New Year's predictions
The army of astrologers is now racking their brains over how to celebrate the New Year, what to do with the guests, whom to invite, whom to prepare what gifts and what to put on the table, abandoning the traditional salad "Olivier" and jellied fish, and the rest are eagerly awaiting their instructions …
The calendar date December 31 (and January 13) conventionally denotes some kind of completion and transition of the whole world to a new state, the idea of which is rather vague, in any case, this is how it is felt.
In order to somehow cheer up in anticipation of the unknown hidden behind the opening door on the New Year, over the centuries of its celebration, many customs, signs, rituals and all sorts of predictions were invented.
In Russia, for the third decade, everyone's favorite New Year's feast, which brings together the whole family, friends and relatives, is no longer limited to the usual drinks, snacks, New Year's gatherings in the established manner. Table decorations and party outfits are now directly related to astrology.
The army of astrologers is now racking their brains over how to celebrate the New Year, what to occupy the guests, whom to invite, who to prepare what gifts and what to put on the table, abandoning the traditional salad "Olivier" and aspic fish, and the rest are eagerly awaiting their instructions.
New Year astrology
“If you want the coming year of the Blue Goat to bring good luck, it is best to celebrate it in new clothes, where there are blue-green-red-pink glittery tones, wooden and metal accessories. To please the Blue Goat, the table must be bursting with exotic dishes. You need to choose a company that is good and funny. Here the button accordion can be useful for the goat."
Similar descriptions of the horoscope are given for each year of the twelve-year cycle, based on the combination of the animal corresponding to the year and a certain element, supposedly affecting a person's life.
Installation is done on the Chinese horoscope. Why Chinese is understandable. It was from there that shuttle traders from the distant 80s of the twentieth century led their caravans, loaded with Chinese junk, figurines, pictures and recommendations previously unknown to Soviet people on how to live according to feng shui.
Now it is no longer possible to find those who, during the Perestroika era, generously scattered third-rate astrological and esoteric literature on the shelves of bookstores, distracting society from the main problem - the collapse of the state. Fortune-telling and fortune-telling immediately entered the everyday life of the eccentric in their emotional swing of the spectators.
The time has come when people with a visual vector, thanks to esoteric books, astro forecasts and other literary garbage, finally found their "crutch" - a life support, without which they suffered and tormented, living at random, not knowing how to be and on whom hang up the solution to your own problems.

It's no secret that esotericism is a multimillion-dollar industry that, with the help of primitive means designed for exalted, unrestrained, unbalanced people, emasculates culture, teaching us to look at the world through the prism of prejudice and emotional submission. Its harm also lies in the fact that it deprives a superstitious person of the opportunity to choose, the ability to independently influence his fate.
Prejudices, which were already enough, having freed themselves from censorship during Perestroika and the fall of the Iron Curtain, found their nourishment in translated literature, which flowed into Russia in muddy streams of suspicious information slurry.
If we recall the great scientists of the past, whose talented minds, the genius of their sound thought, created and defended, sometimes at the cost of their own lives, a rational science that brought people social stability, prosperity and an increase in life expectancy, then the question involuntarily arises: what happened to a person in the 21st century …
Why is he, despite the heights reached in medicine, exact sciences, space, biology, nanotechnology, which have become his advantage over prehistoric man, is ready to fall into the dark depths of the unconscious, pulling out of them the most undeveloped properties of his own vectors to the surface? Why is the nonsense said by a fortuneteller or an astrologer of such value to him?
Item magic
Since the beginning of the 70s, all sorts of motley superstitions called the New Age have returned to the modern Western world, meaningful and reasonable. They are crammed with occult and mystical practices, tarot cards, paganism, idolatry, horoscopes that influence the mind and roll the consciousness of people back into the pampas to cave thinking.
A decade later, all this will appear in the USSR, and in the absence of control and censorship will become one of the main elements of the information war at the level of the mental unconscious.
