Your Daughter Is Masturbating - How To Live With It? Or Women's Happiness - Would Be Nice Next

Your Daughter Is Masturbating - How To Live With It? Or Women's Happiness - Would Be Nice Next
Your Daughter Is Masturbating - How To Live With It? Or Women's Happiness - Would Be Nice Next

Your daughter is masturbating - how to live with it? Or Women's happiness - would be cute next …

The sight of an angry mother, the screeching sound of her voice at the most inopportune moment - is forever imprinted in the child's brain, leaves, hides deep in the subconscious and forever blocks the road to her female happiness.

What's happening? Why are you acting like this? Is sexuality bad? What to do about it?

Premonition of love …

Premonition of separation …

The eyes are half closed. Not a face - a mask. The body is stretched out like a string. Doesn't breathe …

“Lord, what is THIS ?! Is this your daughter! - what you see shocks you like an electric shock.

You gasp for air. Panic. Hysterics…

At best, you quietly and imperceptibly leave the room, quietly and slowly crawling along the wall. Horrified.

In the worst case, you yell wildly: “Hands! Take it away !!! Oh, you, … this and that !!! (in plain text without translation)

Well, or you say all this in a reinforced concrete voice, after which your child does not want to live. After such words.

After such an ugly behavior of yours I don't want to live. This picture - the sight of an angry mother, the screeching sound of her voice at the most inopportune moment - is forever imprinted in the child's brain, leaves, hides deep in the subconscious and forever blocks the road to her female happiness.

What's happening? Why are you acting like that? Everything is very simple. You're scared. Of course you are scared. Your white and fluffy chicken, your baby (and no matter how old she is: 5, 10, 12), your girl, and … THIS. Debauchery! It is immoral! It's a shame. This is sec-su-al-nost! This is bad.

Very bad

Of course it is bad, bad, when sexuality, when energy is in full swing. Better when there is none at all, sexuality, well, that is, there is no energy, no strength. Better when the child is asexual, when he is lethargic, apathetic, infantile, right?

"No, of course, not better, but not at the same age!" - you will object.

And at what, at what age does the key to female happiness appear?

Or do you think that from a girl-amoeba, intimidated and twitched by her mother (the closest and most holy person), she can suddenly turn out to be a happy and desirable woman who has known Women's happiness. And so that the dear is always there? Something I strongly doubt.

What do you do? Silence, swear or pretend … that nothing, everything is fine. But in reality everything is bad, everything is disgusting, ashamed, immoral …

Is it so? Are you right? Are your fears objective?

Or maybe everything is easier and simpler, and the devil is not so terrible as he is painted?

The devil is really not terrible, and everything is not "bad", but very much even nothing. Well, about everything in order and little by little.

You cook deliciously. Borscht. And from the very first time you have it turned out to be tasty, rich, appetizing, so that you “eat your mind” ?! No, after all. You undercooked, overcooked, over-salted, and much more under- and over-. And the pancakes? From the first, from the very first time, they turned out to be thin, tasty, translucent? No, of course, and no one succeeds. No wonder, and the saying is among the people "The first pancake is lumpy." And crispy fried potatoes with onions? And cucumbers with tomatoes, pickled and pickled? AND? Probably, they still do not work?.. That's it.

And you say, Women's happiness.

What's the connection here? Yes, the most direct. Man learns everything gradually. Even happiness. All the more so for women. And childhood is just that time in a person's life when they learn! They learn everything in childhood. And then - whoever studied what was useful there.

A person was born, starts walking, talking. He learns the world around him: it is tasty, it is bitter, and it is sweet. It hurts here, but here it is nice and good. It's good when you are kissed affectionately, your mother's hands are affectionately touching, and you also touch yourself, study, and sometimes it's so nice, you want to moan with pleasure, BUT!.. Fingers in the socket - you can't, matches - you can't, mom swears.

And THIS is also impossible - MOTHER SHOWS too, screams or turns pale and slides down the wall. And the child loves his mother, and although what he does is pleasant, but the mother is more important, since the mother is bad, it means that my GOOD and PLEASANT is BAD. This is not possible. Banned. Under the castle. Women's happiness is prohibited. All. The end of the film.

