The states of the visual vector. Doctor's notes
Calling an ambulance for production. A middle-aged woman sits at the machine, convulsively swallows air, clutching at her chest, her eyes are widened, her body trembles … The first thing that an untrained eye sees: a person dies from lack of air!
Here he is sitting, white as chalk, with tiny beads of sweat on his forehead. The pulse is barely palpable, the pressure has dropped below normal. A harsh-looking man of 42 years old, he had just taken blood from a vein. In general good condition, he came with a complaint of chest pain, the doctor sent him for tests. Seeing this reaction from the patient, the nurse was alarmed. An ambulance was called, suspecting a heart attack. The fears were not confirmed. The cause of hypotension and fainting was … a reaction to the sight of his own blood. Determined by a certain state of the visual vector and therefore absolutely predictable - any system thinker determines this state in a person after the first minutes of communication. Whether old, small, strong or fragile, regardless of gender and status in society,a person with a visual vector in a state of fear cannot stand the sight of blood and faints at the sight of a tiny wound. He cannot become, for example, a surgeon: in an emergency he loses his composure.
Emotional buildup (hysterics)
In hysterics, a young girl fights, bursts into tears, bursts into tears. Nearby (and it is also not by chance that this is exactly how: next to a skin-visual woman is an anal man), a confused guy is trying to calm her down, but this only adds fuel to the fire - the screams become louder, the cry is even more bitter. This is how an emotional buildup looks like: in fact, the visual person simply throws out the accumulated, overflowing emotions. Having determined this, it is safe to say that a person has a visual vector. Either developed (that is, able to direct all his bright emotional amplitude to love and empathy), but temporarily stressful; or undeveloped. And then this is an even more difficult condition, because apart from the root feeling of fear and the need for attention inherent in the visual vector, there is nothing to fill the huge emotional amplitude with,given by nature to people with a visual vector.

Calling an ambulance for production. A middle-aged woman sits at the machine, convulsively swallows air, clutching at her chest, her eyes are widened, her body trembles … The first thing that an untrained eye sees: a person dies from lack of air! There is a bustle nearby, worried colleagues are trying to help, someone opened a window, someone managed to get ammonia … The more they try to calm her down, the more she diverges: she can no longer control the erupted state of fear. From hyperventilation, she becomes dizzy. This is a panic attack - a mental disorder with secondary bodily symptoms, which doctors treat with sedatives. At the time of taking the medication, it works, but what next?
It is interesting that in the west there are especially many such patients, which indicates a massively undeveloped visual vector in their population, which remained in a state of fear. This feature could not but affect the equipment of the ambulance, which is often called in case of panic attacks: in Germany, for example, in each car there is a special long thin tube through which they are forced to breathe during an attack of panic, it is physically difficult and requires effort. Thus, breathing is artificially slowed down, along with this, palpitations and dizziness - physical symptoms caused by hyperventilation - disappear. This is how doctors solve the problem of bodily manifestations of a panic attack. But what about fear, which is the cause of such emotional outbursts?
Fear and constant anxiety
Fear can be like this, abstract …
The young guy called an ambulance. Excitedly explains that he is scared, unbearably scared. Now he already feels that he is not in control of himself. Says that if his emotions get out of control, he will have to go to the hospital again. His hands are shaking, anxiety in his eyes, he looks extremely worried. He cannot explain what exactly he is afraid of, but the feeling of inner anxiety and excitement deprives him of peace. He had already taken a sedative and a second antidepressant pill, but he was not relieved. His psychiatrist advised to call an ambulance.

He does not work and does not study, he lives on a disability allowance (the reason for his disability is the same - fears), his whole life is within four walls. I ask: "Do you read books, watch films?" No, he's afraid to get excited. So he lives, squeezing his feelings inside, afraid to move so as not to make a wrong move. He himself does not realize that without life outside he is doomed to be afraid all his life. But you need to - shift the vector of attention from yourself to those who are nearby. Fear is conquered only by realizing its roots and realizing one's vivid emotions through empathy and empathy, and nothing else!
Fear can be specific …
One visual boy was bitten by a dog very badly in childhood, if the adults had not intervened, it could have been bitten to death. Since then, for more than 20 years he was afraid of dogs, he could not even be with them on the same side of the street. The feeling of fear at the sight of a dog was accompanied by uncontrollable physical reactions: his pulse slowed down, his blood pressure dropped so that he could faint. Consciously he could not do anything about it and had to avoid dogs by all means.
His fear disappeared after the first level of Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology", disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed. He just suddenly noticed that he was riding in a cramped elevator next to a large dog and did not feel anything!
The state of fear, which in the meanings means primarily fear for one's own life, is a primitive state of the visual vector. The rest of the fears (darkness, swimming, flying an airplane, etc.) are only a consequence of the basic root fear. Normally, before puberty, development takes place, we learn to fear not for ourselves, but to empathize with others, first at the inanimate level, then at the vegetable, animal level, and as maximum development at the “human” level. The higher the level of development and realization, the less fears a visual person experiences. In adulthood, advanced optics give their empathy and empathy to others. The highest state of a developed visual person is love. But even the most developed visual people in a stressful situation can feel a sense of fear. In the absence of adequate development, visual people remain in a state of fear, unable to notice other people's suffering, to empathize with them. In this case, fears, emotional swings, tantrums, and a high level of anxiety will be the only filling of a naturally-set huge emotional amplitude.
Boys with visual vectors are especially at a disadvantage. After all, a boy is not supposed to be afraid, show weakness, cry, be it tears from fear or from an excess of feelings. So the sensuality and emotionality of the visual vector in a man is initially defined as weakness and suppressed. Without the development of the specified properties, visual men remain forever in a state of fear.