The ideology of the Communist Party was gradually losing ground, yielding to the new trends of the West, and bored with monotony and monotony, Soviet life no longer satisfied consumer demand for “spiritual” with New Year's shows of “Irony of Fate” and insipid “Blue Lights”.
The spectators, seeing on the western horizons the dissimilarity of life there from ours, sounded the alarm, fearing that their lives would pass by all this kaleidoscope of superstitions, mired in the gloomy gray-brown tones of Soviet reality.
People with a hysterical visual vector of the side, what science is doing there. They live here and now, indiscriminately absorbing the whole range of emotional impressions, combined with the diversity of life. When there is a shortage, there is no time to choose what to fill it with, sometimes you have to be content with small, that is, small, figuratively increasing it in your visual perception to gigantic proportions.
If there are no good reasons for emotional disclosure and bestowal in love, compassion and sympathy, then the spectator, feeling his psychological discomfort with panic conditions, leaving, according to the definition of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, to the root fear of death, clings to any little thing, becoming attached to her, creating the missing emotional connection even with a toy, even with an animal.
The geopolitical changes that have taken place in the USSR since the mid-80s have affected every person in society. Fear of the future led some into an anal stupor, others into a state of skin flutter and visual horror, forcing superstitions in a way that, perhaps, never before.
Soviet society was not ready for religion, so the superstitious did not go to church, but lined up in long lines to all kinds of healers, psychics and interpreters of the behavior of the stars. It was here that the "golden age" of astrology began, without which, as it soon became clear, nowhere.
It is now difficult to find a Russian woman who would not understand the signs of the zodiac, but then everything was new, and therefore I liked it and believed it. Has anyone calculated how much space horoscopes take on websites on the Internet? Today, not a single newspaper, especially before the New Year, will leave the layout without an astrological forecast, displacing developing articles of a popular science nature.

All predictions incite a person to move away from modern intelligent life and look for answers to burning questions in the darkness of prejudice.
Modern astrology, this primitive pseudoscience, supposedly explains the behavior of the planets, which in turn, as the majority of the gullible believe, do nothing but create a precedent for minor events in the life of some undeveloped spectator.
Horoscope compilers have a win-win situation. Whatever they publish, for whatever sign of the zodiac they try, there will always be someone who will confirm that the opportunity prescribed to him by the astrologer or medium has happened to him.
The horoscope makes it much easier to travel through the potholes of fate for those who are not really ready to openly face reality and take control of a car called "Life" into their own hands, but write off all their failures and achievements on the influence of the planets.
Innocent astrological predictions on New Year's Eve, and in the future for every day, gradually lead to the formation of a habit of false positives and, as a result, a serious zodiacal dependence on astrologers and seers, when without their advice a person is not able to independently answer for his actions.
False positives
A person, getting used to the proposed attributes of false positives, developing superstitious behavior (knocking on wood, looking for signs of fate in the coffee grounds), firmly believes that “as you celebrate the New Year, you will spend all 365 days” … Therefore, he runs around the shops in search of something to please the Blue Goat, so that she will make him happy for the whole of 2015. All these actions are just an attempt to provide yourself with a comfortable illusion of the meaning of existence.
Suffering from laziness of mind, a person with a visual vector worships the goat god and believes that some Higher Power is working for him and for him. At the same time, he, without hesitation, manages to call himself a spiritual person, although in fact he has nothing to do with real spirituality.
New Age mystics try to fill the voids in human consciousness with elementary forms of fabricated meanings and symbols. Through mass culture, the West drives them like a wedge into the foundations of Russian elite culture, knocking out genuine human values from it, replacing them with Chinese lanterns, amulets, crystal balls and other ersatz.
On the eve of the upcoming New Year, it is time to stop and understand that the essence of life is not to worship trees, stones and please the Blue Goat, without waiting for her to kick up with a wooden hoof and overturn all New Year's hopes.
The point is to get to know yourself, to reveal your own inner reserves, which many do not even know about, to free your mind from esoteric tinsel, to abandon prejudices that are intoxicating your head and in the New Year to start a new life independent of mysticism.