Mom, give birth to me back! Effective relief from postpartum depression
Euphoria after childbirth, a feeling of absolute happiness when you first take your baby in your arms and meet him with a look that looks not into the eyes, but directly into the soul, when you breastfeed for the first time and understand that the life of this little lump now falls on your responsibility - all this quickly gave way to … depression.
I was waiting for this baby so much, I wanted so much, I just dreamed of him, presenting pleasant chores and the joy of communicating with my beloved child. When I was pregnant, I stroked my stomach and talked to him, turned on classical music, read, did gymnastics and followed all the recommendations of the doctors.
Closer to the decree, I finished all my affairs at work and made all the preparations for meeting a new family member. What could be more important and more beautiful than the miracle of the birth of a new life, a new person, the embodiment of a woman's destiny as a mother, as the progenitor of life. I saw a special meaning in this and expected big changes that were not long in coming …
Euphoria after childbirth, a feeling of absolute happiness when you first take your baby in your arms and meet him with a look that looks not into the eyes, but directly into the soul, when you breastfeed for the first time and understand that the life of this little lump now falls on your responsibility - all this quickly gave way to … depression.

A feeling of hopelessness, the end of life, a constant bondage to the child and the subordination of all your actions, desires and thoughts only to him. A complete IMPOSSIBILITY to be alone, even for an hour, for a minute!
Love for the baby was replaced by complete apathy for everything in the world, each of his screams caused a desire to plug my ears and run away, but I again and again forced myself to go to him, which made the internal state even worse.
Sleepless nights and days, monotonous daily actions and the feeling of the endlessness of such an existence turned me into a robot. Walking with the stroller, I walked mechanically, not noticing and not hearing anything or anyone around, there was no desire to communicate even with my relatives and friends. I gradually began to hate the whole world and feel the complete meaninglessness of my existence …
Postpartum depression occurs in 10-15% of mothers, more often at the birth of their first child or with a history of depression or bipolar disorder. The symptoms of postpartum depression develop over, according to various sources, from 4 to 6 weeks after childbirth. The treatment of this disease consists in psychotherapy with the use of antidepressants, the difficulties are associated with the fact that one of the first symptoms of the disease is the patient's complete unwillingness to seek help and generally talk about her problem.
A severe course of postpartum depression can pose a threat to the health and life of both the mother herself and her child - this is due to the emergence of suicidal thoughts in the patient in some cases.
Many theories of the occurrence of this disease associate it with hormonal changes in the body of a newly-made mother, but they do not answer the question of why, in this case, this happens only to 10-15% of mothers, and not to all. Others consider childbirth as a strong stress factor, which is a trigger for the already existing, but not yet fully manifested mental disorders of a woman. Among the reasons are also domestic violence, unfavorable social status, poor relations with their own parents, in particular with the mother, and several dozen other reasons.

What actually happens to a woman after the birth of a child?
Why can one young mother plunge headlong into the joys of motherhood and be truly happy, while the other begins to lose contact with the outside world and go into depression?
How to find a way out of this state without blaming yourself for callousness and callousness?
How to feel like a happy and loving mother of a desired and beloved baby?
Among the eight vectors that make up the human mental, there are vectors that dominate others, that is, their needs take priority over the desires caused by other vectors.
The over-dominant up vector is sound. Until the needs of the sound vector are satisfied, all other desires fade into the background.
The sensor of the sound vector is the ear, and the root desire is to understand the plan, the meaning of private and collective life, to comprehend oneself. Satisfaction of sound desires is possible only in complete silence and solitude, when you can concentrate on your own thoughts, listening to the silence and sounds of the savannah.
An ancient man with a sound vector performed the role of the night guard of the pack, listening to the disturbing sounds of the night, since it was he who had the keenest hearing and preferred to stay awake when everyone else was asleep. It was his abstract intelligence that first gave rise to the questions: “Who am I? Why do I live? What is there after death?"
The sound search for answers was embodied in the emergence of the written word, classical music, physics, philosophy, religion, computer technology and even the Internet.
The over-dominant and most voluminous sound vector is like a lump in the subconscious, which cannot be bypassed or even more so ignored.

Answers inside
Unsatisfied sound desires push a person to search for another, less traumatic and aggressive reality than the existing one, that is, into the virtual world of gambling addiction, into drug intoxication and even lead to the development of depression with the emergence of suicidal thoughts precisely as a way to get rid of suffering, and not committing suicide.
Convinced that they are smarter than everyone, which, by the way, makes sense, all sound engineers are looking for answers within themselves. The more the sound engineer suffers from dissatisfaction with his shortcomings, the deeper he plunges into himself, into his inner world in search of answers, losing touch with the outer world.
All desires of the sound vector lie outside the plane of the material world, and they have nothing to do with family life or the birth of children. The sound person decides on the birth of children when the shortages of the sound vector are relatively full and there is room for the realization of the desires of other vectors.
Being close to a constantly crying baby can turn out to be overstress for the mother's sound vector, it is this stress against the background of unfulfilled sound desires that ultimately translates into postpartum depression.
Behind the Curtain of Sound
The birth of a child completely changes the usual way of life, depriving a woman of any opportunity for solitude and reflection in silence, she simply does not have time and energy for it. A baby at a very early age requires 100% attention from the mother, especially if this is the first child and all skills have to be learned for the first time.
The maternal instinct as a natural provision for the preservation of young offspring, of course, is present in almost all women, with the exception of the skin-visual ones. But in the sonic mother, pressing shortages of the dominant vector drown out even natural instincts, make them unconsciously withdraw into themselves more and more often, moving away from the outside world and plunging into postpartum depression.
Often a woman simply does not understand what is happening to her, she even begins to regret the birth of a child, because she was not so bad before.

The desires of other vectors do not disappear anywhere, they exist, are present and wait in the wings in the background. The slightest opportunity to satisfy the needs of the sound vector - and other vectors also “lets go”, returning to the woman the joy of motherhood, the desire to attract the attention of her husband and arrange a joint life. The depression goes away.
Solution to the problem
Awareness of your own vector nature, conscious work to realize your vector desires, understanding of your subconscious needs by your family make it possible to avoid such psychological problems.
The danger of postpartum depression is the occurrence of suicidal thoughts, characteristic only of the sound vector. In addition, in a state of severe postpartum depression, it is possible for a mother to think about killing her child, as an elimination of the cause of her suffering. There are horrific cases of complete neglect of a child, the use of sleeping pills, alcohol, drugs, strangulation, drowning, or even throwing out of the window.
The threat to the life of mother and child makes this problem very relevant for modern society - in the context of a demographic crisis and especially difficult conditions of people with a sound vector in our time.
Postpartum depression is not a mental illness, but a manifestation of a negative state of the sound vector, which after the birth of a child has lost any opportunity to satisfy its needs, and, as a dominant vector, drowned out the desires of all other vectors, but a constant load on the eardrums (children are rarely silent) becomes the cause of over-stress.
The cause of postpartum depression lies deeper than hormonal levels or birth stress, its root is in the psychological characteristics of a woman with a sound vector, which are innate and do not change throughout life.

Training in systemic vector psychology gives a clear awareness of what is happening, understanding oneself at the deepest level, illuminates the true reasons for one's own desires and actions.
The constantly growing inner tension, dissatisfaction and meaninglessness of one's own existence are leaving. With an understanding of your needs and the causes of stress, any depression disappears.
For the first time, the same ANSWERS to unconscious and unasked internal questions appear, there is a desire to look out of your closed shell and see the real world outside, the events surrounding people … your child and understand what it means to be happy!