How to get your child to read books: the best tips for parents
Teaching children to love books is one of the most important things parents can do. A good book is something that sometimes saves even from a bad fate. How to get your child to read and arouse interest in learning?
Does your child come running home and immediately stick to the computer? He prefers modern gadgets to books, sits on social networks for days, and getting him to do his homework is always a feat. You ask at least to clean the room, but after five seconds he forgets about it. You buy him books that you yourself could only dream of as a child, but he doesn't even look at them. Every time you have to go to tricks and tricks to get your child to read and write. “And what is this child? Well, what to do with him? After all, you really want your beloved child to grow up to be an intelligent and educated person, but it seems that the modern generation is completely different and even speaks some of their own, only they understand, slang language. How to get your child to read and arouse interest in learning?
Tips for instilling a love of reading in your child
It is impossible to convince a child to read, let alone force. He will desperately resist at any age - both at 7-8 years old, and at 14. Children do not want to do what they are not interested in, and no advice will help here. In fact, you need not force, but arouse interest, captivate, capture. You can instill a love of reading if the child is interested in reading.
Mutual understanding and emotional connection with parents is very important. If a child trusts his mother with his secrets, consults with her on important issues, feels understanding and that he is loved the way he is, then the mother's word will be meaningful for him. And when you try to captivate him with an interesting book, he will easily make contact. Therefore, first of all, you need to establish an emotional connection between you, make your relationship meaningful. Do not be alarmed that you may not be able to cope. You can pick up a key to the soul of any person if you know the peculiarities of his psyche. And even more so for children.
Think about your child? What does he love, what is he reaching for? Active, nimble and restless or slow, calm and unhurried? Emotional, with sudden mood swings, or the main one in the street company, after which all the children run? Or maybe he is quiet, brooding and loves silence? The approach that he needs depends on the individual psychological characteristics of your child.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to look at a person systematically, taking into account all his qualities, abilities and talents. There are 8 vectors that can be combined in a completely different way in a person, and knowledge of their properties helps to understand the inner world of the people around us. This is especially important for parents to know in order to raise a healthy new generation in every sense.
So, children with a sound vector can start telling an interesting story in a quiet, low voice and break off at the most exciting place. He will want to read this story himself to find out how it all ended. A child with a visual vector has the greatest emotional amplitude, and he will be interested in stories about love and hate, about good and evil. Classical literature is a real storehouse of wisdom, something that evokes vivid, genuine emotions, compassion, makes you think deeply about the important. Such literature is necessary for all children, regardless of the vector set, but it is for visual children that it is simply vital.
You need to teach children to read by example. After all, children may not hear what we tell them, but they always see what we are doing. If parents are passionate about books and demonstrate this to children, they can also captivate and interest them in reading. And the question will no longer arise, for example, how to get a child to read books in the summer. He himself will be happy to hurry towards his beloved heroes if books become his hobby.
It is very good if the family has its own reading traditions. For example, evening gatherings in the family circle with a book. Or take turns reading aloud. This brings together very emotionally and makes family bonds stronger. Family reading is a great way to make emotional ties deeper and stronger, because together you experience the same emotions, empathize with the characters, worry about their fate, cry in touching moments. Children feel that they are not alone at this moment, that loved ones share these emotions, that their experience becomes common. And unconsciously this creates a sense of the reliability and importance of the family. Your children will become your reliable support in the future and will always love and support each other.

Why reading is important
You can get your child to learn to read when they are little by making the process fun and game-like. But what if he is already, for example, 10–12 years old, he goes to school and the very thought of picking up a book makes him sad? How important is it for a child to read?
Teaching children to love books is one of the most important things parents can do. A good book is something that sometimes saves even from a bad fate. After all, the book helps to develop sensuality and the ability to compassion, shapes the character of the child. Empathizing with the fictional hero, he develops internally, emotionally, forms as a person.
Books also help develop imagination and expand vocabulary. Reading the printed text, the child himself draws characters in his imagination, thinks out the details, fantasizes. The picture in the head suddenly begins to come to life and sparkle with bright colors … And this is the first way to develop the child's creative abilities, to direct them in the right direction. Without a developed imagination, there are no artists, no writers or musicians. But not only creative people need imagination. This useful skill will come in handy in virtually any profession related to science, invention, education.
The Internet, with its colorfulness and accessibility, will never give the unique positive effect that only books, especially classical literature, can give.
Why did the children stop reading?
Today, already in the 1st grade, children are ashamed to be without a cool mobile phone. And at 9 years old, they become avid bloggers, counting the number of likes under each photo on Instagram. Therefore, parents are increasingly asking themselves the question - how to get a teenager to read if he is much more interested in watching bright pictures on the Internet or playing a computer game?
Maybe modern children don't like to read because information has become too accessible and everything you want to know is just a keystroke away? But in fact, the reason is different. If the child does not read, then the adults did not involve him in reading. And if you were able to realize this, then you are already halfway to solving this problem.
Already at the free online lectures "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, you can figure out how your child's psyche works and how it differs from others. This will help you find the very key to the soul of a little loved one. You will not only teach your child to read, you will establish an emotional connection, and it will be much easier for you with him in different life situations. You will lay the foundation for building lasting, trusting relationships.