Practical psychology

How To Return Love To A Relationship - Find Out How To Return And Restore A Relationship: How To Return A Guy's Feelings, How To Return And Restore A Relationship With A Husband

How To Return Love To A Relationship - Find Out How To Return And Restore A Relationship: How To Return A Guy's Feelings, How To Return And Restore A Relationship With A Husband

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"Do you love me?" - the girl asks her lover again. Three simple words that are most often pronounced with the expectation of something more than a monosyllabic answer. This question can hide frustration, doubt, relationship frustration, and looming problems

On The Role Of The Individual In History And Collective Labor

On The Role Of The Individual In History And Collective Labor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Their names are known to everyone, they were great artists, scientists, engineers. These people are giants of thought, combining numerous facets of human knowledge. They played a significant role in history, made a huge contribution to our understanding of the universe. They were distinguished by crazy erudition and the broadest horizons

Why I Don't Want Anything, Or How To Overcome Apathy

Why I Don't Want Anything, Or How To Overcome Apathy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

What will you do this weekend? Lying in front of the TV, indifferently sorting through the pages of the Internet in search of something interesting? Or will you sleep all day? Friends are calling to relax together, but you come up with thousands of reasons not to go anywhere

My Life Only Seems To Me. The World Around: Illusion Or Reality?

My Life Only Seems To Me. The World Around: Illusion Or Reality?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

My life only seems to me. The world around: illusion or reality? Sometimes I think that my whole life is a big illusion. That everything that happens to me only seems to me, but in fact it is not. Some events take place, I make some decisions, I do things, but it's like it's not with me. I watch all this from the side, as if watching a movie. Not particularly exciting, but I'm wondering what comes next. Like in a computer game - you need to live this life to get on the trail

Diary Of A Boy Not Grown Up, Or Where To Get A Diploma Of Adulthood

Diary Of A Boy Not Grown Up, Or Where To Get A Diploma Of Adulthood

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

He so wanted to be an adult that he quickly grew old. Without having time to grow up

Bitter Smoke Of Resentment, Or Fifty Years Of Solitude

Bitter Smoke Of Resentment, Or Fifty Years Of Solitude

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

It reduces my cheekbones with annoyance: It seems to me what year, That where I am, life passes there, And where there is no me, it goes

How To Get Rid Of Emotional Addiction? Treating Emotional Addiction With Love

How To Get Rid Of Emotional Addiction? Treating Emotional Addiction With Love

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The wedge is knocked out by the wedge only when cutting firewood

How To Forgive Children - Living Forgiveness

How To Forgive Children - Living Forgiveness

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

You have been offended

I Hate My Appearance How To Live With It ?

I Hate My Appearance How To Live With It ?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

I'm eighteen. Last year I graduated from high school and entered the first year of physics and mathematics. But I don’t want to go to university and I don’t want to leave the house at all. I hate myself and my appearance. Why do we have all the beautiful girls on the course, only I am a freak? Everyone has boyfriends, and no one has looked at me in my entire life

Laziness As It Is. Slow Idle Mine

Laziness As It Is. Slow Idle Mine

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Russian proverbs about laziness: "Laziness is older than us", "What's on the lazy's yard, so on the table", "Laziness does not feed a man", "Lie on the stove and eat rolls", "Sleep long - live with debt", " You sleep more, you sin less "," Lazybones and the sun does not rise at the right time! "

Valeria Guy Germanicus School

Valeria Guy Germanicus School

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Valeria Gai Germanika is a bright and talented person. It's amazing how one visual vector combines that very special vision that allows you to subtly feel people and the world around you, and at the same time, shocking and a large share of visual fear

How To Bring Back The Joy Of Life, Or Getting Rid Of The Consequences Of Force Feeding

How To Bring Back The Joy Of Life, Or Getting Rid Of The Consequences Of Force Feeding

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Eat, to whom I speak! Until you eat, you will not leave the table! - Eat it, or I'll pour it out! What have I cooked in vain ?! - Eat everything, do not choose! Ungrateful brute! Sound familiar? Many of us have had to go through the horrors of being force-fed

Yoga For Depression - Does Yoga Really Help For Depression, Read The Tips Here

Yoga For Depression - Does Yoga Really Help For Depression, Read The Tips Here

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The modern Internet is replete with questions about depression, stress and bad mood

The Virtual Sandbox Of God. Lonely Person Isolation Compensator

The Virtual Sandbox Of God. Lonely Person Isolation Compensator

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Your choice has been accepted. Welcome to the Other World, Lait, you have an eternity of time ahead of you, multiplied by an infinity of possibilities. Dmitry Rus "Play to Live"