Your daughter masturbates
Your daughter masturbates

Continuation, of course, is

All the same, pleasant, but secret, everything is secret. No matter how my mother finds out about my happiness. About women. And all the boys secretly, and then the men - married, of course, also secretly. So that no one knows. Didn't make fun of. Didn't scold. Didn't offend. Everything is secret. Women's happiness is secret. Stealthily, in fits and starts. It's a shame, immoral - to be happy. What will people say.

Well, that's all. In a nutshell. About the very essence of this phenomenon.

And now more in detail about

who, why and why does it? Is that all?

All children are interested in their body. Someone more, some less. And the fact that the process of masturbation and sexuality are interconnected is clear. Just do not think that girls 5-6 years old, and 8-10 years old, are aware of this and think deeply, they (many) are simply given inexplicable pleasure in touching their bodies, stimulation of some zones (erogenous).

They experience the sweetness of self-knowledge, “get high”. And these pleasant sensations are carried through life, learning to enjoy them in childhood, especially during puberty (the first - at 5-6 years old, the second - at 15-16).

So gradually, little by little, experiencing pleasant sensations and receiving pleasure at the same time (without interference, yelling, condemnation and reproachful glances), the girl turns into a woman ready for love, ready to love and be loved. To women's happiness. To keep the sweetheart near. No shame or embarrassment. Accept female happiness without looking back.

There are many.

And there is a small part, about five percent, just very sexual in nature. And they just need to put the frantic energy of life, the desire for passion somewhere, to direct it somewhere, for example, to stimulate themselves, to completely surrender to this feeling of passion, to get ecstasy.

What to do? Direct her life energy in the right direction. As the famous satirist Arkady Raikin once said: "… if a ballerina is tied to a turbine, when it rotates, it will generate energy …". In our case, almost the same, but not so.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that these girls, who have enormous vital energy, are the owners of the urethral vector. As we know, vectors do not change, do not disappear. If they are developed correctly, a person will be happy in life. Since man is the principle of pleasure, and was born for happiness. Including the female one.

The urethral vector is characterized by very early puberty and development. Their libido is much more powerful than other vectors. But sexuality in childhood is infantile: it does not need intercourse, but is directed at oneself and manifests itself as masturbation from an early age, from 5-6 years old, or even earlier.

The urethral child needs more attention than other children, due to its increased unpredictability … It cannot be controlled and tried to limit, cannot be suppressed. On the contrary, it is necessary to encourage his movement in space, impressions, activity. Admire and grant freedom, and he will not fail.

So, children, ALL CHILDREN, are characterized by infantile sexuality - masturbation, that is, studying the body without the desire for intercourse.

Baby masturbation is normal and should NOT be scolded or prohibited. The child becomes ashamed where the anticipation of paradise should arise.

What to do if daughter masturbates
What to do if daughter masturbates

From the lectures of Yuri Burlan:

"One of the problems of our psyche: where shame is needed, there it is not, and where there should not be shame, there it is."

It is possible to realize these features, which means letting go of shame, where it should not be, learning to enjoy what was created for pleasure, not to suffer from the anchors of childhood already in adulthood.

And of course, system-vector psychology can teach everyone to understand their child, his desires, his lacks, behavior and character. Incredible discoveries await you already at the first free online lectures of Yuri Burlan.

From the lectures of Yuri Burlan:

“What is masturbation? This is also cognition of oneself, only at the bodily level. This is not me, of course, but my body, but some part of my self is my body. You have to understand that masturbation is natural for a boy and a girl. After puberty, when young people enter a pair relationship, it ends. And after puberty another way of knowing oneself is needed - spiritually, not physically."

  • "Baby masturbation is a normal way of knowing yourself on a physical level."
  • “Baby masturbation is knowing your body. Masturbation is personal sex. It is simply immoral to interfere! The child does not interfere with the privacy of the parents, and the parents should not interfere with the privacy of the child. It doesn't concern them."

To understand this means to open the way to happiness, to women's happiness for your child, your daughter.

You can start your acquaintance with Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology at free online lectures. Register here.
