
Through his books, Antoine de Saint-Exupery makes each of us think about the questions of our existence, to understand “Who are we? And what are we living for? Today the answers have been found. They are in system-vector psychology."
It is important that a person fulfills his destiny …
“To be human is to feel responsible,” writes de Saint-Exupéry. This is probably why the rhythm of time and “a high involvement in the fate of all mankind, the ability to rise above the stuffy vanity of everyday life, to realize that you are responsible for everything” is so strongly felt in his work [E. Kuzmin "Saint-Exupery through the eyes of friends"].
Antoine's “responsibility for everything” was often quite applied. He was responsible for the people he worked with, for the pilots he was looking for among the desert and glaciers, circling over the alleged crash site not out of duty, but by the will of his own urethral nature, which gave him the right to be a leader, whose main task is to save the flock.
The responsibility extended to the technique for which he was responsible. In Cap Jubi, he learned to repair and maintain planes, always ready to fly.
Having survived many accidents, Antoine carefully analyzed the causes of each of them, paying attention to the technical factor. Shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War, Saint-Exupery became the owner of eight patents for aircraft inventions.
The developed properties of the sound engineer contributed to the fact that Antoine, ahead of his time, predicted the appearance of jet aircraft, invented and, together with his air group, created an apparatus for desalination of sea water, which was successfully used by his entire squadron stationed in Corsica.
Exupery received his tenth patent for an invention in February 1940. It was a method of orientation using electromagnetic waves, the prototype of a radar. In practice, radars appeared only in the mid-40s. De Saint-Exupery was an innovator in various fields of science - mathematics, physics, mechanics and, naturally, literature.
Most of all in his life Antoine wanted to write, but his work was closely intertwined with aviation. The aging pilot, with many fractures, had difficulty understanding what he would do when he was written off for health reasons. The pilot was brought up for commission every time he underwent a medical examination, and each time Saint-Exupéry again sought permission to fly.
The irrepressible urethral passion for the expansion of the sky and the opposition to the elements of nature threw the pilot from continent to continent, from the rainbow fields of Provence - now to the desert, now to the ocean.
At the beginning of the war, Antoine de Saint-Exupery came to America, where he wrote his "Little Prince". For many weeks on weekends, he visited Washington, meeting with those who would be involved in the opening of the Second Front on June 6, 1944 and the landing of the Allied forces in Normandy. Not geographical maps and not reconnaissance, but a thorough knowledge of the local landscape by an experienced military pilot helped to find the necessary points for the release of massive parachute and amphibious assault forces during the Normandy Operation Overlord.
The big question is whether the writer's trip to the States was a private one related to publishing, or it was a planned long-term business trip, the purpose of which was known only to a narrow circle of Western politicians and Antoine himself.
Last flight
“Sometimes I could not get away from an imaginary plot: a crashed plane, a crashed cockpit, and he was frozen in this cockpit forever. But immediately he said to himself: he is invulnerable. It seemed to me a betrayal not to consider him as such,”- these words of Leon Werth, a friend of Antoine, were not destined to come true.
On July 31, 1944, Antoine flew for reconnaissance in the direction of Leon. Comrades in the squadron, those who remained at the base, as if in anticipation of trouble, watched his plane with their eyes until it disappeared behind the mountains. There was enough fuel for six hours. By the end of the seventh hour, everyone understood that he would not return, but continued to wait.

In his most famous book, The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery seemed to predict his death. The pilot disappeared into the sky just like the Little Prince. Nobody found his body in the sand. He, like his little hero, flew to another planet. For many decades, his mystical disappearance was shrouded in mystery.
More than 50 years later, Saint-Exupery's plane was discovered at sea, but the writer's relatives refused to carry out underwater work. They preferred a beautiful legend to the cruel prose of life.
Among the myriads of heavenly lights, Antoine de Saint-Exupery lit a beautiful star that for many decades continues to shine over the Planet of People, illuminating the way for urethral brave men and sound seekers of the meaning of life with its light.