How to treat insomnia: a differentiated approach
When we taste the bliss of a restful and deep sleep, we are equally happy. But we cannot sleep in completely different ways. The causes of sleep disorders in each particular case depend on the innate characteristics of the human psyche, its vectors.
The herd of sheep is already entering the 125th circle for the next recount, and sleep is not in one eye. What we are going to do? Again a handful of sleeping pills in the evening and an unforgettable experience in the morning: feel like a stuffed animal full of sawdust. Tired of it? Let's figure out how to treat insomnia effectively, and not just seize the problem with drugs.
Insomnia has many faces
When we taste the bliss of a restful and deep sleep, we are equally happy. But we cannot sleep in completely different ways. The causes of sleep disorders in each specific case depend on the innate characteristics of the human psyche, its vectors. Before treating an ailment, first let's figure out the reasons why insomnia occurs in you.
With insomnia, you roll around on the bed like a whirligig. In half an hour, the blanket manages to twist around the body twenty times, and it is useless to look for a sheet at all - it has long been on the floor. Periodically itching of the skin occurs, which may be due to a real rash. You may simply have an obsessive desire to scratch or bite your nails. Sometimes a rhythmic movement, such as swinging a leg, helps to calm down.
If you recognize yourself in this description, then by nature you are given the properties of the skin vector: competitiveness and ambition, striving for leadership, high social status and income. By nature, people with a skin vector are mobile and active.
For a skinny, the cause of insomnia may well be an insufficient income level or problems in moving up the career ladder. The thoughts are spinning in my head that a smarter colleague can overtake you and take a profitable position. Or you are preoccupied with how to save money, and you are internally angry with yourself for not being able to earn enough.
A dermal person in a situation of stress or lack of realization of his properties may experience a painful feeling of jealousy. So if you are unable to fall asleep, thoughts may well revolve around the alleged betrayal of a partner.
Skin people can also develop psychosomatic reactions to stress. Their sensitive and naturally sensitive skin suffers: a rash or itchy skin occurs. It is understood that this makes sleep even more hectic, exacerbating the manifestations of insomnia.
Lying in bed, you feel a heaviness in your heart, and sometimes a lump in your throat. With a heavy sigh, you roll over onto the other side in the hope that this position will become easier. It doesn't. The night goes by in insomnia, heavy sighing and attempts to get rid of no less heavy thoughts. What are they about?
Perhaps about how someone really offended you. The feeling of resentment is familiar to many owners of the anal vector. By nature, such people are inclined to ensure that everything is "fair and equal." If they have been deceived or have not been given something from their point of view, resentment arises, which literally strangles and falls like a heavy stone on the heart.
Natural fear in the anal vector is the fear of dishonor. If a situation has happened in which you looked ridiculous or awkward, thoughts about this can haunt you for a long time. Instead of sleeping, you scroll in your head how you should have answered the offender, how otherwise you could have behaved in order to avoid shame.
Insomnia in owners of the anal vector can also be associated with serious problems in the family. Family and children are the basic values of such a person, and he is experiencing difficult difficulties in this area.

Barely close your eyes - your brain starts broadcasting some kind of horror movie. All those fears that you tried to push aside during the day are spinning before your eyes. Even your own room in the dark looks so ominous that you have to sleep with a night light. But what if you need to visit the restroom? Running along the dark corridor so that the heels sparkle and rather back, under the covers, take cover with your head. Fuh … And again a kaleidoscope of scary pictures: I can't sleep. What happened with me?
Wearers of the visual vector may experience symptoms of insomnia triggered by multiple fears. As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology explains, fear is the basic, root emotion of the viewer.
They are incredibly emotional, impressionable people. Their huge emotional range requires adequate implementation among other people: empathy and help to sick, helpless people can be an excellent field for the viewer. In this case, the natural fear of death turns into its opposite - love and participation.
With a lack of realization, the entire sensory potential of the spectator dangles around idle, and the innate fear of death expresses itself in "terrible pictures in the head", fear of the dark and monsters.
The cause of insomnia for the viewer can be the rupture of an emotional connection with a person dear to him, for example, in the case of his departure, the breakdown of relations or death. In some cases, the viewer cannot fall asleep even simply from emotional overexcitement, if the past day was emotionally intense, full of experiences.
Night is the best time of the day. There is silence all around, and finally you can concentrate. It is even easier for you to work at night. Nobody is "over the ears", does not disturb the course of your thoughts. Much better to sleep during the day, while all the people are making noise and running somewhere. It is not clear why others consider this a manifestation of insomnia and try to treat you for sleep disorders, try to impose their own schedule, with which you are uncomfortable?
For one reason only: these people have no idea about the sound vector. It really is much easier for any sound engineer to work at night. As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, at night his brain is most active and capable of concentration.
Being a natural introvert, the sound engineer prefers to work in silence and solitude, and night is the best time for this. If, in addition to the unusual schedule, nothing else bothers you, then the bewilderment of the rest is not so important.
Insomnia when nothing helps
The sound engineer may also show signs of real insomnia. It is formed gradually, as a result of deep deficiencies in the realization of those properties and abilities that are given to the sound engineer by nature. What are they?

The soundman is puzzled by the search for the meaning of life, he is interested in the structure of the universe and the deep reasons for the events taking place. His brain needs focus. If he does not do this, avoids thinking, does not find answers to internal questions about meaning, does not realize the properties set by nature among people, for example, in science, programming, literature, then he loses interest in life, he sees it as dull and meaningless.
Sleep disturbances are just a symptom of deep psychological deficits in the sound engineer. At first it may be excessive sleepiness, the sound engineer can sleep for 14-16 hours a day, trying to "escape" from the dull reality.
Chronic insomnia comes later. The soundman cannot disconnect from the stream of thoughts thundering in his head. He is disturbed by distant sounds, hammering on his ears, driving him crazy. So nature itself pulls the sound engineer out of the tenacious paws of sleep, forcing him to perform the tasks assigned to him. Typically, this inability to sleep is accompanied by severe depression and sometimes suicidal thoughts.
It is with sound insomnia that doctors usually prescribe strong hypnotics or antidepressants, since there are no other ways to cope with this most serious condition in official medicine.
How to treat insomnia in each case?
Sleep disorders in the owner of any vector occur in conditions of insufficient realization of innate properties or in a stressful situation in a significant area of his life.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to realize and realize all the best that nature has laid in us. As a result, people get massive results in getting rid of any bad conditions (resentment, anxiety, fears, depressive states and suicidal thoughts), sleep is naturally restored and well-being improves.
Are you suffering from insomnia? Give yourself the opportunity to realize yourself and sleep well. Amazing discoveries about yourself await you already at the free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register here.