How to understand what you want from life
So, we ask ourselves the question: what do I want? The trouble is that our desires are hidden in the unconscious, that is, we are not aware of them. We see other people around us and involuntarily begin to project their desires onto ourselves. Trying on someone else's, chasing huge earnings, for example. But in fact, we would like to have a family, to have a home, children, parents nearby. So that friends are visiting, and on the weekend to rush fishing. Or knit a sweater for my husband. But, not knowing how to understand ourselves, we come to contentment with life many years later. At the cost of loss of health and strength. At the cost of time that does not flow back.
Everything seems to be good with you. Some are jealous. Sometimes he is pleased with himself. But at the same time, something is wrong. Burns and scratches on inhalation. And how do you understand what you want from life? Parents are ready to kiss the baby out of pride for her. And the child hurts inside. In the area of the heart. Either he rubs with a dusty felt, then lashes with barbed wire along the nerve endings. For what? What for? Where do the clouds of dark sorrow come from? What are they made of?
A person with education will squeeze out a gloomy corner of his mouth: "This is the psyche." Even the ancient Greeks designated the word "psychicos" the feeling of something implicit in the chest area. “Soul, spiritual, vital”. When it is joyful and light inside - you feel good; when scrabbling with a tattered cat is bad. This is how we feel the work of our own psyche. To be able to understand what I need when bad is a task from tasks. Let's try to solve it with the help of the knowledge of Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology".
How to understand who you are
The time has come when it became possible to know exactly what I want from life. This is very good news. The psyche, it turns out, is voluminous, eight-dimensional and has eight groups of properties and desires - vectors. When a person has a desire, a set of certain properties is attached to him by nature, which make it possible to realize this desire. Of course, properties should be developed in childhood, turning them into stable skills and knowledge.
The trouble is that our desires are hidden in the unconscious, that is, we are not aware of them. We see other people around us and involuntarily begin to project their desires onto ourselves. Trying on someone else's, chasing huge earnings, for example. But in fact, we would like to have a family, to have a home, children, parents nearby. So that friends are visiting, and on the weekend to rush fishing. Or knit a sweater for my husband. But, not knowing how to understand ourselves, we come to contentment with life many years later. At the cost of loss of health and strength. At the cost of time that does not flow back.
The structure of our psychology is such that we always justify our mistakes. Well, they don't give a person instructions during childbirth! So we're knocking around. To check the correctness of your own actions, listen to yourself: is it easy and joyful inside, or are the cats scratching? Good - bad is an assessment test. When a person fulfills his own, and not someone else's natural desires, he is happy. Even if you are tired, nervous, but good, and that's it!
So, we ask ourselves the question: what do I want? If you want money, have a high status, warm up ambitions, drive adrenaline, you are a representative of the skin vector. Its values are time, speed, benefit-benefit, change of impressions, places of stay. Important properties are purposefulness, brevity, pragmatism. This does not mean that such a person will not want a family. But its significance and importance will be different than in the anal vector described above. Only for the owner of the anal vector to live for the sake of the FAMILY is the meaning of life.
A person with a visual vector is easy to recognize by questions with anguish and aspiration: “Why am I so lonely? Why don't you love me? There is always a huge range of emotionality. An elephant is born from a fly in a second. When they are brought to do business according to their nature, life is filled with bright colors, it becomes exciting. Knowing how to create emotional connections, they bring goodness, compassion and love to the world. These are actors, teachers, doctors. With a desire to help those who feel bad.
If in childhood the child was not taught to turn fear into love, the picture will be sad. Continuous tantrums, blackmail, vulgar shocking, tears. At the same time, all the thoughts of people with a visual vector are about good and love. Their heart asks for beauty with every cell. Already in childhood: “How beautiful! I want to ask my aunt how to draw correctly, buy paint! " They become artists, architects, decorators, photographers. Naturally they understand fashion, create beautiful "bows".

The most mysterious vector is sound. The only one who has no material desires. His deepest questions relate to the world order: how to understand who I am? Why do black holes form? What is the meaning of this life? Why is it all? The type of thinking is abstract. Classes in physics, mathematics, computer science, music fill his consciousness with streams of problems for solving, searching for secret answers. They are introverts and self-centered in a good way. From this they are often lonely.
Striving inward, wandering cyclically along the same paths of the unconscious, not finding answers to their questions, they suffer from headaches and insomnia. In severe states of depression, they do not see the meaning of existence. Not knowing how to understand ourselves, how to fill a huge black hole inside the soul, they come to suicidal thoughts, hatred of the world. Then they mistakenly lock themselves in, try to find a way out of the nightmare within themselves. But it doesn't work, it doesn't work that way. Man does not live alone, there is a View. Opening it up is a sound task.
How to understand what to do in life
In the modern world, the human psyche has become much more complex. On average, three or four vectors are combined in one person. This makes us really interesting, versatile individuals, learners and talented. For yourself and others. Everyone can get to know himself. Realizing in full what I want from life, wanting to change my own life for the better, it is possible to retrain, master and acquire new knowledge and skills. Leave the most valuable and important from the past life and start a new one literally from scratch.
Already at the free online training "System-Vector Psychology" it is possible to reveal the cause-and-effect relationships of events and situations and, of course, get acquainted with our own desires and properties. And our loved ones. Finally, to understand and answer a difficult question: how to understand what you want from life. If you want to see how it works, there may be one advice here - read the reviews of those who have already completed the training and received the result.
All those people who have already answered their question, how to understand what to do in life, have managed to occupy their niche in society. The written and announced results on the training portal of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology" are more than 23 thousand! Listen, read their reviews and join free online classes to understand what you want in life.