Anxiety is familiar to all visual people, but in the case of stress and lack of fullness of the visual vector, anxiety becomes hypertrophied and already interferes with the life of the person himself and his loved ones. “Vassenka, what is it on our granddaughter’s neck, look how it pulsates, we need to show it to the doctor,” she will lament and invent a problem until she forces the doctors to scan a healthy and happily living child from head to toe.
No wonder they say “fear has big eyes, make an elephant out of a fly” - this is all about the representatives of the visual vector and their ability to dramatize any situation.
The need for the visual vector for attention can cause emotional blackmail: “Son, where are you going? To meet with friends? Well, go … If you come back, and I am no longer alive, know that I loved you …"
In the absence of adequate filling and application of emotions, the need for attention becomes insatiable. Sometimes it may seem that an energy vampire lives next to you, as in everyday life people call unrealized visual people who draw out compassion and sympathy from you to themselves. Diseases are also used as emotional blackmail, when a person is subconsciously not even interested in recovery, and a disease (perhaps even contrived) is the tool with which a hysterical spectator "legally" satisfies his need for sympathy and attention.
An attempt at suicide in a person with a visual vector is the peak of emotional blackmail aimed at intimidating, demanding attention and sympathy. Underdeveloped stressful visual people can actually do something with themselves during the period of emotional swing. As a rule, they cut their veins or swallow pills, but they do it in such a way that there is always room for a step back, so that they have time to be helped. By opening their veins, they do not mean to kill themselves (they love life and, like no one else, are afraid of death). They definitely take care of being discovered, and they will do it either in a crowded place or at home a minute before loved ones arrive. The main thing in their actions is to be noticed. If you cannot satisfy your need for attention with good, they use extreme means. Therefore, when it comes to pseudosuicide, as a rule,this applies specifically to a person with a visual vector in the described states. If their emotional blackmail succeeds, as a result of their actions, a fuss is formed around them: a frightened mother wrings her hands, the guy returns and in a trembling voice finds out if everything is in order and will live? Caring doctors bandage wounds and ask how this could have happened. The goal of this action will be achieved and can be fixed as a conditioned reflex. And no medicine will help here. Antidepressants are not needed in this case, it is important to direct the emotionality of the visual vector in the right everything all right and will live? Caring doctors bandage wounds and ask how this could have happened. The goal of this action will be achieved and can be fixed as a conditioned reflex. And no medicines will help here. Antidepressants are not needed in this case, it is important to direct the emotionality of the visual vector in the right everything all right and will live? Caring doctors bandage wounds and ask how this could have happened. The goal of this action will be achieved and can be fixed as a conditioned reflex. And no medicine will help here. Antidepressants are not needed in this case, it is important to direct the emotionality of the visual vector in the right direction.
The main thing is not to confuse the visual person and the sound person with suicidal thoughts. The owners of the sound vector, experiencing severe states of depression against the background of unrealization of sound desires, have a very high risk of complete suicide. It is important to notice in time that a person is bad in order to help. Unfortunately, without the knowledge that is given at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, it is not at all easy to accurately assess the state, because the sound person, in contrast to the visual one, is amimic and silent.
The police called an ambulance to the scene. A rape report was received, a medical report was needed. A young skin-visual girl, all in tears, could not calm down for a long time. Rape - an accident or a pattern?
It turns out that this can be foreseen. As a rule, skin-visual women are raped in a certain state. A skin-visual woman in a "state of war" is a seductive woman, in a state of fear she all the more emits pheromones that cannot be resisted. The share of fear in it is the greater, the less it is developed and realized. The behavior of such a woman is always provocative, even if she herself is not aware of this. Much less often, a developed, temporarily stressful woman with a skin-visual scenario can become a victim. It is important to be aware of your condition, then it becomes possible to avoid unhappiness.
Psychosomatic diseases
A middle-aged woman complaining of pain in the shoulder girdle and headaches. He looks tired, there are tears in his tender eyes.

I delicately ask her questions, wanting to find confirmation of my thoughts. As soon as she begins to talk about herself, about problems in her personal life, tears break through, a sore one comes out, an emotional state is found, which became the cause of muscle clamps, which caused pain in her neck and back of the head. Its main problem is hypertension, high blood pressure, which is difficult to treat, it fluctuates within very large limits, despite the regular intake of medications. With daily monitoring of the pressure, it was seen that there is a direct dependence of the readings on her emotional state. Against the background of sedatives prescribed by a cardiologist, the pressure was much more normal. But she can't live on tranquilizers all her life!
Psychological help eased the condition for a while, but did not solve her internal problems. And the reason lies in her visual vector. She has a developed, beautiful, but in severe stress (emotional connection with her husband is broken). Problems in her lower vectors, also caused by her relationship with her husband, aggravate the situation. Her only fulfillment is in work, she is a teacher, work by vocation saves her. I talked to her for a long time, helping her to cry out her bitterness, to speak her feelings and to be heard. She felt better. This is psychotherapy of the visual vector - what, in a certain sense, it does for others at school, noting the mental states of children, supporting and guiding them. With this she is alive, but this cannot replace the visual woman of realizing her feelings in personal relationships. And as long as this is so, her pain, unfortunately,will be in it, causing bodily reactions, signaling the non-fulfillment of desires, which find a way out only in this way.
The visual vector is a source of incredible pleasure: spiritual closeness and emotional interpenetration, vivid experiences of earthly love as it is. Or the cause of endless suffering: fears, hysterics, despair. Two poles of one vector. The choice is yours.