Perelman's School. How Not To Take A Million

Perelman's School. How Not To Take A Million
Perelman's School. How Not To Take A Million

Perelman's school. How not to take a million

In what school can you create suitable conditions for the maturation of a future genius? The answer suggests itself - in one where people like him - carriers of the sound vector will study, and teachers will not only take detachment and withdrawal into themselves, but they themselves will partly differ in the same qualities …

Schools are different: general education, with in-depth study of a foreign language, humanitarian orientation, physics and mathematics, and so on. Here we get basic knowledge, which we use in the future, but not only them. One of the most important components of a child's school life is finding his place in the flock - ranking. And this does not always happen the way it should be …

Children who find it harder than others to find their place in the pack, socialize and get in touch with the outside world are, of course, sound. Possessing enormous potential and powerful intellect, they are often not perceived by teachers as future geniuses; rather, on the contrary, teachers strive to classify them as lagging behind in development. The situation is also made worse by the way other children behave around the sound engineer, say, at recess: for the sound engineer, running around and deafening noise around is by no means the best way to relax after class. And if in the corridor there is also someone who, running up from behind, slaps the little sound engineer with all his might on the ears, then the matter may end up badly.

In what school can you create suitable conditions for the maturation of a future genius? The answer suggests itself: in the one where people like him will study - carriers of the sound vector, and teachers will not only perceive the detachment and withdrawal into themselves as a proper state of such students, but they themselves will partly differ in the same qualities …


There is a Physics and Mathematics Lyceum in St. Petersburg, which once released from its doors the genius Grigory Perelman - the author of the proof of Poincaré's hypothesis, about whom almost the whole country was talking not so long ago; Yuri Mateyasevich - mathematician, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, author of the final solution to the tenth problem of Hilbert; Stanislav Smirnov is a mathematician, a Fields Prize laureate and other equally outstanding personalities.

I would like to write a few words about this unusual school, in St. Petersburg it is called "Two-three-nine", which this year celebrated its fiftieth anniversary, and which, among other students, I myself graduated from, a school that forever changes the idea of a place where children grow up.

Once inside, you have mixed feelings: compared to any other school, it is quiet here. You can't hear the noisy running and screaming, instead of the usual shrill sound of the school bell, classical music sounds, and half of the teachers you meet have a vacant look and a peaceful smile on their face.

Most of my classmates are sound students (as, indeed, most of the students of the lyceum), therefore, when the next lesson was over, they did not jump up from their seats to rush into the dining room in a noisy crowd, but simply turned to each other and continued the conversation they had begun before the lesson or discussed tricky questions that you can then ask the teacher.

A significant difference from an ordinary school, where, having accumulated enormous energy during a lesson, children run out to recess to throw it out, is that here in the classroom, students do not accumulate energy, but spend it! Their brains are actively and fully working, busy with solving complex and interesting problems, and it is known that mental activity is the most energy-intensive.


Only activities that are much more attractive than simple running around, such as poetry or music, can lure out sound students from classes at recess. Long-term school tradition - "Literary Tuesdays" and "Song Saturdays", well, where else can you see similar announcements:

"Attention! Since Saturday will be Literary Tuesday, Song Saturday is postponed to Tuesday."

UPD. However, today, on Saturday, it turned out that on Tuesday there will be a repeat of Saturday Tuesday, and the song Saturday, thus, is postponed to Wednesday, May 11”.

UPD2. A twist of fate. Tuesday and Saturday are reversed. The repetition of Tuesday 9-2 will be on Wednesday and Saturday on Tuesday, May 10th.”

The atmosphere in the classroom is almost homelike: there are usually cups in the back row, the kettle starts to boil by the time of recess, and teachers and students feed each other with brought bagels-breadcrumbs-dryers, otherwise both of them will simply forget to eat. And, by the way, arguing with the teacher, proving your point of view or aiming to prove a theorem that has not yet been proven, is in the order of things. Teachers prefer to go through the same topic five times, calling on colleagues for help in order to convince students of something, rather than brush it off and go further.

There are no diaries at school (now, however, in accordance with generally accepted rules, electronic diaries have been introduced), but my parents were very surprised at the time: “How is it possible, without diaries? And how are we going to check the grades? " It sounds, of course, strange, but the teachers, showing at the parent meeting a slender row of twos in the magazine, explained to the frightened parents of some student (by the way, an excellent student in the previous school, for example) that everything is in order, Vasya is trying and studying, just for the time being "trained for a deuce", but this does not mean that he is playing the fool.

The main thing in this school is that it is taught to think. And the teachers do not rush the student with the answer, who must first get out of focusing on his own thoughts, and the other students do not shout the answer from their seats. Yes, it is not easy to study here, the volume of material is much larger than the secondary school curriculum and its presentation is unusual, but how interesting it is!

After graduating from school and studying at universities, some students eventually come back and become teachers in their own school, providing themselves with the most comfortable living environment.

In general, after graduating from this school, you get not only colossal knowledge in mathematics or physics, but also that very warm smile on your face in relation to the people around you. And there is no feeling of loneliness before the next step in life, but there is a feeling of community, belonging to something more than just school memories.

PS Last year we got together with our whole class on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of graduation. And how pleasant it was to look at our sound people: they shone with calm, warm smiles - realized, self-confident, many young people who have already become happy fathers of families, held in work and life.

You can learn more about the sound vector and the special mental properties of its representatives at the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. You can sign up for free online lectures here.