Life As A Bundle Under The Heel: To Whom The Hairpin Hurts

Life As A Bundle Under The Heel: To Whom The Hairpin Hurts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Give, she says, Mikitka, I'll put my leg on you. And he, the fool, is glad of that: he says that not only the leg, but also sit on me yourself. Viy. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol The henpecked man is a man who agrees with his woman in everything, does not show initiative and does not make any decisions on his own, is completely dependent on his wife, is under her control and always follows her instructions

Sadism In The Family. Part 1. I Want To Hurt You

Sadism In The Family. Part 1. I Want To Hurt You

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

More than 36 thousand Russian women are beaten by their husbands every day. 12 thousand die as a result of domestic violence every year. 97% of cases related to this problem do not go to court. These numbers will terrify any person, and if you take into account that many stories are simply not made public, it becomes really scary. We cannot be calm for our safety not only outside the boundaries of our home, but also behind the seemingly cozy and solid walls of the "home fortress"

How To Stop Being Afraid - Learn How To Solve The Problem Of Fear Systematically

How To Stop Being Afraid - Learn How To Solve The Problem Of Fear Systematically

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

It is difficult to find a person among us who has never been prevented from living by the problem of fear

Nymphomaniac Or Nun Of The XXI Century. Sex As A Drug Or Mindless Routine

Nymphomaniac Or Nun Of The XXI Century. Sex As A Drug Or Mindless Routine

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

She ran, ran and gasped in search of something unknown, mysterious and … suddenly slipping through her fingers at the moment when it seemed that IT was caught. Woke up in bed with some kind of body, it seems, after all, a male. What difference does it make what kind of body is next to her? In her head, dumb questions could not find an answer, and the dignity between the legs of another night fellow traveler made it possible for a moment to forget

An Effective Remedy For Depression In Systems Psychology - Learn And Use

An Effective Remedy For Depression In Systems Psychology - Learn And Use

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Demand creates supply. The modern market is flooded with remedies for anxiety and depression, stress, apathy and all kinds of neuroses. Therefore, our psychological health as a whole leaves much to be desired. The main question remains - how to choose the right remedies for depression out of thousands of offers that will help you?

A Person's Knowledge Of Himself And A Change In Self-esteem - Learn How To Know Yourself

A Person's Knowledge Of Himself And A Change In Self-esteem - Learn How To Know Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Endless inner search. Eternal thirst for knowledge. Someone scattered “bread crumbs” of meanings all over the world. And I, like a beggar, searched for them for many years in order to satisfy my incomprehensible hunger to others. A person's knowledge of himself was a matter of survival in this strange world around. I have always felt that something incredibly important is hidden in this question: "Who am I?"

How To Get Rid Of Loneliness And Depression - An Effective Psychological Method

How To Get Rid Of Loneliness And Depression - An Effective Psychological Method

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Oh loneliness, how cool your character is! Sparkling with iron compasses, how coldly you close the circle, not heeding the useless assurances of B. Akhmadulin

Depression And Drowsiness - Learn How To Get Rid Of Them And Experience The Joy Of Life

Depression And Drowsiness - Learn How To Get Rid Of Them And Experience The Joy Of Life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Even if a whole brass band wakes me up in the morning, I won't wake up. I'm tired of it. The new day has nothing worthwhile for me. Tyagomotina, stupidity and meaninglessness - only this prepares an awakening for me. Everyone says: this is depression and drowsiness. I say: leave me alone

I'm Going Crazy? How To Survive Among People

I'm Going Crazy? How To Survive Among People

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

I'm going crazy? How to survive among people People. Too many of them. They come, crush with a cacophony of voices. What do they want from me? Why are they so close? Pointless chatter, flickering light, irritating odors. Everything torments, tears the structure of thoughts, pulls the brain to pieces

How To Deal With Depression On Your Own - Accurate Psychological Methods

How To Deal With Depression On Your Own - Accurate Psychological Methods

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

You may not want to spend a lot of time running around doctors. Or it’s just hard to tear yourself away from your favorite sofa. One way or another, but you decided to figure out how to deal with depression on your own, how you can get yourself out of bad conditions yourself

