The Exact Causes Of The Onset And Development Of Autism In Children Are Revealed

The Exact Causes Of The Onset And Development Of Autism In Children Are Revealed
The Exact Causes Of The Onset And Development Of Autism In Children Are Revealed

The reasons for the development of autism: why does my baby "withdraw into himself"?

With favorable development in childhood and realization in adulthood, the owner of the sound vector is able to realize himself as a prominent scientist, researcher, talented poet and musician. But mental trauma in the sound vector becomes the cause of the formation of autism in the child, pathological manifestations and signs of his natural introversion appear. How exactly does the child get this injury?

“Hello, my dear, mom is at home! I miss you so much, son. Come I will give you a hug! And look what I brought you … ". A detached, indifferent gaze slid over me and settled on the toy. A second later, the gift migrated into the hands of his son, his back flashed in the doorway of the nursery, and the door closed. My arms outstretched to the child hung with powerless whips, and the smile disappeared from my face. Sharp pain once again pierced the heart with a silent cry: “Why him? Why my boy? Should there be clear reasons for the development of autism in my child?"

The reasons for the development of autism in children: many versions without an exact answer

His son was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. The search for the reasons why a child develops autism led me to the following main versions of this disease, at that time known to science:

  1. Vaccinations were considered one of the hypothesized reasons for the formation of autism in a child. It has been argued that autism is caused by an immune deficiency. The harmful effects on a weakened body are caused by the viruses themselves, causing autism. There was another version: the mercury preservative contained in the vaccine has a detrimental effect. Poisoning of the brain with mercury salts causes mental disorders described by a diagnosis such as autism. The complex of measures included a powerful antiviral treatment, antifungal complexes.

  2. Multiple metabolic disorders were considered to be another reason for the development of autism in a child. The body of a child with autism, according to this version, does not have the necessary enzymes that break down certain foods. It was also argued that the bodies of children diagnosed with autism do not sufficiently absorb the necessary vitamins and minerals. This gave rise to whole schemes of exhausting diets, in which the child could not eat much. In addition to such treatment, children with autism were supposed to be given huge doses of vitamin complexes.
  3. Studied the genetic causes of the development of autism in a child. Scientists were looking for a gene responsible for the development of a disease such as autism.
  4. There were also other variegated attempts to explain the reason for the formation of autism in a child: the age of the parents, global information overload, the environmental factor, the presence of relatives with schizophrenia.
causes of autism disease
causes of autism disease

With my son, who is diagnosed with autism, we have tried to no avail with diets and vitamin complexes designed to solve the problem of autism. Later, having become a special psychologist and having devoted many years to correcting the development of children diagnosed with early childhood autism or autism spectrum disorder, I made sure that none of the hypotheses listed above provides a complete explanation of which children are at risk and how to avoid it.

The reader does not have to go through this frustrating journey, like the thousands of parents who have diagnosed a child with autism. Just ask yourself a question - at least one of these versions is capable of giving a clear explanation: “Why exactly such a child? Why me?"

The last resort (psychiatrists) also just shrug their shoulders about the causes of autism in a child. Here they will help to register a disability and prescribe a treatment that will not eliminate the disease at all. Maximum - will dull the manifestations of pathological symptoms characteristic of autism.

Is that enough for you as a parent? I don’t think so.

Systemic causes of the formation of autism in a child: a solution to a mysterious disease

With all the variety of specific signs and symptoms that early childhood autism is rife with, there must be something in common that unites children with this mental disorder. What exactly? The answer to this question is revealed by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

According to this scientific knowledge, mental illness can only develop in the owners of the sound vector. It gives a person special properties of the psyche: immersion in oneself (introversion), concentration on one's thoughts and states.

With favorable development in childhood and realization in adulthood, the owner of the sound vector is able to realize himself as a prominent scientist, researcher, talented poet and musician. But mental trauma in the sound vector becomes the cause of the formation of autism in the child, pathological manifestations and signs of his natural introversion appear. How exactly does the child get this injury?

causes of autism
causes of autism

Psychotrauma in the sound vector as the main cause of autism in a child

The ear is a particularly sensitive area for a small sonic. A child diagnosed with autism is sensitive to the rustle of unrolled candy from the farthest room. And the baby does not react to your speech or his name. Why?

It is through the ear that the child receives the mental trauma that forms such a disease as autism. The following reasons for the development of autism can become a trigger: quarrels in the family, high-pitched conversation, loud music, offensive meanings in the speech of adults, which the baby picks up unconsciously.

As a result of injury, he is fenced off from the outside world and even household noises (hairdryer, vacuum cleaner) become painful for him. The clatter of washing dishes in the kitchen sounds like a landslide in the mountains. At first, the child closes his ears, later he loses the ability to learn, to perceive the meanings of speech. This becomes the reason for the formation of autism in the child.

The psychological state of the mother is of great importance. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that up to six years of age, the development of a baby directly depends on how much the mother is able to give him a sense of security and safety. If the mother carries in herself unconscious psychotrauma, if she feels bad, then she involuntarily deprives the child of a sense of security and it is much easier to break into a cry in a moment of tension. What becomes an additional cause of autism in a child with a sound vector.

The sound vector is dominant, but not the only one. Each of us from birth has the properties of several vectors. Sound trauma and autism in a child cause distortions in the development of other vectors. For example, the distorted development of the cutaneous vector is the cause of such symptoms in autism in a child as hyperactivity and decreased attention. Distortions in the development of the anal vector become the cause of such signs of the child's autism as aggression, lethargy, and the desire for rituals.

Autism in a child: exact causes, a real way out

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan comprehensively solves the problem of childhood autism:

  1. Describes the causes of autism in children, gives recommendations for raising a child with a sound vector.
  2. It reveals the causes of pathological symptoms in autism in a child (aggression and auto-aggression, obsessive movements, echolalia), helps to choose the exact methods of correction.
  3. Helps the mother get rid of any unconscious psychotrauma. The mother's condition plays a key role in clearing a child's autism diagnosis.

Childhood autism is not a sentence. This is confirmed by mothers whose children got rid of the diagnosis of autism forever:

You can find out the exact reasons for the development of autism and give your child a chance for recovery by starting with a free online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register using the link.
