How to be happy: 7 steps to a joyful life
A person's desire is doubled every time it is fulfilled. The joy of what has been achieved gradually fades away to give way to a new dream. Life passes, but there is little joy. How to be happy?
Life passes, but there is little joy. How to be happy? On the basis of Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology", it becomes clear why it is difficult for a person to enjoy life, although each of us was born to be happy.
1. Do not stop there
A key clicked in the door lock, and a cat ran into the apartment. The owners stepped on the threshold behind her. Housewarming! It smells of fresh plaster, instead of a chandelier, wires bristle from the center of the ceiling, there is nowhere to even sit - there is no stool. The apartment is not inhabited, but the new settlers are in seventh heaven! And how long will their happiness last? Sooner or later, the same rooms, even with European-quality repair, will not cause a storm of emotions.
Desire after it is achieved is taken for granted. As a result, a person's life is like a race for happiness. This begs the question: how to prolong the joy of receiving?
A person's desire is doubled every time it is fulfilled. The joy of what has been achieved gradually fades away to give way to a new dream. So, experiencing a shortage and filling it, a person develops, reaches new heights. It is impossible to get something once and stop, calm down.
How can one become happy in such circumstances?
Learn to experience joy not only from getting what you want, but also on the way to making your dreams come true. That is, enjoy, realizing your innate talents to the maximum.
The good news is that whatever a person wants, he can achieve it. For this you need:
- accurately determine your desires,
- get rid of the psychological burden,
- know the source of the resource.
2. Define your desires
People sometimes confuse their desires with imposed ones. It distracts from happiness. For example, it is useless and even inhumane to demand success in business from a man with an anal-visual ligament of vectors. Such people were created by nature for implementation in areas where perseverance, scrupulousness and high intelligence are required, and not enterprise. And what if the owner of a skin vector, energetic, capable of doing ten things at a time, is put to work that requires thoroughness and attention to detail? This will be stressful for him.
A person can never be happy and on a path where properties are needed that do not correspond to his talents.
System-vector psychology helps to understand what a person really wants, what abilities he has, how he can realize them. Having understood their strengths, anyone will understand how to become happy and loved.
3. Become aware of internal contradictions
"When will you get married?" - many women cringe from this question. It's about those in whose souls there is a strange contradiction. On the one hand, you want a family and children, but if you imagine yourself within four walls - you want to howl at the moon. How to become a happy woman? How to be happy when you yourself don't know what you want?
For most of the fair sex, one answer is correct to the question of how to become a happy woman - first to take place as a wife and mother, and then the rest. But there are five percent of women for whom marriage is secondary. These are representatives of the cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors, that is, a special combination of mental properties.
How can such a woman be happy? She must first of all apply her talents in social activities. The range of areas of implementation suitable for her is wide - an actress, a business leader, a kindergarten teacher. If such a woman, under the influence of other people's advice, will forcibly limit herself to the framework of a home lifestyle, then she will never be able to be fully happy.
In a modern city dweller, several vectors can be combined. If, in addition to the skin and visual, a woman is naturally endowed with the properties of the anal vector, then she will simultaneously be drawn to marry and to a career. In addition, the volume of the psyche of today's woman is enormous - it requires versatile implementation.
Only by understanding the intricacies of her own desires, a woman will be able to understand how to become happy and loved in modern society.

4. Get rid of negative conditions
Does the inner critic not subside for a minute? Are the memories of your own failures running through your head for the hundredth time? "It was necessary to answer in a different way!", "How stupid I am," "How could you be disgraced." These and similar non-constructive thoughts often arise in the head of a person with an anal vector when he is under stress or does not find a way to realize natural properties. No amount of self-hypnosis will help get rid of the desire for self-flagellation in such a situation. How can you be happy?
How severe internal conditions of a person manifest themselves (phobias, resentments, depression, etc.) depends on his innate natural properties.
When a person realizes the deep causes of his conditions, he becomes his own psychologist and gets the opportunity to change his life. Psychoanalysis at the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan allows you to get rid of resentments, feelings of guilt in the anal vector, fears and a victim's complex - in the visual, a loser's complex - in the skin, from depression - in the sound.
5. Know what to expect from the other
The girl in tears deletes messages from her ex-boyfriend and photos with him. The young man deceived her trust by cheating on her friend. How to make yourself happy if you do not understand what to expect from people and are faced with painful disappointments?
Understanding the peculiarities of the human psyche, you can protect yourself from bad experiences. System-vector psychology allows you to literally know at a glance who is in front of you - a potential golden husband or a potential sadist, a successful innovator or lover of relationships without obligation, a responsible or careless worker. Then everyone will be able to make the right choice and understand with whom it is possible to build harmonious and productive relationships.
6. Don't save your life
If I want happiness, I must be active. Nature is rational and does not allow a waste of resources. Energy is “released” to fulfill desires. When, instead of realizing talents in society, a person is not able to achieve what he wants, aimlessly surf the Internet, do unloved work carelessly and live in anticipation of Friday, then his desires gradually fade away. There is less energy. And happiness is incompatible with apathy and despondency. The more desires and plans, the less often the question of how to become a happy person sounds.
7. Build relationships
Emotional connections between people are the most generous source of happiness in the modern world. No palaces and diamonds can replace warm, trusting relationships with loved ones. For a person who wants to be happy, it is important to have a loved one by his side, to whom he can tell about his experiences.
Finding out what relations between people are based on, how we perceive others and why we are pleased with someone, and why we try to avoid someone - this is the necessary psychological knowledge for every person who wants to experience joy and enjoyment of life.
Thousands of trainees of the training "System Vector Psychology" have already found their answers to the question of how to become a happy person. Here's how they did it: