Baboon in a Mercedes. Russians' attitude to money
How do we usually think? “No, I don’t want money. I'm not a bastard. I just need a good house. To have food for children, school is good, car. And money - no, no need …
Fragment of the lecture notes for the Second Level on the topic "Money":
We live in a world where money is the main instrument of social and social regulation. In a consumer society, we are obliged to enjoy the benefits of civilization. If you can live well, then why live badly?
At the same time, we feel an unconscious rejection of making money. We want money, but we are even uncomfortable to say it directly: “Money is not the most important thing. I would have a decent house with a prestigious car”. We need to realize this.
How do we usually think? “No, I don’t want money. I'm not a bastard. I just need a good house. To have food for children, school is good, car. And money - no, no need. And even more so in front of people, God forbid, to show that we want money! Only a crook has money! I'm not like that, I don't need that. Just home, food, travel around the world. That is why money is needed. Not for the money! We despise money a million times more than we think.
This is the root of our troubles with money - the deepest contempt for private property, laws, striving for social and property superiority. We will not go to make money because it is shameful. “I won't get my hands dirty. Give me money just like that. Give money from the bedside table! But it's closed! So hack it! If you don't give it yourself, hack it, and that's it. This is how our thoughts are formed.
We do not accept the idea of receiving money, owning private property, we do not accept it mentally, in our attitude. It seems like you want money, but it's a shame. The lower classes of Russian society, declassed elements, do not carry the urethral mentality in themselves. And for everyone who carries it, for developed people, it is shameful to earn money. And it's not a shame to take for free. We could make money, but something is stopping us. I feel good when I did a good professional job, but I didn't take the money. Because if you took the money, then you are a bad person. Not taken - good.

Better for someone to give - for free. "Give! Here's the money in the nightstand, give it! " It is absolutely not a shame to steal. It's a shame to make money, but not to steal. And of course, fairy tales about a goldfish, a pike's command create false stereotypes of special luck for us. Earlier money was a shame for us, but today the second part of our mental play has appeared - the desire to steal.
Only in Russia they say “foreign car” and call it a firm, a model. There is no such thing in America, such stupidity will not come to mind. In the United States, a millionaire drives an old car. He will not even understand the question: “Who cares what brand? I have a normal car and I drive it. It is shameful for a Russian to be a low-ranking baboon. I have $ 5 in my pocket, but I'm driving a Mercedes. Well, we just have a lady in a fur coat, although she doesn't even have enough money for normal food. But she must show people that she is a lady in a fur coat.
Only in Russia do they try to present themselves in form, not in content. Put on the shoulder straps of the colonel, but in fact be no higher than the sergeant. It gives nothing, does not delight anyone. It is a false sense of one's own oneness in the baboon mentality - to dominate everyone. If you dominate in form, you can still see in your head the archetypal thought of an ordinary idiot, zero content.
People think they need a lot of money. But there is nowhere to cram it. In fact, there are people who aspire to a lot of money, but first you need to measure yourself. Our benchmarks make us look up to very rich people: “What loot they are cutting! Billions! And we also set ourselves a goal to cut some billions.
It does not occur to us that none of these people even thought about the ruble out of their billions. These are all those sound people devoted to the idea, without the slightest thought of money. For these billions, we do not see what they have done. They're crazy about the sound. In a simple cap. This is what we need a golden hat and golden boots on the principle of dominance. And they have a shirt for $ 10, jeans for $ 15. They do not have time to chase all sorts of excesses.
You do not need to have a summer residence on Rublevka, you need to live in average income, which will give you the opportunity to feel good about yourself and not ruin your life on wealth, which will not give any additional pleasures. Excess money is just another way to joke: "What a tail, what a car!" And the average level of prosperity does not divert our strength from our own development, from our own characteristics.
You need money, but you need to learn how to earn it. Realize oneself in the world so as to have an average income without unnecessary expenditure of energy. There is no need to strive to baboon …
Continuation of the abstract on the forum:
Recorded by Eugene Korol. December 1, 2013
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed in the full oral training "System-vector psychology".