We sit well! Vector psychology about correct food intake
Food is a direct shortage for a person, the most significant condition for survival. Unconscious control of a person in the muscular phase of development went exclusively through a lack of food …
Fragment of the lecture notes of the second level on the topic "Food"
Food is a direct shortage for humans, the most important condition for survival. Unconscious control of a person in the muscular phase of development went exclusively through a lack of food.
The collective unconscious manages animals unmistakably - they can live and reproduce for millions of years. The same is with man, until he is completely detached from animal nature by 8/8 parts. After this separation, we got access to control our destiny. In the anal phase, we already gained partial free will: we were ruled not only by a lack of food, but also by ideas about social change.
Food remained a major contributor to human mortality until 1947. Today there is a long absence of collective hunger and this is expressed by the fact that our tendencies and habits in eating have changed: we expect entertainment from food and strive to enjoy life in such an easy way.
Any getting into yourself of course. It is impossible to put three sticks of sausage into one throat. We are digging our own grave with a spoon and a fork. Today we live in a world where we are able to selectively take food: eat what is useful, not overeat, be on diets … Just don't make a madhouse out of this. Many people set their goal in life not life, but its duration. This is absurd. This is not why we come here.

Eating right is enough. Not only because we have such an opportunity, but also because there are threats - obesity, which has a more negative impact on life expectancy than cigarettes. With all the variety of food, it is necessary to choose better quality food, observe the diet. Don't overeat. Especially skin people are given this ability. For anal patients - no, for urethralists, too.
For anals, instead of diets, first of all, there should be self-realization. Then we will not seize our bad states. When a man leaves the anal woman, she begins to recover, seizing stress. When we enter psychologically normal states, we lose excess weight. It is not necessary to put the anal person on a strict diet - for him it will be suffering and nothing more. He needs a psychologically good state, and then, against this background of enjoying life, one can develop some kind of minimal diet.
For the skinhead, the main value is the extraction of food, and then the preservation of these food reserves. And it is the skinner who limits himself to food and enjoys it. This gives him energy. At this moment he realizes himself. But his anal girlfriend does not receive any positive effects from such a diet, on the contrary, she suffers a lot. Anal people arrange for themselves cleansing, fasting for weight loss and health.
The family should have food consumption rituals. All relationships between people are built on food from the very beginning. Food is expected from the woman. We are courting, inviting to dinner, we hold important meetings for a business lunch - everything is on food. Our consolidation is on food, our positive contact. Eating together reduces hostility between people: it is easier to make contact, build relationships.
The family today must start at the table. And not just on the joint absorption of food, it is necessary to arrange the meal with a special ritual. It should be a special moment every day, or at least once a week. Orthodox, religious or you can invent it yourself. A special tablecloth, serving and, of course, delicious food that fills our gaps and disposes to pleasure. We sit well! Do not translate the ritual into some kind of joke, take it seriously. These are serious things. There should be no disdain.
Food distribution should begin with the host. Superiority - for a man, for all men by seniority. Further - to women, from the elders to the youngest. Last but not least - yourself. If the guests are a roundabout maneuver: to give the right to distribute food to the guest, start with Uncle Vasya. It is wrong to apply first to the children, and then to the husband. This is a big psychological mistake. An anal husband can love to tinker in the kitchen. But at the distribution of food let there be a wife.
Continuation of the notes on the forum:
Recorded by Eugene Korol. December 28, 2013
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed in the full oral training "System-vector psychology".