Republic Of ShKiD - An Orphanage Of Our Time

Republic Of ShKiD - An Orphanage Of Our Time
Republic Of ShKiD - An Orphanage Of Our Time

Republic of ShKiD - an orphanage of our time

“My husband and I took two boys from the orphanage. It is not true that children in orphanages do not have enough food, toys, and so on - they have enough of everything, but they do not value or cherish anything, break everything, do not want to learn anything."

At present, the number of orphans in our country is several times higher than after the Great Patriotic War. Moreover, if in the post-war period social welfare institutions for children dealt with orphans, now social shelters and orphanages are replenished mainly by children whose parents are alive and well. In most cases, they preferred the "sweet" life to raising children. Alcohol, drugs, life scenario "stole - drank - in prison" every year increase the number of orphanages.

It would seem that children who have gone through the torments of parental hard drinking, who have experienced hunger and cold, falling into the comfortable conditions of a shelter, will do everything not to repeat the path of their parents.

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However, sad statistics tell us otherwise (from unofficial sources):

  • every fifth graduate of orphanages becomes a homeless person;
  • every seventh graduate of orphanages goes to jail;
  • every ninth graduate of orphanages commits suicide, and every fifth person tries to commit suicide;
  • about 30% of students and graduates of orphanages are regular patients of neuropsychiatric dispensaries and hospitals;
  • 20% of graduates of orphanages become drug addicts;
  • only 2% (according to other sources, about 10%) graduates of orphanages have a normal life.

According to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation:

  • 10% of graduates of Russian state orphanages and boarding schools adapt to life;
  • 40% commit crimes;
  • 40% of graduates become alcoholics and drug addicts;
  • 10% commit suicide.

Why? Psychology of orphans

Why don't children in orphanages, who are essentially state children, grow up worthy citizens of society? What prevents them from living a full life?

Usually they complain that more than 10% of orphanages and boarding schools are in a terrible state and do not have basic living conditions, and need major repairs. The housing provided for orphans from the state is not provided at the proper level. Being, as you know, determines consciousness, so children are not used to and do not know that it is possible to live in other realities.

In addition, a huge problem is that those people who are entrusted with raising and educating orphans very often use their defenselessness for selfish purposes and do not fulfill their direct duties.

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The state allocates not so little money for the needs of orphanages, but little money reaches its intended purpose - the eternal Russian problem of bribery, fraud, and theft.

The particular difficulty of today's orphans is seen in their flawed gene pool. Who are their parents? - Drunkards and drug addicts. How can they give birth to healthy children ?!

Moreover, orphanage children are not accustomed to adult life, they do not know how to do the most elementary things. For example, they cannot wash the dishes, cook food - they are prohibited from entering the kitchen according to sanitary standards. Orphans grow up with the feeling that everything should be brought to them on a silver platter.

“My husband and I took two boys from the orphanage. It is not true that children in orphanages do not have enough food, toys, and so on - they have enough of everything, but they do not value or cherish anything, break everything, do not want to learn anything."

Russia without orphans

The Commissioner for the Protection of Children's Rights Pavel Astakhov recently expressed the idea that all orphanages in Russia should be closed. These are children's prisons. Most of the orphans migrate from state support to the orphanage to new state support already in places of imprisonment, which is extremely irrational for the state and all Russian taxpayers, inhumane for society.

It is proposed to distribute all orphanages to foster families where they will be loved and brought up as normal people.

Many experts do not believe that it is possible in fact to close all orphanages and orphanages, there are not so many who want to take adopted children. Is all hope for foreign families, who, according to statistics, adopt Russian children five times more than the Russians themselves?

From "prison" to systemic pedagogy

You can, of course, rely on the West or take an example from China, where there are no nursing homes or orphanages, but you can recall your positive experience in raising orphans.

So, among almost 3,000 inmates of orphanages under the leadership of A. S. Makarenko, not a single case of relapse is known, while many of the orphans in their memories say that they were happy people, did not feel flawed, inferior, outcasts of society.

"Ordinary children have parents - ordinary people, and instead of mom and dad they have the Soviet state." The orphans felt safe, were confident in the future, and boldly looked to the future.

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Despite the fact that the activities of Makarenko and his followers were effective, in many pedagogical textbooks his pedagogy was dubbed "prison" and is considered in the section "History of Pedagogy". At the same time, modern humanistic methods, as statistics show, do not work.

It is clear that it makes no sense to use old experience as a blueprint - new generations differ from previous ones, times have changed and mores, but the fact that foster families will not solve the problem of the sad fate of orphans is also obvious. The state will shift the responsibility for the upbringing of orphanages onto the shoulders of the family - that's all. Foster parents need to be taught how to raise children correctly if we want to get a positive result.

