Games For Kids That Develop Attention - Child Development Is In Your Hands

Games For Kids That Develop Attention - Child Development Is In Your Hands
Games For Kids That Develop Attention - Child Development Is In Your Hands

Games for children that develop attention

Didactic games for attention today can be found not only in the form of desk manuals, card indexes or book assignments. There are many online games for attention, when children perform similar tasks on the computer. What kind of children are they suitable for?

The ability to concentrate is one of the prerequisites for a child's success in school. In this article we will look at interesting games for children that develop attention. They will help toddlers prepare for the role of future excellent students.

In preschool age, children learn a huge amount of information. Their higher mental functions are actively developing - the formation of visual and auditory perception occurs, thinking, attention and memory develop. Kids show involuntary attention: they focus on what is important to them. Adults support this involuntary attention - they talk about objects and processes that are interesting for the child. But the role of the future student requires that the child himself be able to focus on the information provided by the adult. This skill is called voluntary attention, and you cannot do without it in the educational process.

Games for children that develop memory and attention help to build up the stability of voluntary attention. You can use them at preschool age, they are also useful for younger students. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help to select tasks taking into account the abilities and properties of the child.

Didactic tasks and board games that develop attention

  1. "Find differences". One way to train your attention is to look for differences between two images. For children of junior and middle groups of kindergarten, tasks are suitable where there are few differences and they are large. In the preparatory group, tasks contain up to 10–12 minor differences.
  2. "Inappropriate picture". This attention-building game also aims to find visual differences between images. Among several identical images, there is one that differs from the others. You need to find it and explain why this picture does not fit.
  3. "Pick up a pair." The file contains images of several pairs of objects. For example, a pair of mittens or socks of different colors. In this attention development game, the task of the children is to sort the mixed images in pairs.
  4. Find the missing piece. The picture shows an object, part of which is missing. The child is offered fragments of different colors and shapes. In this attention development game, the task is to choose a fragment that matches the picture.

Such didactic games for attention today can be found not only in the form of desk aids, file cabinets or book assignments. There are many online games for attention, when children perform similar tasks on the computer. What kind of children are they suitable for?

games for children developing attention
games for children developing attention

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that children endowed with the properties of the anal vector have a high stability of voluntary attention and special perseverance.

By nature, their thinking is systems-analytical, they are focused on small details and details. Therefore, it is precisely board didactic games for attention or their analogs on the computer (online games for attention for children) that are suitable for them.

Didactic games for attention imply reliance on visualization. Therefore, children with a visual vector do well with such games that develop attention. Their eyes are distinguished by many more shades of color and shape features than the rest of the guys. They instantly see the nuances in the difference between images.

And how to train the baby's attention if he cannot sit still? He is agile and nimble, he is characterized by a minute shift of attention from one to another. Outdoor games that develop attention come to the rescue.

Outdoor games that develop attention

The easiest way to train the attention of a nimble child is through movement. So, children with a skin vector have logical thinking, they get along well with numbers. All these properties must be considered when choosing a game.

  1. Game that develops attention: "Sports simulator". The presenter reads out different words. If the word denotes an object belonging to the "sport" category, the kids run. If not, they freeze.
  2. "Edible-inedible." This good old-fashioned attention-building game has many modifications today. For example, you can "catch" only what is meant by items of clothing, furniture, toys.
  3. "Charging". The host reads out the rules. An action must be taken on a word from a certain category. For example: vegetables! - sit down "in the garden", fruit! - hands up, like a "tree", transport! - we run and "turn the steering wheel". When the children have memorized the instructions, the game itself begins, which develops attention. The leader reads out the words, the children perform the necessary actions.

  4. "Magic bag". This developmental game involves the development of a child's attention through tactile sensitivity. Children feel and pass several small objects in a circle. Then all items are folded into an opaque bag. In this attention-developing game, the task of children is to pull out a certain object by touch at the request of the leader.

These are just a few examples of games that attract a child's attention with a skin vector. His natural talents are logic, interest in numbers, mobility, tactile sensitivity, quick attention span. Knowing these features, you can come up with different ways to attract the child's attention through play. Not didactic, but mobile or plot-role.

The main thing is to remember that a dermal child will never possess the same properties as a carrier of an anal vector. It is more difficult for him to be assiduous and focused on details, he will not deal with didactic aids for a long time. You don't need to demand such qualities from him - he has other talents and you need to develop his voluntary attention differently.

train attention
train attention

Attention games for auditory perception

For successful schooling, it is important to train the child's attention to hearing from childhood. After all, he has to focus on the teacher's speech. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that boys and girls with a sound vector are endowed with the most sensitive ears. They often have an ear for music, sometimes absolute. Games that draw the child's attention to sounds that promote auditory focus are essential for these babies from an early age. It is important to take into account that the sounds are not too loud and harsh.

  1. Musical task "High-low". This educational game will help in the development of attention for children of the younger and middle groups of kindergarten. The teacher plays alternately in the upper part of the keyboard - children point with their fingers "rain", then in the lower part - at low sounds children stomp "like bears".
  2. "What's the noise?" In the game, attention is drawn to the sound of various objects - rattles, bells, wooden spoons. Then the teacher turns away and “makes noise,” and the children guess what sounded.
  3. "Toys". In this attention development game, children should only clap their hands if the name of the toy sounds in the adult's speech. Similarly, you can take other categories (clothing, dishes).
  4. "What doesn't fit?" This game for the development of children's attention is used in the senior and preparatory groups. A series of 4 words sounds, one of which does not fit. For example, all the words mean flowers and one means clothes. The child determines which word is "extra".

Arbitrary attention: we develop children competently

Understanding the psychological characteristics of the child allows you to choose the optimal games that train and develop attention. It is also easy to choose games that develop memory or other skills. You will know everything about how to develop a child's natural talents:

Do you want your baby to grow up developed, to study safely at school? Learn more about its psychological properties at the free online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register using the link.
