"You Never Dreamed." Part 3. From Emotional Addiction And Blackmail To Love

"You Never Dreamed." Part 3. From Emotional Addiction And Blackmail To Love
"You Never Dreamed." Part 3. From Emotional Addiction And Blackmail To Love

"You never dreamed." Part 3. From emotional addiction and blackmail to love

An apple does not fall far from an apple tree - this proverb was invented by people with an anal vector, mistakenly believing that character and destiny are inherited. Piously believing in this popular wisdom, the offended woman does not doubt that the girl will mercilessly break her Romasik's heart, like her mother Kostya once did, and this must not be allowed! We need to act urgently!

Part 1. Parents

Part 2. Love among teenagers. The origin of feeling

Sooner or later, adolescents enter adulthood, begin to build their first pair relationships. And the future of such relationships, the ability of young people to take place in their personal lives in the future, depends on how the parents react to this.

By her natural properties, Tatyana Nikolaevna is like a bridge between two mothers, who reacted differently to the first strong feeling of their children: skin-visual Lyudmila and anal-visual Vera. Speaking about Vera Georgievna, whose natural properties are perfectly tailored for motherhood, one cannot but recall the literary source.

“She was most excited by the conversation about health …

- Does Romasik have very big bruises under his eyes?.. Doesn't he give the impression of something sick?..

Tanya did not judge her for her stupid fear, she understood it, she was professionally obliged to understand her parents. And yet Vera, as always, seemed to her like a cluck with only one function - to raise a child. It didn’t fit into my head that she was an engineer, that she must have some kind of professional knowledge, that she could think of anything at all, except for her son.”

It is systematically quite understandable why Tatyana Nikolaevna, who carries the visual-cutaneous ligament of vectors in her mental state, had such an opinion about Vera, because her own life was filled with care not only about her own, but about many other people's children.

Why is Vera so fixated on her son?

Marrying Kostya, Vera knew very well about his love for Lucy, but she hoped that this feeling would pass over time, and he would appreciate her, Vera, at her true worth. Expecting reward and gratitude for your good deeds is a distinctive feature of a person with an anal vector, for whom everything should be equally, in balance.

"You never dreamed of"
"You never dreamed of"

Well, in a sense, she got her way. Respect, gratitude - all these feelings Kostya felt for her, but there was no love, and no; which means that there was no question of a close emotional connection with her husband, of trust.

Vera directs all the power of her visual vector to her only son - when he grows up, he will thank his mother for the efforts spent, for sleepless nights and busy days! Indeed, a sensitive boy responds to his mother with tender affection, but her love is too much for him alone. Such an anal-visual mommy subjects her son to overprotection, which ultimately ended badly.

Vera suffers from a variety of fears, including her worries about her son's health. Such restless mothers can look for various signs of ill health in their children. After all, when fear does not turn into love, it manifests itself in a variety of ways, including this. Every mother thinks about the future of her child, and the anal-visual woman is more concerned about her than anyone else.

When the story of youth repeats itself

Imagine Vera's despair when, before her eyes, many years later, her husband made a laughing stock of himself, shouting: “Lucy! Liu-sen-ka !!! , - and if only this would end!

A son!!! Her light in the window, the joy of her life, her Romasik fell in love … with the daughter of this damned Lyusenka!

The film "You never dreamed of"
The film "You never dreamed of"

An apple does not fall far from an apple tree - this proverb was invented by people with an anal vector, mistakenly believing that character and destiny are inherited. Piously believing in this popular wisdom, the offended woman does not doubt that the girl will mercilessly break her Romasik's heart, like her mother Kostya once did, and this must not be allowed! We need to act urgently!

Having thrown hatred of her rival onto her daughter, Vera does not want to hear anything about her son's feelings and in her desire to “save him from this girl” does not disdain by any means. At first, without Roman's consent, she transfers him to another school, but when this does not help either, she deceives him and sends him from Moscow to Leningrad, to take care of his supposedly sick grandmother.

In fact, the grandmother is absolutely healthy, but this game gives her a certain pleasure - here we have another bearer of the visual vector, who has nowhere to realize her talents in retirement, and she uses emotional blackmail to keep the boy as long as possible by her side.

Having agreed with a familiar postman, she hides letters from Katina's grandson, and she almost managed to convince him that the girl had forgotten him. "A great actress died in me!" - She proudly says on the phone of her daughter, and it had to happen that on this very day Roma came home from school earlier than usual!

Now he knows everything, knows that all this is a cruel deception. This forces him to rethink the situation completely.

Death conquering eternal law is my love

In the meantime, Katya is unable to bear the separation from Roma, she came to Leningrad. She was pushed to this desperate step by the strange letters from Roma, permeated with sadness, where he continually asks: "Why aren't you writing?"

Ah, those love letters! How they used to help lovers develop and maintain an emotional connection! They were awaited with impatience, each letter was like a holiday. Now this has been forgotten, and the younger generation does not know it. And completely in vain! Very often it is easier for people to communicate in writing, it is easier to open their hearts, to build a strong emotional connection, which will not be afraid of either distance or life's hardships.

Film about love "You never dreamed of"
Film about love "You never dreamed of"

Katya reads and rereads Roma's letters in separation, listens to the plate with the multiplication table, which he wrote down for her. And Roma doesn't even have letters from her. But the purity of his heart makes him believe in the best.

Seeing the girl from the window, Roman wants to immediately run to her, but the "kind" grandmother locks him in the room, and then he has no choice but to … jump down!

We can only guess what happened next with the young lovers who went through so much for the sake of their love.

“You need to know what kind of future you want and build it.”

Our parents gave us life, and we should be grateful for that, but we must live our own lives. And when it comes to love, parental interference in the fate of children may be undesirable, because love feelings are something that concerns only two.

Fight for your love, for your sincere and quivering feelings - this is what the book and film "You Never Dreamed of" teach us. And then all these efforts will be rewarded beyond measure with reciprocal feelings and happy relationships! After all, we create relationships and our lives ourselves.