The training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan can radically change the situation with the upbringing and adaptation of orphans.

Changing thinking

First, system-vector psychology makes it possible to understand that the innate properties of people are not inherited, therefore, it is not so important who the parents of the orphans were.

Secondly, it differentiates all people according to their natural inclinations, vectors and helps to accurately determine the correct trajectory of raising children, to develop their innate potential to the maximum. Accordingly, this will create the best conditions for their socialization in society, adaptation to modern life.

The main mistake of modern orphanages is that children grow up with everything ready, they do not need to put in any effort. They are given money, but they are not taught to earn it. Children in this case, being in greenhouse conditions and being cut off from the realities of life, do not develop.

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According to "System-Vector Psychology", the innate features of a person develop until puberty, then they are realized. It turns out that orphanage children, like animals in a zoo, do not learn skills and abilities that are important for life. And then they are released from the "cages" into the "jungle".

They do not know how to do the elementary things: cook for themselves food, take care of the cleanliness and order in the house, look after their things, manage money. All this was done for them by adults, while explaining the idea that they are "flawed", growing up without parents, poor and unhappy. After that, the orphanages naturally believe that now everything in life should help and provide for them.

In addition, due to the isolation of orphanages, they do not acquire the skill of communicating with people not from their environment, which affects their entire future life. They do not learn to build relationships with the team and do not develop their innate properties, which means that they cannot adapt the landscape in the future.

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System-vector psychology shows that it is impossible to overestimate the period before and during puberty in every person's life. It doesn't matter where this period takes place, in an orphanage or in a parental family. It is important whether the child gets the opportunity to develop correctly.

System-vector psychology shows that it is impossible to overestimate the period before and during puberty in every person's life. It doesn't matter where this period takes place, in an orphanage or in a parental family. It is important whether the child gets the opportunity to develop correctly. It is extremely easy to avoid cases of turning children in orphanages into thieves, as well as into criminals of any other type. For this it is enough:

  • create adequate restrictions for skin children (so that they develop a discipline that they will subsequently apply on the landscape as organizers and leaders);
  • praise and educate diligence and professionalism in anal children (then in the future they will find themselves as professionals in various areas of life);
  • to encourage sensuality and the ability to sympathize in visual children (and then they will grow up in all senses as intelligent and subtle natures);
  • accustom muscle children to physical labor (and then they will not go muscle mass into criminal gangs).

Each vector must be provided with adequate conditions for development. And then in the future such a person can easily realize himself, regardless of any past.

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System-vector psychology can change the situation with the selection of personnel for orphanages. It's about choosing people who give their souls to their work, who truly love children. We know that these are people with developed skin, anal, and visual vectors. So a developed skin educator will adequately restrict children, instill in them discipline and responsibility. Anal teachers will pass on the experience gained by generations, teach the craft. A teacher with a visual vector will bring up the necessary cultural level in children.

With system-vector psychology, we know how to protect children from crooks and scoundrels who break into these institutions in order to realize their dirty desires or cash in on others. Namely: to leave orphanages without legal housing, to take bribes from foreigners and send healthy children abroad, to carry out various monetary frauds with the aim of personal enrichment.

There are even known cases when directors of orphanages encourage their pupils to engage in prostitution. People with undeveloped skin vector steal everything that is bad. For them, money does not smell, and children's tears are worthless. And to distinguish them, owning systems thinking, you will need five minutes, and not a dozen ruined lives. It is also easy to find frustrated anal sexes who come to orphanages to fulfill their lustful desires - pedophiles and sadists of all stripes.

How many cases of violence against adopted children we know, cases when children are taken into families only for the sake of money and child benefits! Again, these are people with an undeveloped cutaneous vector. Only they can think of feeding their children with expired food for the sake of economy, restricting foster children in movement - putting them on a chain so that they don't eat too much, they don't break anything and the parents don't take time to look after them. And frustrated anal mothers are able to break down on adopted children, showing all their cruelty. For example, one such “mother” injected her adopted daughter with sedatives and then beat her.

A systems approach will change the selection of foster families, for the first time providing an opportunity to completely avoid such situations.

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An effective method of working with children can solve the problems of orphanages and orphanages. To do this, you do not need to reinvent the wheel, create heavenly conditions for the life of orphans - you need to direct all efforts to organize the correct upbringing of children in accordance with their innate properties, so that they do not replenish the sediment tanks of society, but become people who could be rightfully proud of.

And as long as children are brought up "in the old fashioned way" or "in the Western manner", not taking into account the modern requirements of society, our mentality, will not allow children to realize their independence, their potential, we will continue to have sad statistics of suicides, replenishment orphanages of prisons and lists of homeless people, drug addicts.