What To Do When Things Are Bad? Tips From A System-vector Psychologist

What To Do When Things Are Bad? Tips From A System-vector Psychologist

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Nothing else pleases me. Although until recently everything was fine: at work - successful projects, at home - a loving family, on Fridays - meetings with friends. There was a feeling of happiness. And now … Everything remains the same, only that happiness has disappeared somewhere. Why has everything changed? Why is everything so bad, although it would seem that life is going like clockwork? In this article we will analyze:

Chronic Fatigue, Or Why I Constantly Want To Sleep

Chronic Fatigue, Or Why I Constantly Want To Sleep

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

In the morning, after waking up, I do not feel cheerful

How To Get Over A Breakup With A Loved One To Bring Yourself Back To Life

How To Get Over A Breakup With A Loved One To Bring Yourself Back To Life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Gone are the days when a stamp on a passport kept people together until the last breath of one of them

Computer Addiction: How To Get Rid Of Game Addiction

Computer Addiction: How To Get Rid Of Game Addiction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Thoughts are filled with it

How To Deal With Depression On Your Own

How To Deal With Depression On Your Own

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

You wouldn't do it without a reason. If you typed in a search engine the phrase: how to cope with depression, it means that you have reached a certain point beyond which normal life, as you understood it, ended. You need answers

How Loneliness Affects A Person: Types Of Loneliness, Causes, Way Out Of The Problem

How Loneliness Affects A Person: Types Of Loneliness, Causes, Way Out Of The Problem

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

It is easy to see how loneliness affects a person

The Human Psyche Is An Eight-dimensional Mechanism

The Human Psyche Is An Eight-dimensional Mechanism

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Psyche - the strings of our soul There are a lot of definitions of the concept of "psyche". Medicine, philosophy, psychology and even religion give their own definition of the psyche, explaining in their own way the mechanisms of the inner world of a person. The most common definition is A. N. Leontiev:

Russian Passions. Passion

Russian Passions. Passion

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

It should not be assumed that gambling in Russia appeared only in the 19th century and that the Russian national game has always been bingo, as home-grown historians claim. The younger generation played at grandmas, but adults did not disdain them at fairs and taverns, making serious monetary bets to the delight of the audience

How To Start A New Life And Change Yourself? How To Do It? Answers In Article

How To Start A New Life And Change Yourself? How To Do It? Answers In Article

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Remember the book The Wizard of the Emerald City? The fairy-tale characters wanted to change themselves

You Can't Live Like That, Or Where The Wind Of Change Blows

You Can't Live Like That, Or Where The Wind Of Change Blows

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Let the home walls be fragile, Let the road lead into darkness, - There is no sadder betrayal in the world, Than betrayal to yourself

How To Get Rid Of Obsessive Thoughts, Depression, Fears

How To Get Rid Of Obsessive Thoughts, Depression, Fears

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

“The second day is somehow strangely aching in my stomach … What if I die?” Is not even a thought, because you try not to think about the bad. And yet, somewhere in the subcortex, the panic fear of death clamped by consciousness strives to break out and paralyze with its hopelessness. Anxiety with a clawed paw squeezes the heart: "I must go to the doctor, otherwise I will think about it again day and night."

When Procrastination Is A Misdiagnosis

When Procrastination Is A Misdiagnosis

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The meeting, which had been postponed four times, finally took place

Why Do You Constantly Want To Sleep? The Meaning I Have Lost

Why Do You Constantly Want To Sleep? The Meaning I Have Lost

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"Each sleeping person revolves in his own world." Heraclitus of Ephesus Why can't I get enough sleep ?! I sleep 16 hours a day, but it's still not enough. During the day I walk as if in a dream: I can not concentrate, I think badly. Head as if in a fog. All day I dream of living until the evening, putting my head on the pillow, covering my head with a blanket, and so that no one touches

The Pleasure Principle. A Secret For The Initiated

The Pleasure Principle. A Secret For The Initiated

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Psychologists have long told us that a person lives by the principle of pleasure. Does what is pleasant and tries to avoid what is unpleasant. It is nice to rest, lie in the sun. Work is not very good. But I really want to eat, so you have to get up to get food

Altered States Of Consciousness - Find Out The Truth Hidden In The Unconscious

Altered States Of Consciousness - Find Out The Truth Hidden In The Unconscious

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Our search lasts several millennia

Work For Depression, But How? Find Out Its Reasons And You Can Work With Joy

Work For Depression, But How? Find Out Its Reasons And You Can Work With Joy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Deep down, I secretly dream of being fired. The thought of going to work again is disgusting every morning. But with a painful effort I overcome the negative, for the umpteenth time, and again I drag myself there with my last strength. What to do and how to work with depression?